Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024 (2024)

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  • byWoodstock Witch

See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024 (1)

It’s official, Aries! This is the season to step into your boss era and lead like the visionary that you are. Your leadership skills are taking centre-stage right now. No wonder your peers are drawn towards you like bees to honey! Wield your influence to make a difference—to inspire those around you to dream bigger dreams and go after what they once considered impossible. What does faith in motion mean to you and how do you surrender to the mysterious forces, above and below? Something to think about as you sip on your morning elixir, Taurus. Today, the cards are reminding you that surrender is an active practice, one that requires you to do your best and then step back and allow the universe to come through. So, breathe, centre yourself and observe the miracles that are unfolding all around you. Gemini, is it serving you to imagine the worst case scenario? Is it serving you to repeat the victim narrative, over and over again? This is your cue to hold space for an open and honest conversation. To clarify things with your friend or beloved. Who knows? You may just find an amicable solution in the process *and* discover something you didn’t know about them.

So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most!

Aries Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

It’s official, Aries! This is the season to step into your boss era and lead like the visionary that you are. Your leadership skills are taking centre-stage right now. No wonder your peers are drawn towards you like bees to honey! Wield your influence to make a difference—to inspire those around you to dream bigger dreams and go after what they once considered impossible. That said, some of you may be thinking about investing in a course of some sort. As always, trust where your inner GPS is leading you towards. If going back to your books feels like a huge investment at this time, start saving up right away.

Cosmic tip: Lead your team towards greatness.

Taurus Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

What does faith in motion mean to you and how do you surrender to the mysterious forces, above and below? Something to think about as you sip on your morning elixir, Taurus. Today, the cards are reminding you that surrender is an active practice, one that requires you to do your best and then step back and allow the universe to come through. So, breathe, centre yourself and observe the miracles that are unfolding all around you. Recognise the delays and the detours as a part of the grand plan too as you honour the invitation to get in alignment with your deepest desires—now.

Cosmic tip: It’s time to get in alignment with your deepest desires.

Gemini Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

But, is it serving you to imagine the worst case scenario? Is it serving you to repeat the victim narrative, over and over again? This is your cue to hold space for an open and honest conversation. To clarify things with your friend or beloved. Who knows? You may just find an amicable solution in the process *and* discover something you didn’t know about them. That said, you’re also being called to indulge your curious nature as you move through Virgo season. Pay attention to what you’re being called to invest in—perhaps, a course that will enable you to level up in some way. Thinking about researching on a subject close to your heart? Now is an excellent time to do so as well!

Cosmic tip: Don’t assume, ask.

Cancer Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

Alright, Cancer, it's time for a little tough love. Have you noticed some of those self-sabotaging habits sneaking back in through the back door? Maybe you’ve been indulging in late-night snacking a bit too much or skipping those morning routines that keep you grounded. It’s all good until it starts messing with your glow-up, right? And let’s not even get started on that toxic ex who’s been lurking around in the background. Retrograde season is playing tricks on you, making you nostalgic for things that were never good for you in the first place. So, resist the urge to go down that road, moon child. Focus on levelling up instead. Your future self will thank you for letting your “head” take the reins.

Cosmic tip: Your future self will thank you for letting your “head” take the reins.

Leo Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

You were born to do this, Leo! You came here to do this! Now is *not* the time to play it small or dull your sparkle. It’s the time to claim the centre-stage, and humbly so! The cosmic weather is holding space for you to address your deep-seated fears. That said, things may be feeling “glitchy” on the interpersonal front, with issues related to communication popping up. Here’s a mantra you want to remember as you move through retrograde season: don’t assume, ask. Besides, you’re all too familiar with the perils of engaging in mental gymnastics.

Cosmic tip: You came here to do this.

Virgo Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

It’s time to ditch the blame game, Virgo. Rather than seeing yourself as a silent bystander, recognise that life's unfolding in your favour. Your higher self isn't just a spectator here—it's actively shaping your destiny, guiding you to your core truth. So, why not shift your perspective? Own your role as the master architect of your life. Imagine your conscious mind as the diligent gatekeeper to your deeper thoughts. Watch the narratives you weave and make that profound shift. PS: You're in charge here!

