Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

4 APRIL 2, 1940 LEADER-TRIBUNE Quartet Music Presented for Association Music by. the Pilgrim Quartet was' provided at the dinner meeting. held. by the Travelers' Protective Association Saturday night in the rooms of the. Young Women's Christian Association: quartet was composed of Miss no Emmons, Beals, contralto; Miss Ellen Thomas Russell, tenor, and 0.

B. Bahr, bass. IS Mrs. W. D.

Argo Was the soloist. In the business session the officers were elected: A. B. president; Sylvester Stevens, vice-president; E. Shira, secretary-treasurer, and O.

E. Miller, Charles Lennon. I. Reynolds board of directors. chairmen chosen were S.

D. McClain, legislature; Hugh 'Smaltz, railroads; J. C. Woomer, hotels; Edgar L. McKown, good roads; F.

M. Smaltz, employment and relief; John Milford, water.ways; C. B. Curry, safety; John Hardesty, membership; Earl Mason, publicity, and Dr. Clyde G.

chaplain. Present were Mr. and Mrs. A. B.

Sheron, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Reynolds, Mr.

and Mrs. L. A. Prickett, Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. Hardesty, Mr. and Mrs. M.

E. Shira, George Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.

Lennon, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Miller, Kenneth -Bilbee, Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Woomer, and Mrs. Hobart Connelly, Ted and Eugene Connelly, Mr.

and Mrs. Rowe, Courtney Mr. and McDonough, Mrs. Donald Mrs. Frank Behers, Mr.

and Mrs. A. B. Quigley and Jean Breckenridge. -4 Mr.

and Mrs. Pine Are Honored at Party Doris and Mary Helen Hunt entertained several friends, with a party recently at their home 'on West First street in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pine of Anderson. Entertainment consisted of euchre, games and contests, and prizes were awarded to Rosemary Ginney, Joann Wintz and Phyllis Collins.

Refreshments were served to Mr. and Richard Pine, Mr: and Mrs. Carl Ackley, Maxine Bollhoefer, Guynfor Pence, Darrell Gene Pence, Rosemary Ginney, Phyllis Collins, Joann Gene Estle, Gilbert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hunt, Russell Hunt, and Doris and Mary Helen Hunt.

North Grant W.C.T.U. Institute Arranged Members of the North Grant Woman's Christian Temperance Union have completed plans for their annual, institute to be held Wednesday in the Second Salem Church. Leader the session will be- Mrs. Delene Nelson. Sessions for the institute opened at 10:30 a.

m. The following will give department talks: Mrs. Anna Taylor, inedical temperance; Mrs, Belle Hudlow, alcohol education; Mrs. Ada religious education and Mrs. Jesse Kem white ribbon recruit service.

After an accordion number by Mrs. Groff, Mrs. Carl Pattison wit give a temperance reading. Mrs. Bunnie Cook will read the devotions, and Mrs.

Fay Myers willoffer prayer. Following a talk by Mrs. Nelson the topic, "Our Place in the World of Mrs. Ina Eviston and Mrs. Isabel will be in charge of the special, music.

A potluck luncheon will be served, and each member has been asked to take a dish of food and table services. Relatives Hold Dinner on C. V. Clark's Birthday V. Clark was honored by group of relatives Sunday.

'at a party at his home in celebration of his birthday anniversary. A pot luck dinner was served at. the noon hour, and gifts were presented. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Newsome, Mr. and Mrs. Nellis Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stackhouse, Mr.

and Mrs. Raphel Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mr. and, Mrs.

Melvin Mrs. Carl 'Sields, Miss a Marjorie Briles, George Clark, Roy Clark, Clark, Floyd, Jones, Beck Sue Stout, Marlene and Allan Clark, Jack Dee Joan Shields and Mr. and Mrs. C. V.

Clark. THE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BEING NERVOUS READ ABOUT IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTS! Quivering nerves can make you old, bagyard, cranky and hard to lite with -can rob you of sleep, good tires and jobs. If due to need of a good woman's tonictry famous Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Let Pinkham's.

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and Launderers Euchre Club Will Meet With Mrs. Stevens Mrs. Ancil Stevens was hostess to the Euchre Club at a party recently at her garet Edwin and Mrs. Jerome Charles Reed, Miss Miami awarded prizes, Those present were Mrs. Reed, Miss Erwin, Miss Alice Julian, Miss Kathryn- Delp, Miss Maxine Dallas- MeAtee and Mrs.

