Army Regulation 690-600 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Army Regulation 690-600 - [PDF Document] (1)

Army Regulation 690–600

Civilian Personnel


HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC9 February 2004


Army Regulation 690-600 - [PDF Document] (2)

SUMMARY of CHANGEAR 690–600Equal Employment Opportunity Discrimination Complaints

This revision dated 9 February 2004---

o Contains extensive new and updated information on how to file, counsel,process, investigate, settle, and decide discrimination complaints.

o Requires Army activities to establish an alternative dispute resolutionprogram to facilitate early resolution of a complaint of discrimination (chap2).

o Sets forth policy and procedures to be followed in processing complaints ofdiscrimination involving Civilian Personnel Operations Center Actions (chap3).

o Incorporates current address and telephone information for the Department ofDefense Office of Complaint Investigations, Merit Systems Protection Board,and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, regional and field offices (appB).

Army Regulation 690-600 - [PDF Document] (3)

HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC9 February 2004

Civilian Personnel

Equal Employment Opportunity Discrimination Complaints

*Army Regulation 690–600

Effective 9 March 2004

H i s t o r y . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a m a j o rrevision.

S u m m a r y . T h i s r e g u l a t i o n e s t a b l i s h e sp o l i c i e s a n d m a n d a t e d p r o c e d u r e s f o rcounseling, filing, processing, investigat-ing, settling, deciding, and taking actiono n e q u a l e m p l o y m e n t o p p o r t u n i t y d i s -crimination complaints. This publicationreflects the changes incorporated in Title2 9 , C o d e o f F e d e r a l R e g u l a t i o n s , P a r t1614, effective 9 November 1999, whichimplements Federal law and the regula-tions of the Equal Employment Opportu-n i t y C o m m i s s i o n t h a t p r o h i b i tdiscrimination based on race, color, reli-gion, sex, national origin, age, physical ormental disability, and reprisal.

Applicability. This regulation applies toall Department of the Army appropriatedor nonappropriated fund activities, theiremployees, former employees, applicants

for employment, and certain contract em-ployees. This regulation applies to em-p l o y e e s f r o m o t h e r F e d e r a l a g e n c i e sreceiving Army support under a servicingagreement who allege discrimination in amatter controlled by the Army. It is de-signed for use by commanders, equal em-p l o y m e n t o p p o r t u n i t y o f f i c i a l s ,investigators, civilian personnel officials,l a b o r c o u n s e l o r s , m a n a g e r s , s u p e r v i s o r s ,employees, former employees, applicantsfor employment and certain contract em-ployees. It does not apply to uniformedm e m b e r s o f t h e m i l i t a r y , p e r s o n s e m -ployed or applying for positions in theArmy and Air Force Exchange System,A r m y N a t i o n a l G u a r d t e c h n i c i a n s , u n i -formed members of the military workingp a r t - t i m e o f f d u t y f o r n o n a p p r o p r i a t e dfund activities or the Army and Air ForceExchange Service. It also does not applyt o n o n - U . S . c i t i z e n s e m p l o y e d b y t h eArmy outside of the United States, or toU.S. citizens employed under local condi-tions. During mobilization, procedures inthis publication can be modified to sup-port policy changes as necessary.

Proponent and exception authority.The proponent for this regulation is theAssistant Secretary of the Army (Man-power and Reserve Affairs). The propo-n e n t h a s t h e a u t h o r i t y t o a p p r o v eexceptions to this regulation that are con-sistent with controlling law and regula-tion. The Assistant Secretary of the Army(Manpower and Reserve Affairs) may del-egate the approval authority, in writing, toa d i v i s i o n c h i e f w i t h i n t h e p r o p o n e n t

agency in the grade of colonel or the ci-vilian equivalent.

Army management control process.This regulation contains management con-t r o l p r o v i s i o n s i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h A R11–2, but does not identify managementcontrols that must be evaluated.