Cosmic tip: Instead of blaming your circ*mstances, recognise your role as the conscious creator of your destiny.

Libra Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

Libra, it’s okay to feel your feelings—grief and pain are part of the journey. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to marinate in your misery. It’s easy to get stuck in the "what could’ve been" mindset, but remember, there’s still so much goodness in your world.Shift your focus to what *is* working in your favour. Who’s supporting you at the moment? What little joys are showing up in your day-to-day adventures? Gratitude is your best tool right now as it will help you shift your energy from “lack” to “plenty”.

Cosmic tip: Feel your emotions, but don’t get stuck there. Focus on what’s working out instead.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

Today, it’s all about teamwork. Whether it’s at work or within your close-knit circle, you’re in a prime position to inspire the best in those around you. How, you may ask? By leading with empathy and making everyone feel seen, heard, and valued for exactly who they are. Encourage open dialogue, celebrate everyone’s contributions (and quirks!), and create an environment that feels inclusive. As for freelancers and solopreneurs? The cosmic weather is supporting you to forge connections with powerful collaborators who will help you take your work to the next level.

Cosmic tip: Lead with compassion!

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

Your disillusionment is understandable, Sagittarius. But, it isn’t a good enough reason for you to give up on your big dream. So, feel your feelings, beautiful. Laugh, cry and scream into the void, if you need to. However, once you’re done, gather your strength, tap into your inner reservoir of wisdom, and make your way back to the battlefield. You know what you are here to do! Trust that you have the help and support you need and that the resources required will always be provided to you. Oh, and one more thing! Your instincts are on point. Trust what they’re telling you at every moment,

Cosmic tip: Give yourself the permission to feel your feelings.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

Capricorn, your superpower is “discernment”. The ability to truly understand the motives of other people so you can gauge who you want to sync your forces with in the coming month. Just a reminder: your energy is your currency, beautiful! That said, you are stepping into a period of prosperity. Play your cards right. Coupled Saturnians will find that their relationship is blossoming too. That they’re feeling supported in more ways than they can count. The secret to peace and tranquillity? Learning *not* to sweat the small stuff.

Cosmic tip: The Gods and Goddesses of Plenty promise to pay a visit.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

Aquarius, you’re stepping into a time of hope and healing. So take a deep breath and know that the light at the end of the tunnel will reveal itself! Instead of focusing on what’s gone, redirect your energy towards emotional and spiritual well-being. Journal your thoughts, attend a gentle yoga class or practise meditation. Connecting with the element of water—also recommended at the moment! Woodstock recommends: ritualistic bath, a trip to the beach, or even just a walk by the river.

Cosmic tip: Embrace hope, healing, and creativity—let water and art guide you back to yourself.

Pisces Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024

You’re at a point in your journey where you understand that there’s no substitute for hard work. So, you’re placing the long-term goals at the front and centre of your mission as you move steadily in the direction of the desired destination. At the same time, you’re letting go of your attachment to a specific outcome and replace “fear” with “trust”. You know in your heart of hearts that you came here to thrive, to flourish, to step into the most embodied version of yourself! As such, expanding your queendom/kingdom may also be on the cards for some. Hiring and training new members is an integral part of this process. Interview potential candidates thoroughly but also trust your intuition. We are in the midst of retrograde season after all!

Cosmic tip: Your hard work and dedication will take you places.

  • In this story
  • Aquarius
  • Aries
  • Cancer
  • Capricorn
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Pisces
  • Sagittarius
  • Scorpio
  • Taurus
  • Virgo

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Horoscope Today: August 24, 2024 (2024)


What is the personality of a Virgo August 24? ›

Intelligent, loyal and ready to use what life threw their way, they are practical and willing to cope with any problem that might come up. They will fix what is broken, in their material, emotional and mental worlds, knowing that only when things are ended, new ones may begin.