Hostess at the next meeting will be Miss Delp at her home. Luncheon Held By Church Unit nie Keeler. Three Entertain Circle in Meeting at Church Mrs. William Cook, president of the Mayflower Class of the Temple Congregational Church, was in charge of the meeting of the class Monday at home of Mrs. 'Addie Craig.

A one o'clock potluck luncheon was served with Miss Louella Whybrew serving 88 the assistant hostess. Those, present were Mrs. A. W. Carr, Mrs.

J. Frank Eshelman, Mrs. Charles Halderman, Mrs. William Dushek, Mrs. Paul Moore, Mrs.

Craig, Mrs. Fred Lenox, Mrs. Frank Brandon, Mrs. Fred Hiatt, Mrs. William Holinsky, Mrs.

Clista Chavens, Mrs, Edward Beck, Mrs. Maurice Lugar, Mrs. Nellie Chapman, Miss Whybrew, Rev. and Mrs. Everett D.

Hood, Mrs. G. L. Simons, Mrs. Nora Leas, Mrs.

Lee Springer, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Leslie Baker, assisted by Mrs. Ernest Imler and Mrs. Roy Wells, was hostess to the Flower Circle of the Grace Methodist Church at a meeting recently in the church.

Leader in the devotional period was Rev. E. B. Megenity, pastor of the church. After the group singing roll call was answered with Bible quotations.

Contests were held under the direction of Mrs. Vern Boots and Mrs. George Jones. After a song by the group, roll call was answered with Bible quotations. Mrs.

Vern Boots and Mrs. George Jones were in charge of the contests. and guests attending the meeting were Mrs. Rosa Bal. linger, Mrs.

Clarence Jackson, Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, Mrs. Earl Hershe, Mrs. Everett Usher, Mrs. Orville Eshelman, Mrs.

Dale Carper, Mrs. Walter- Clevenger, Merle Landis, Mrs. Lester Showalter, Mrs. David Wilson, Mrs. Julian Cook, Mrs.

Clarence Smith, Mrs. Lavon Underhill, Mrs. Roscoe Woodring, Mrs. Mark Hinkle, Mrs. Vaughn Hatfield, Mrs.

Charles Thompson, Mrs. Ernest Imler, Mrs. Mrs. Robert Yeakle, Mrs. Russell Veach, Mrs.

Jones, Rev. Megenity, Van Dine, Mrs. Smither Baumbaugh, Mrs. Wilbur Mrs. Edgar Mrs.

Sarah Young, Mrs. Boots, Mrs. John Morgan, Mrs. P. L.

Bishop, Mrs. Lester Baker, Mrs. Pearl Harrison, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs.

Ray Runyon, Mrs. JV. J. Farley and Mrs. P.

C. Al Jo Club Entertained by Mrs. Laura Oliver Mrs. Laura Oliver. was hostess to the Al Jo Club at a party recently at her home on South Adams street.

Contact was played, and prizes were awarded to Miss Fairy Rinehart and Mrs. Roy Ragon. -were served to Miss Lucile Ballinger, Miss Rinehart, Mrs. Wilbur. Chapman, Mrs.

Byron Ireland, Mrs. Miss Leah Stump, Mrs. M. J. Mulberry and Mrs.

Laura Oliver. G.D.C. Club Members Meet. at Savesky Home Barbara Savesky entertained the. G.D.C.

Club at a meeting afternoon at her home on West Seventh After a short business session refreshments were served.Mathose Jo present Lett, were Barbara Martha Childers, Neal, Violet Stewart, June Sprinkle and Barbara Savesky. 44... Society Plans Dinner Plans have been made for the Women's Missionary Society of the Central Christian Church to hold an all day mecting Wednesday at the Emily Flinn Home. A potluck: luncheon will be served at the noon hour, and a program will be given in the afternoon. Those desiring transporation have been asked to call Mrs.

Gerald Bonham, 3488, and Mrs. Ernest Jolliff. 1881-R. All of the women of the church have been invited to attend, Institute to be Held An all day institute will be held by the -Kingsley Woman's Chris: tion Temperance Union April 9 at the home of Mrs. Eva Reeder near Matthew's.

Mrs. Corda Hickam will preside. Mrs. Arletta Harshbarger will be the guest speaker for the session. Each person attending the institute has been asked to take a dish of food and table service.