S u p p l e m e n t a t i o n . S u p p l e m e n t a t i o n o fthis regulation is prohibited without priorapproval from the Assistant Secretary oft h e A r m y ( M a n p o w e r a n d R e s e r v e A f -fairs), 111 Army Pentagon, WashingtonDC 20310–0111.

Suggested improvements. Users areinvited to send comments and suggestedimprovements on DA Form 2028 (Recom-m e n d e d C h a n g e s t o P u b l i c a t i o n s a n dB l a n k F o r m s ) d i r e c t l y t o t h e D i r e c t o r ,E q u a l E m p l o y m e n t O p p o r t u n i t y / C i v i lRights Office, ATTN: SAMR–EO-CCR,1 9 4 1 J e f f e r s o n D a v i s H i g h w a y , S u i t e109B, Arlington, VA 22202–4508.

Distribution. Distribution of this publi-c a t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e i n e l e c t r o n i c m e d i aonly and is intended for command levelsA, B, C, D, and E for Active Army, ArmyNational Guard of the United States, andthe U.S. Army Reserve.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1General Provisions, page 1

Section IIntroduction, page 1Purpose • 1–1, page 1

*This regulation supercedes AR 690–600 dated 18 September 1989, and rescinds the following forms: DA Form 5492–R, Aug 89; DA Form 5493–R, Dec85; DA Form 5494–R, Dec 85; DA Form 5495–R, Aug 89; DA Form 5496–R, Aug 89, and DA Form 5497–R, Aug 89.

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References • 1–2, page 1Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1Policy statements • 1–4, page 1

Section IIResponsibilities, page 1The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) • 1–5, page 1The Army Director of Equal Employment Opportunity • 1–6, page 1Deputy for Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance and Complaints Review • 1–7, page 2The Chief, Equal Employment Opportunity, Installation Management Agency • 1–8, page 2The region EEO officer • 1–9, page 2The serviced commander or director • 1–10, page 2The major Army command, subordinate major Army command, or independent activity EEO officer • 1–11, page 3The activity/servicing EEO officer • 1–12, page 3The legal officer/staff judge advocate or labor counselor • 1–13, page 4The civilian personnel official • 1–14, page 4Managers and supervisors • 1–15, page 4The EEO counselor • 1–16, page 5The alternate dispute resolution neutral/mediator • 1–17, page 5The complaint investigator • 1–18, page 5

Section IIISpecial Conditions, page 5Equal employment opportunity counselor training • 1–19, page 5Venue • 1–20, page 5EEO Complaints involving the Secretary of the Army or officials of the Office of the Secretary of the Army; Chief

of Staff, U.S. Army; officials of the Army Staff; MACOM commanders, and heads of its staff support or fieldoperating agencies • 1–21, page 5

Equal employment opportunity complaints involving the Assistant G–1 for Civilian Personnel Policy • 1–22, page 6Equal employment opportunity complaints involving CPOC actions • 1–23, page 6Conflicts of position or interest • 1–24, page 7Service of documents • 1–25, page 7

Chapter 2Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), page 8Purpose • 2–1, page 8Alternative dispute resolution program development • 2–2, page 8Mediation • 2–3, page 9Qualifications and training requirements for neutrals • 2–4, page 10

Chapter 3Precomplaint Processing, page 10

Section IIntroduction, page 10Initiating the EEO complaint process • 3–1, page 10Determining intent at initial contact • 3–2, page 10Information inquiry and precomplaint intake • 3–3, page 10Time limitations • 3–4, page 11

Section IIInformation Inquiry and Precomplaint Intake Procedures, page 11Information inquiry • 3–5, page 11Precomplaint intake procedure • 3–6, page 11

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Section IIIProcedures for Use of ADR During the Precomplaint Process, page 13Offer of ADR during precomplaint processing • 3–7, page 13Duties of the EEO counselor during the precomplaint inquiry • 3–8, page 13Duties of the EEO counselor during the final interview • 3–9, page 14