What will happen to Leo in 2024? ›

You will be blessed with good fortune and prosperity, primarily because of your hard work and strong determination. 2024 Leo career predictions also indicate that you may find a new path or direction vis-à-vis business/job prospects, will allow you to grow without many obstacles.

What does it mean to be born on August 24th? ›

August 24 natives have a great many personal goals, but they must first come to grips with how they feel about themselves. They are doers, and they will never stop trying to achieve their dreams. Once they learn to trust their instincts, they can go far.

Which horoscope is for August? ›

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Who is a Virgo likely to marry? ›

As a Virgo, you take your time with love. You don't rush into things and prefer to have control. This might differ from what your partner is used to, but it's just how you are. The most compatible matches for Virgos are other Virgos, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.

What is the soulmate for August Virgo? ›

So, Who's the Best Match for Virgo? Virgo, practical and analytical, seeks a soulmate who shares their pragmatism and commitment to self-improvement. Taurus and Capricorn provide the stability and dedication that Virgo seeks, fostering a partnership grounded in mutual support and growth.

Who is Virgo compatible with? ›

Virgos are grounded, so their ideal matches are often Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus. Virgos may intellectualize their feelings before leading with their hearts. Yet, once they feel that it is safe to be vulnerable, they will do everything possible to bring pleasure to others and be a rock for them.

What is the symbol for August 24? ›

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgo's deep-rooted presence in the material world.

What is significant about August 24th? ›

1949 NATO is Established

The North Atlantic Treaty, which established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), an intergovernmental military alliance, came into effect on this day.

What are August born called? ›

Those born between July 23 and August 21 are considered Leos, whereas those born between August 19 and 23 are said to be Virgos. The 8th month of the year, August, holds immense significance. People born in this month come under two zodiac signs, Leo and Virgo.

What is the monthly horoscope for Virgo in August 2024? ›

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for August 2024: August brings a month of growth and transformation. August brings a month of growth and transformation for Virgos. With new opportunities in various aspects of life, it's a great time to take calculated risks and pursue your dreams.

What are my three signs? ›

When it comes to astrology, your sun, moon, and rising signs are typically referred to as your “Big 3.” Okay, cool, but what does that mean? Each of these signs indicates something about your personality. They also speak to your ego, motivations, emotions, and other parts of your identity.

24 August Birthday Horoscope & Astrological ...Astrology.com.auhttps://astrology.com.au ›

Astrology Sun & Star Signs, FREE Daily, Monthly & Yearly Horoscopes, Zodiac, Face Reading, Love, Romance & Compatibility PLUS Much More!
A Virgo born August 24, symbolized by the Scales, is known for manners, a good disposition, and generosity. Learn about August 24 birthday astrology.
August 24 Zodiac Birthday Signs - You are mentally sharp, quiet, and self-assured, and there is more to you than meets the eye. Generally wanting things.

What are August Virgos like? ›

“August Virgos bring a dynamic blend of expressiveness and practicality, influenced by Leo-Virgo cusps energies,” the rapper said, “September Virgos, on the other hand, embrace meticulous organization and analytical prowess, benefiting from Mercury's influence.”

How do you know if an August Virgo likes you? ›

If he really likes you, he will do everything he can to make sure he comes across as the most perfect prince. As a naturally shy guy, a Virgo man might not talk to you face-to-face at first he has butterflies! He wants to talk to you in every way he can, and that could mean turning to social media first.

What makes a Virgo fall in love? ›

Virgos are often slow to fall in love. Conservative by nature and cautious with their hearts to a certain point, they benefit from a more flirtatious aggressive partner to start things off. They appreciate a direct and tactful lover and give preference to honesty and openness rather than quirky flirting styles.

Are August Virgos shy? ›

As a naturally shy and reserved sign, Virgos have a hard time opening up and making new friends. However, once they do they're amazing friends who should always be the first call for anyone in need, or just if you need a good talk about life.

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