Tour Is Arranged. Members of the Victory Home Economics Club will tour Brown-Trueblood, Tuesday. Those wishing to attend have been asked to meet in the company offices at 2 p. m. Circle Will Meet Members of the Opportunity Circle will be guests of Mrs.

T. D. noon at her home, 1429 Spencer. Lung a party Wednesday afteravenue. Mrs.

Bales to Entertain Mrs. Grant Bales will the Ideal Bridge Club with a meet- ing Friday night at her home, 3702 South Boots street. Study to be Conducted 'Mra. Leo Paulic will road the paper as the study at the meeting of the "Ave Maria Study Club of the St. Paul's Catholic Church Thursday night at the home of Mrs.

Leon Cole, 808 -Mason bouleI vard. County Calendar Matthews Home Economics Club -Mrs. Thurlow. Needler. APRIL 3 North Grant -W T.

U. Second Salem Church, Maple Run W. C. T. U.

Mrs. Ernest Miller. "Mill. Township Home Economics Club-Mrs. Bessie Baker.

APRIL Ladies' -Matthewg- Presbyterian Church-Mrs. Eva Kirkwood. Ladies' Aid, Morris Chapel Church-Mrs. Worth Bish. Fowlerton W.

C. T. U. Iva Caskey. Monroe omics Club Township Mrs.

Home Wilmount. EconHaines. APRIL 5 Back Creek W. C. T.

U. Mrs. Merrill Shugart. Franklin Township Home Economics Club- -Mrs. Esta McConnell.

Northside Van Buren Home 'Economics Club Mrs. Mary Plummer. APRIL 8 Cart Creek Home Economics Club Special meeting, Mrs. Jesse Winger. APRIL 9 Kingsley W.

C. U. Mrs. Eva Reeder. Upland" Community Home Economics Club-Mrs.

Kelley Snider. Jefferson- Monroe Home Economics' Club- Mrs. Alta Carrol. 10 Fairmount Mutual Home Economics Club--Mrs. Norman Will Home Economics Club Mrs.

Leslie Eakins. APRIL 11 Ladies' Aid, Oak Chapel Church Olive Thomson, APRIL 12 Willing Helpers Club Mrs. Sylvia Little. APRIL 16 Deer Creek Home Economics Club-Mrs. Albert Shugart.

APRIL 18 Farrville Home Economics Club -Mrs. Esther -Palmer. APRIL 2 Mrs. Clista Cravens, chairman of the third group of department aides of the Gen Shunk Woman's Relief Corps, No. 63, was in charge of a food sale and party Friday afternoon in the G.A.R.

Memorial Hall. The program was. "opened by singing and pledging allegiance to the flag. Susannah Culbertson played a piano solo, after which. several communications were read, and a reading was given by Mrs.

Cravens. Prizes were awarded to Louise Harper, Myrtle Yale, Sadie Roye and Susannah Culbertson, Refreshments were served to Della Bilbee, Artha Clapp McCoy, Sadie Roye, and guest Louise Harper, Maude Morehead, Myrtle Yale, Susannah Culbertson, Clista Cravens, Catherine Roush, Annie Jennie McCallister, Clara Hood, Dora Os-born and Gertrude. Culbertson. The next meeting will be held Friday in connection with the district spring convention, when the following program will be beginning at 9 a. Convention called to order- by entertaining corps president; introduction of district president, Dertha Huss, Bluffton; introduction of department and past department officers; Scripture reading by Chaplain; Prayer and flag salute; welcome address and response.

Columbia. City, Fort Wayne, and Montpelier Corps will then exemplify various parts of the ritualistic work. In the afternoon the regular meeting of the- Marion Corps will be held, after, which a question box wil be conducted. Mrs. Clista Cravens Was Leader in Meeting Wedding Anniversary Will Be Observed Mrs.

Marie Dickason, chairman: of section one of the Ladies'. Aid of the Presbyterian Church of Matthews, will be in charge of the meeing. of the. members Thursday at the home of Mrs. Eva Kirkwood.

The dinner will be given in observance of the twentyfifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood and will be served at 11:30 a. Each member has been asked to take a dish of food. Song History Reviewed Mrs.