Section IVContingent Worker (Contract Employee) Guidance, page 14Procedures for processing complaints filed by contingent workers (contract employees) • 3–10, page 14Counseling sexual harassment complaints (10 USC Section 1561) • 3–11, page 15Basic complaint requirements • 3–12, page 15

Chapter 4Formal Complaints of Discrimination, page 36

Section IFiling and Acknowledgement of Formal Complaints of Discrimination, page 36Filing a formal complaint • 4–1, page 36Receipt and acknowledgement of a formal complaint • 4–2, page 36

Section IIAcceptance, Partial Dismissal or Dismissal of Formal Complaints of Discrimination, page 37Procedures for acceptance or dismissal of a formal complaint • 4–3, page 37Procedures and criteria for dismissal or partial dismissal of a formal complaint • 4–4, page 38Captioning complaint correspondence • 4–5, page 40

Section IIIAmendment and Consolidation of Complaints, page 40Amendment of complaints • 4–6, page 40Consolidation of complaints • 4–7, page 41

Section IVProcessing Procedures for Mixed Complaints and Appeals, Negotiated Grievances, and Administrative Grievances,

page 41Mixed cases • 4–8, page 41Processing mixed case complaints • 4–9, page 42Appeals of mixed case complaints to the MSPB • 4–10, page 42Mixed case appeals to the MSPB • 4–11, page 42Procedures for handling dual filing of mixed case complaints and mixed case appeals • 4–12, page 43Processing where MSPB dismisses a mixed case appeal or an appeal of a mixed case complaint • 4–13, page 43Negotiated grievance procedure • 4–14, page 43Administrative grievance procedure • 4–15, page 44Army’s Accessibility Program and command responsibilities • 4–16, page 44

Section VInvestigation of Formal Complaints of Discrimination, page 44Arranging for investigation • 4–17, page 44Avoiding delays • 4–18, page 45Functions of assigned investigator • 4–19, page 45The investigation • 4–20, page 45EEO officer responsibilities after completion of investigation • 4–21, page 46

Section VIHearings Before the EEOC, page 47Arranging for an EEOC hearing • 4–22, page 47The EEOC hearing • 4–23, page 47

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Timeframes for offers of resolution • 4–24, page 48Elements of the offer • 4–25, page 48Nonacceptance of the Offer of Resolution • 4–26, page 49Acceptance of Offer of Resolution • 4–27, page 49

Chapter 5Final Army Decisions/Actions and Appeals of Nonmixed and Mixed Complaints, Civil Actions, and

Settlements, page 94

Section IFinal Army Decisions and Actions, page 94Final Army decisions in nonmixed complaints • 5–1, page 94Final Army decisions in mixed case complaints • 5–2, page 94Final decisions under the negotiated grievance procedure • 5–3, page 94Final Army actions • 5–4, page 95

Section IIAppeals, Reconsideration, Appellate Procedures, and Civil Actions, page 95Appeals of final Army decisions/actions on nonmixed cases • 5–5, page 95Petitions for review by the EEOC from MSPB decisions on mixed case appeals and complaints • 5–6, page 96Appeals of matters brought forth under the negotiated grievance procedure • 5–7, page 96Appellate procedures • 5–8, page 97Reconsideration of decisions on appeal • 5–9, page 97Compliance with EEOC and final Army decisions • 5–10, page 98Enforcement of final EEOC decisions • 5–11, page 98Civil actions • 5–12, page 98

Section IIINegotiated Settlement of Complaints, page 99Settlement • 5–13, page 99Failure to carry out terms of the settlement • 5–14, page 101