India Nose: reviewed the history of the writing of the song, "Wearing of the at the meeting of the Unity Home Eco- I nomics Chub recently at the home' of Mrs. Edna Urs: Helen Kirkpatrick was the assistant hostess. After the devotions' Ida Day, the demonstration was presented. Doris Ellen McCart- I Grant tion agent. Emma Dean and Mary Riggs.

gave the. lesson, and Effie Payne, a short talk on the Chronicle-Leader Tribune school. Helen Kirkpatrick received. -the sunshine gift, and Zora Payne, the prize for the scrapbook. Refresh-1 ments were served) Meeting Announced Miss Rose Gormley, president of the Alpha, Zeta Zeta sorority, has announced that a meeting of menbers will be held at 7:30 p.

11. today in the New. Marion Hotel. Club Arranges Party A party. be given for the I Lake Wana Ladies' Conservation! at 7:30 p.

m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. William Babb, 1813 Marion avenue. In the business session the club will complete: plans for a benefit card party to be held April 24 in thi. Indiana General Service Club rooms.

Meeting, Is C'alled Delta Sigma sorority mew- bers will hold a meeting night Hotel Spencer. In chars of the session will he Mrs. Ruth Markley. president. Mrs.

Bish To. Entertain Mrs. Worth Bish will entertain Ladies', Aid. Morris Chapel Church at a meeting Thurs-! day. at her home.

Assistant fesses wore Mrs. Alvin Howitt, Miss Dora -Hawking) and- Mrs. Floyd King. I Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Brunt and Mrs. Albert Sloan left: Sunday for Wahinsgton, D. where they' will. visit Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Newell. Dr. Rose Remimek of Rensselaer has returned to her home following a visit, in Marion with her cousin, Miss Nellie Doyle. Frederick Dury, North street; who -underwent-an-appendectomy last. week, was taken to his home Sunday and is reported improved.

PJ Gladson Bowman' has returned to Wabash College, Crawfordsville, where he is a student, after spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Gladys Bowman. Mrs. Sarah Satterthwaite had as her guests Sunday at her home, Mrs. Zella Elzey and Mr.

and Mrs. Irvin Elzey and children near Warren. Mrs. Elzey and Mrs. Satterthwaite are isters.

Miss Jane has returned to Purdue University, West Lafayette, after spending her spring Vacation in Marion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ballard. Don Earnhart, son of Mr. and Mrs.

D. A. Earnhart, West Sixth street, who has been ill at his home, is reported improved. Mr. and Mrs.

Seth Thomas and daughter, Ann Thomas Oskaloosa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Collins, 613.

Spencer avenue, last weekend. Mrs. Collins is. A daughter. of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas. Hubert Morrison and Joseph Osborn are spending a few weeks in New York on business. Converse PERSONALS ALS Mrs. Jack Kingsland and daughter, Joan, have returned to their home in Davenport, following a visit with Mrs.

Norman Cowdin and other relatives Marion, Mr. 'and Mrs. William- H. Sharon spent Sunday in the Turkey Run State Park. Miss Marjorie Pierce, Miss Marilyn Pierce and Mrs.

Paul Wood Jonesboro were Sunday guests of Mr. and Allen Slusser. Mrs. Minnie Ernst, who has been ill at. her home for a' few days, is reported improved.

Mrs. Frank Stropes, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jacobson, Evanston, are visiting relatives and friends for several days. Mrs.

Jacobson was formerly Mias Betty Stropes. Miss Mary Margaret Howard, Washington street, was in Indianapolis during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Fowler, William Fowler and D.

H. Fowler will go to Wabash Tuesday afternoon to attend the funeral services Miss Cynthia Fowler, sister of D. H. Fowler. spent Sunday in Hartford City Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph, Pfeiffer visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cox and Mr. and Mrs.

Oliver Dearduff. Jack Pavey, who. underwent an appendectomy in the hospital, was taken to his home on the Wabash road Sunday. A Verlin Renbarger of Kenosha, is visiting his mother, Mrs. George Renbarger, West, First street.

Wednesday he will leave for Portland, where he will make his home. Fairmount Fairmount, April C. Hadley, after being the guest of relatives here for a week, has returned to her home in Bellfontaine, Mr. Mrs. Floyd Helms and son, and Miss Evelyn Leash, of Bowling Green, Ohio, were the weekend guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Burr Leach, and other. relatives bere. Wilbur Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs.

West Eighth Lamont street, Brown, has living been ad- on mitted to the Marion General Hospital for observation and treatment of a stomach ailment. Mrs. J. L. Broderick returned Sunday from ra two weeks visit with her mother, Mrs.