Chapter 6Class Complaints of Discrimination, page 105Introduction • 6–1, page 105Precomplaint processing • 6–2, page 105Filing a formal class complaint • 6–3, page 106Processing a class complaint • 6–4, page 107Certification or dismissal • 6–5, page 108Final Army action on certification or dismissal decision • 6–6, page 108Individual complaints filed on bases and claims identical to class complaints • 6–7, page 109Developing evidence • 6–8, page 109Resolution of the complaint • 6–9, page 110Procedures for the hearing • 6–10, page 110Report of administrative judge’s findings and recommendations • 6–11, page 110Final Army decision • 6–12, page 111Appeals of class complaints • 6–13, page 111Relief for individual class members • 6–14, page 111Corrective action • 6–15, page 112The complaint file • 6–16, page 112

Chapter 7Remedial and Corrective Actions, Attorney’s Fees/Costs, and Compensatory Damages, page 112

Section IRemedial Actions after a Finding of Discrimination, Interim Relief, and Corrective Actions, page 112

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Remedial actions • 7–1, page 112Remedial action involving an applicant for employment or nonselection • 7–2, page 113Interim relief • 7–3, page 113Remedial action pending reconsideration decision by EEOC • 7–4, page 114Corrective actions • 7–5, page 114

Section IIAttorney’s Fees and Costs, page 114Entitlement to recovery of attorney’s fees and costs • 7–6, page 114Processing claims for reasonable attorney’s fees and costs • 7–7, page 115Computing compensation for attorney’s fees • 7–8, page 116Computing compensation for costs • 7–9, page 116Settlement of attorney fee claims • 7–10, page 116

Section IIICompensatory Damages and Mitigation of Damages, page 117Authority to award compensatory damages • 7–11, page 117Mitigation of damages • 7–12, page 118

Chapter 8Witnesses, Representation, Administrative Procedures, Complaint File, Automated Tracking System

and Reports, page 118

Section IWitnesses and Representation, page 118Disclosure of the EEO complaint file • 8–1, page 118Arranging for witnesses • 8–2, page 118Right to representation • 8–3, page 118Disqualification of representative • 8–4, page 119Representing the Army in individual complaints • 8–5, page 119Representing the Army in class complaints • 8–6, page 119

Section IIAdministrative Procedures, page 119Using official time • 8–7, page 119Computation of time • 8–8, page 119Travel and other costs • 8–9, page 120

Section IIIComplaint File, page 120Assembly of the complaint file • 8–10, page 120Disposition of complaints of discrimination • 8–11, page 123

Section IVThe Complaints Automated Tracking System and Reporting Requirements, page 123Establishing and closing complaint records • 8–12, page 123Access to EEO data • 8–13, page 124EEO reporting requirements • 8–14, page 124


A. References, page 126

B. Addresses and Area Office Territories for the Department of Defense Office of Complaint Investigations, EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission, and Merit Systems Protection Board, page 127

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Figure List

Figure 3–1: Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights and Responsibilities, page 17Figure 3–1: Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued, page 18Figure 3–1: Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued, page 19Figure 3–1: Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued, page 20Figure 3–1: Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued, page 21Figure 3–1: Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued, page 22Figure 3–1: Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued, page 23Figure 3–1: Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued, page 24Figure 3–2: Sample Offer to Mediate, page 25Figure 3–3: Sample Agreement to Mediate, page 26Figure 3–3: Sample Agreement to Mediate-continued, page 27Figure 3–4: Sample Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint After Mediation, page 28Figure 3–4: Sample Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint After Mediation–continued, page 29Figure 3–5: Sample Witness Participation in Complaint Processing, page 30Figure 3–5: Sample Witness Participation in Complaint Processing–continued, page 31Figure 3–6: Sample Agreement to Extend Counseling, page 32Figure 3–7: Sample Notice of Right to File a Complaint of Discrimination After Traditional Counseling, page 33Figure 3–7: Sample Notice of Right to File a Complaint of Discrimination After Traditional Counseling–continued,