Ellen Kennedy, living at Freeport, Ill. Miss Martha Louise Payne returned to her home in Lansing, after spending two weeks at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Winslow. Mrs.

Edith Bevington has returned from a week's visit with relatives living in Connersville, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Beasley and son, of Alexandria, spent Sunday evening Fairmount as the guests of friends and relatives.

George 'Hollenbeck and Bert Little, named by Trustee Ora W. Florea to be. in charge of the as-sessing of property located in Fairmount township, outside of the incorporated towns of Fairmount and Fowlerton, nearly completed their work last Saturday, turning in their sheets to the trustee's office. Charles Allen and Lee M. Roberts, who are listing the property located inside the two way, but the most of the present towns, have their work well under month will be required to finish the task.

The completion of farm schedules during March established a new speed record. The 50 students of the Earlham College, choir, which presented a program at the Friends Church tonight were guests of the young people of the church for dinner. The visitors were entertained in private homes of the Phillip Albertson came up from Indianapolis, where he is a memI.ber of the senior class of Butler University, and will spend the comTing week as guest of his mother, Mrs. Gretchen Albertson. Mrs.

Elizabeth Rush after spending a week as the guest of relatives, living in Indianapolis, returned to her home northwest of town. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Benbow, Gaston, were the Sunday evening guests of friends in Fairmount. Beech Ryan and his sister, Miss Mabel Ryan, have arrived in Florida, traveling auto trailer.

They expect to remain there indefinitely. Sweetser Sweetser Sweetser, April 1-Emanuel Harreld entertained at a chicken. supper recently at. his home, north of town, for Mrs. J.

R. Fisher, Ann Arbor, Mrs. Frank Kindbert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard Peterson, Mr.

Kenneth Bonner. and daughter, Edna Mae: Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Harreld and daughters, and Mary. Shirley Stevens' loft for, Detroit where he has secured employment.

1 Mrs. Reuben Clanin has been ill for several days with tonsolitis. Those. from who attended the funeral for Mrs. Susie Har-' reld, at Jonesboro Wednesday were Mrs.

Lottie Harreld, Olan Harreld, Emanuel Harreld, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson, Harry "and Loonard Peterson. Mr. and Mrs.

James Smith have received word that their daughter, Mrs. Irene Corn, is recovering from a recent illness. Mrs: Ella Shoffield, of near Somerset, called on Mrs. Catherine' Jester Tuesday afternoon. Mrs.

Etta Hullinger plans to return to Michigan Saturday after receiving word that one of her sons is in a hospital there with an infected foot, which may have to be amputated. ONLY 5 WEEKS UNTIL TAX PAYING DEADLINE May 6, last Monday before' primary election, wilt be the deadline for taxes, County Treasurer Harlan Haves warned The treasurer's office will be openi from. 8 m. to 4 p. Satur.

days until the deadline, Hayes? stated, and he asked the cooperainition of taxpayris in avoiding a "last mute d' City Calendar TUESDAY Morning Love W. C. T. U. Street U.

B. Church. Original Friendship Afternoon Club- Mrs. W. H.

Riley. Marion Women's Department Club--Club Rooms. Peconga Council Berean Church--Church. Class, Grace- -Methodist Night Golden Rule Class, Christy Street U. B.

Church Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pritchett. Alpha Zeta Beta New Marion. Hotel: Sixteen Club-Mrs.

Frank Yohler. Peconga Council Knights of Pythias Hall. Pan tel Marion. Hellenic Association -HoWEDNESDAY Morning Women's Missionary Society, Central Christian Church Emily Flinn Home. Afternoon Wednesday Study Club Mrs.

G. G. Richardson. D. Lung.

Opportunity Circle Mrs. T. J. T. Club Mrs.

Albert Night Lake Wana Conservation ClubMrs. William Babb. Daughters of America Hall. Theta Rho Girls' Club--I. 0.

0. F. Hall. E. L.

Club Mrs. Samuel. Handschy. Mrs. W.

B. Stephenson's Class, First Methodist ChurchChurch. American Home. Legion AuxiliaryDelta Theta Tau- Hotel Spencer. THURSDAY Morning Ladies' Aid Christy Street U.

B. Church Rev. and Mrs. C. C.

Afternoon, Center Township. Economics Club Mrs. Sidney Cress. Pythian Sisters' Circle -Temple Hall, Hotel. Woman's Club- New Marion Thursday Historical Club W.

A. Brown. Night Delta Chi Sigma -Hotel Spencer. Pollyanna Club Mrs. Earl Herche.

Ave Maria Study Club Mrs. Leon Cole. Daughters of. the Covenant, Temple Congregational Church. -Mrs.

R. F. McMillan. Tri. Kappa -New Marion Hotel.

FRIDAY Morning Church Day First Methodist Church. Night Ideal Bridge Club Mrs. Grant Bales. Anin Club-Mrs. George McBride.

Mrs. Webster Entertains With Birthday Party Honoring the third birthday niversary of her son, David Web-1 and the fourth birthday anniversary of Carol Sue Sailors, Mrs. Marshall Webster was hostess at South a party Washington recently at street. her home on Mrs. Floyd Sailors and Mrs.

Charles David were assistant hostesses. Present for the party were Judy Rounds, Mary Fisher, Jean Sailors, Erline Stephenson, David Gerald Johnson, Tinkle, Phil. Norman, David Webster, Alta Jane Dawn Arlene Dils, Carol Sue Sailors, Barbara Gottfried, Frances Ann Martin; Mrs. Howard Sailors and son, Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mrs.

Vaughn Tinkle, Mrs. Virgil- Gottfried, Mrs. Charles Syphax, Mrs. David, Mrs. Sailors and Mrs.

Webster. Kokomo Chapter Initiates Candidates of Lodge Twenty candidates of the Marion chapter of the Women's Auxiliary of Eagles Lodge were initiated the Kokomo lodge in the meeting Sunday afternoon in the home, South Branson street. Kokomo group which was awarded first prize in its work at the national convention in Chicago last year, conducted the initiatory rites and also presented a special drill. Members of. the Wabash lodge attended the session.

A dinner was served to more than 200 members and their guests with Mrs. Ida Hasty, serving 88 general chairman, assisted by the following officers: Mrs. Nate Orr, past madam president; Mrs. H. C.

Britt. president; Mrs. Ernest Shinaut, vire-president; Mrs. Clark Lee; Mrs. lehry Holmquist, secretary; Mrs.

William Murphy, treasurer and Mrs. Edith Kilburn and Mrs. Ito Haynes, trustees. Meeting In- Changed The meeting of the Missionary Group of. the Methodist Churches planned for Friday in the Fowlerton Methodist Church has been (postponed for one week.

of this change the meeting of the Fowlerton W.C.T.U. was changed from April 11 to Thursday at, the home of. Mrs. Iva Caskey. Club -Postpones Mertin The mecting of the "Happy Hoosier Club planned for Wednesday afternoo nat the home of Mrs.

Elmer Smith has barn postponed for two 1: Club Plank Supper' Members of the Half Hundred Club will, hold A potluck supper and shower for Mrs. Bishir Weaver Wednesday night at her home, 2353 West Ninth street. Each member has been to. take a dish of food and. Wedding Anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Overman will celebrate their silver wedding anSunday. at their home east of Marion. Open house will be held during the afternoon and evening for their friends and relaAF- MrA.

Herche Hostess Members of the Club will be entertained by Mrs. Earl Herche with a party Thursday night at her home. Wedding. Will Be Read in July The engagement and approaching marriage of Miss. Sara 'Leota Feuchtinger to Paul Anthony May, Detroit, have been announced by, the former's mother, Mrs.

Mary Feuchtinger of Chicago. The wedding will take place July 21 at the home of Mrs. Feuchtinger in Chicago: Mrs. Leota Mozingo, grandmother of the bride, and Miss Kitty Smith, a great aunt, have returned to their home here after attending the party.in. Chica-4 go.

Mrs. Curfman Gives 8 luncheon and meeting recently at her home on West Thirtyeighth street. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Harry Davidson, Mrs. Minor Hopkins and Mrs.

Leonard Thomas. Mrs. Harold Roades, Mrs. William Roades and Mrs. Walter Todd were made members of the society during the business- Mrs.

Edgar Smith gave talk on Cuba Merle and Davidson Jamaica and after Mrs. which John Mrs. Hickman sang a duet. Mrs. Charles Weil presented the lesson.

Those present were Mrs. Wilbur Brookshire, Mrs. Lawrence- Kenney, Mrs. William Green, Mrs. Leonard Thomas, Mrs.

Moss. burg, Mrs. Charles Gard, Miss Gertrude Small, Mrs. Burton Smisor, Mrs. Harry Davidson, Mas.

Ernest Smith, Mrs. Harry Kreider, Mrs. Curfman, Mrs. Minor Hopkins, Mrs. Charles Weil, Mrs.

Fred Wagner, Mrs. Frank Newsome, Mrs. Merle Davidson, Mrs. John Hickman, Mrs. Ben Theibert, Mrs.

Carl Miller, Mrs. Walter Todd, Mrs. Edgar Smith; Mrs. Leslie Bradford, Mrs. Emiline Russell, Mrs.

Delmar Kesot, Mrs. William Roades, Robert Bradford, Marilyn Kay Kesot and Mary Lou Roades. Luncheon for Society Mrs. N. J.

Curfman entertained the Second Women's Friends Missionary Church Society with of Two Are Honor Guests at Birthday Dinner. Mrs. T. J. McCullough and grandson, John McCleery, were guess of honor at a birthday dinner given at their home Sunday.

Several cakes were used for the table decorations. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCullough, and Mrs. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles McCullough Marion McCleery and, children, and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wesco and son, Warren; Mrs. Edward Loftis and sons, Ruth Wesco, Eva Price, Thomas Hurley, Walter Murray, Clifford Rust of Sims, Wilma McCullough and Mr.

and Mrs. J. McCullough. Two Will Present Program for Club Mrs. Forest Conder and Mrs.

R. E. Innis will present the program before the Wednesday Study Club in its session Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. G.

Richardson, South Washington street. This session was planned originally for last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Askew will be in charge of the session. Plans Institute Mrs.

Herman Herzog will be the leader in the institute scheduled for the Love Woman's Christian Temperance Union today in the. Swayzee Street United church. The program will be opened at 10:45 a. and a luncheon will be served by the women of the church at the noon hour. Following the devotions by Mrs.

Carrie Jamison, Mrs. Amos Jackson will give talk on Christian citizenship, and Mrs. Frank LaBoyteaux will speak on the topic, "Temperance and Missions." A playlet directed by Mrs. Addie Herring and music by Mrs. Mildred White will constitute the remainder of the program.

Meeting Scheduled An all day meeting has been scheduled for the Ladies' Aid of the Christy Street United Brethren Church Thursday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Croy, 510 Christy street.

A potluck dinner will be served, and each member has been asked to take a dish of food and table service. to be Given Mrs. Wilmont Haines, state road 18, will 'be hostess Thursday afternoon to the Monroe Township Home Economics Mrs. Georgia Stout will be assistant hostess. The lesson will be given by Mrs.

Ralph Wright and Mrs. Orvin Himclick. Mrs. Donald Strange wilt rive a' talk on "Garden A bulb -exchange will be held during roll The meeting will p.m. 4, Meeting Scheduled A meeting- of the Ladies of "the G.

A. R. will be held at 2.p. m. today in the hall.

Announce Meeting Officers of the 'Daughters America will be in charge of the meeting of members Wednesday night in the hall. ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY North Manchester, April -Eldon M. Wright, North Manchester attorney, today announced his candidacy on the Republican ticket for the post of prosecuting attorney. Wright was admitted to the bar last September. 1 SEVEN Teacher to Talk Before Club in Meeting Today.

Marion Women's Department Club members will hear an address by C. E. Byers, superintendent of: the Huntington Public Schools, in' a meeting Tuesday afternoon in the club rooms of the Rex "Poetry" will be the subject of the; Mrs. Hubert Morrison, as chairman of the literary division, will be in charge of plans for the program, Music will be given by Mrs. J.

W. Brimacombe, accompanied by Mrs. Eva Robinson. session Presiding, be during the business Miss Emilie Charles, club head. Marion Group Takes 118 Part in Concert A group of Marion musicians appeared with the Kokomo wymphony orchestra Sunday night a concert at 'the Grace Methodist Church of.

Kokomo. This was the second of the orchestra, directed by Edward Turechek, in -Kokomo this year. Among those from Marion taking part in the 'concert were Miss Betty Jean Fields and Robert Beshore, who played flutes; Miss Mildred Phillips and Edgar ling, violas; Thuri Burr, oboe; Robert Hill, cello; Milo Fields, trombone; Edwin Ball, tympany; Robert Williams, cornet, and Paul Edwards, bass clarinet. A potluck dinner was served before the concert to the members of the orchestra. Others attending the program from Marion were Mrs.

Edwards and son, Paul, Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. J. Phillips and Mrs.

Edwin Ball. Peconga Council School Will Be Held in Hall Arrangements are being made for the school of instruction to be held by Peconga Council, 136, Degree of Pocahontas, Tuesday afternoon and night in the Knights of Pythias Home. More than 250 members and their guests are expected to attend. The afternoon meeting will be opened at 2 p. m.

by Mrs. Eva Cragg, great Pocahontas; Mrs. Bessie Koltz, great Winonah, and Mrs. Flora Gutzpfel, great keeper of records. A supper perenting be served preceding the meeting at 7:30 p.

m. Class Plans Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pritchett will be hosts to the Golden Rule Class of the Christy Street 'United Brethren Church at A meeting tonight at the home of Stephenson street. Converse, April and Mrs.

Philip Eviston entertained the high school faculty members at their home Friday at a "Backward Party." A social time was spent refreshments served to Mr. and Mrs. Ovid Daon, Mr. and Mrs. E.

C. Carvey, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shull, Miss Glendora Presser, Miss Elizabeth Powell, Cletis Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.

Wilbur Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Morris Uphause Crist, and the Mrs. hostshert Crist and Mrs.

D. E. Warnock spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Crist and daughter, at Swayzee.

Those accompanying Dr. C. A. McGuire and his nigh school ensembles to Berne Saturday, where the district contest was held, were Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Eviston, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Jardine, Mr: and Mrs. Ernest Snyder, Mrs. Robert Sowash and daughter; Mrs.

D. E. Darnock, Mrs. Harry Prickett and son, Eldo; Emerson Resler, Don Newell, Norma Jean Rennaker and Robert' Pearson. Anna Sumpter returned home Saturday after spending the winter in Colorado.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drook, Norman and Russell Drook, Mr. and Mrs. D.

Warnock and daughters, Phillis and LoujeaR, were en- tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Warnock Sunday, for dinner. and Mrs. Donald Sharp and Mrs.

Martha Gordon, spent Sunday with relatives and friends here: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey "Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs.

Orville Larrison and Miss Wilma Larrison, Amboy, attended the state basketball tournament in In-1 dianapolis Saturday. Methodist Ladies' Aid- will be entertained. of Mrs. Wednesday Guy afternoon Taylor. Mrs.

Katie. Hafer, Miss Evelyn Prickett and Paul Prickett attended a birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Coll Sweet. Allen Kling was brought home from the Dukes Memorial Hospital, Peru, Sunday afternoon. He is improving rapidly.

Greentown Greentown, April 1- The Greentown High School band, which was organized at the beginning of the present school year, has begun rehearsal under the direction of Madge Griffin, instructor, for summer street concerts, sponsored by the Business and Professional Men's Club here. Among those from out of town who attended the funeral services of Joseph. Saylors were Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Ross, Sidney, Fred Born, Detroit, Mr.

and Mrs. Damon Garr, New. Castle; Gene Garr, LaPorte; Mrs. Kenneth 01- iver, Frankfort: Mrs. James Stew.

ard, Kokomo; Clifton Wright, Indianapolis; Mrs. Charles Garr, Logansport; Mr. and -Mrs. Russell Mrs. Robert McDonough.

Marion. Rev. James Landon Carter, Ludow, and Mrs. Lois Martini and son, Meredith, Columbia were called here. Friday by the death of their father, James I.

"The local will hold A spring institute Friday at the Methodist Church. with Mrs. Frank R. Wilson, state Christian Citizenship director, of Muncie, as principal She speak for the high school 12:30 p. m.

Music will be provided by" "high school students," and a junior oratorical contest will feature the afternoon program. Rev. and Mrs. A. E.

Leese, Montpelier, visited. with friends here Tuesday. They will leave soon to take up their. work in the Metho- dist conference in Now Jersey: Miss Constance Scott has returned to the Lindenwood School, Charles, after spending spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

James Scott. The Union Township Home Economics Club was hostess Wednes- I day night at a dinner honoring the Union school basketball team, and the school patrons. C. Fiellls, uperintendent of the school, acted as. toastmaster.

introducing Garland L. Rathol. Kokomo, who his travels in Europe last summer. Coach- Jackson gave brief talk and prosented sweaters to the senior members of the team. Mrs4 Shirley Ellis.

Miss Rosiland Shockley. Mrs; Edna- Ann Echel: barger and. Mrs. Fern Hickman were members of the 'committee charge. Once they whispered Tam so sorry: Now they admire for a Clear Skin rich.

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Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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