page 34Figure 3–8: Sample EEO Joint Employer Guidance Working Relationship Information, page 35Figure 4–1: Sample Acknowledgement Receipt of Discrimination Complaint, page 50Figure 4–1: Sample Acknowledgement Receipt of Discrimination Complaint–continued, page 51Figure 4–2: Sample Notice to EEO Complainant Seeking Compensatory Damages, page 52Figure 4–2: Sample Notice to EEO Complainant Seeking Compensatory Damages—continued, page 53Figure 4–3: Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination Complaint (Nonmixed), page 54Figure 4–3: Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination Complaint (Nonmixed)—continued, page 55Figure 4–3: Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued, page 56Figure 4–3: Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued, page 57Figure 4–3: Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued, page 58Figure 4–4: Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination Complaint (Mixed), page 59Figure 4–4: Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination (Mixed)—continued, page 60Figure 4–4: Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination (Mixed)—continued, page 61Figure 4–4: Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination (Mixed)—continued, page 62Figure 4–4: Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination (Mixed)—continued, page 63Figure 4–5: Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed), page 64Figure 4–5: Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued, page 65Figure 4–5: Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued, page 66Figure 4–5: Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued, page 67Figure 4–5: Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued, page 68Figure 4–6: Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Mixed), page 69Figure 4–6: Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Mixed)—continued, page 70Figure 4–6: Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Mixed)—continued, page 71Figure 4–7: Sample Dismissal for Prior Election of Forum to MSPB, page 72Figure 4–7: Sample Dismissal for Prior Election of Forum to MSPB—continued, page 73Figure 4–8: Sample Notice of Dismissal Election of Forum (Negotiated Grievance), page 74Figure 4–8: Sample Notice of Dismissal (Negotiated Grievance)—continued, page 75Figure 4–8: Sample Notice of Dismissal (Negotiated Grievance)—continued, page 76Figure 4–8: Sample Notice of Dismissal (Negotiated Grievance)—continued, page 77Figure 4–8: Sample Notice of Dismissal (Negotiated Grievance)—continued, page 78Figure 4–9: Sample Request for Assignment of OCI Investigator, page 79Figure 4–9: Sample Request for Assignment of OCI Investigator—Continued, page 80Figure 4–10: Sample Agreement between Complainant and EEO Officer to Extend Investigation, page 81Figure 4–11: Sample Notice of Post-Investigative Options (Nonmixed Complaints), page 82

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Figure 4–11: Sample Notice of Post-Investigative Options (Nonmixed Complaints)—continued, page 83Figure 4–12: Request for a Hearing Format, page 84Figure 4–12: Request for a Hearing Format—continued, page 85Figure 4–13: Sample Request for Final Army Decision, page 86Figure 4–14: Sample Notice of Post Investigation (Mixed Complaint), page 87Figure 4–15: Sample Cover Letter for Offer of Resolution, page 88Figure 4–15: Sample Cover Letter for Offer of Resolution—continued, page 89Figure 4–16: Sample Offer of Resolution, page 90Figure 4–16: Sample Offer of Resolution-continued, page 91Figure 4–16: Sample Offer of Resolution—continued, page 92Figure 4–17: Sample Notice of Non-Acceptance of an Offer of Resolution, page 93Figure 5–1: Sample Negotiated Settlement Agreement Pre/Formal Complaint(s), page 102Figure 5–1: Sample Negotiated Settlement Agreement Pre/Formal Complaint(s)—continued, page 103Figure 5–1: Sample Negotiated Settlement Agreement Pre/Formal Complaint(s)—continued, page 104Figure 5–1: Sample Negotiated Settlement Agreement Pre/Formal Complaint(s)—continued, page 105Figure 8–1: Sample Cover Page for Complaint File, page 125Figure B–1: DOD OCI Regional Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions, page 128Figure B–1: DOD OCI Regional Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions–continued, page 129Figure B–1: DOD OCI Regional Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions–continued, page 130Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions, page 131Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 132Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 133Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 134Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 135Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 136Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 137Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 138Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 139Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 140Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 141Figure B–2: EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued, page 142Figure B–3: Merit Systems Protection Board and Appellate Jurisdictions, page 143Figure B–3: Merit Systems Protection Board and Appellate Jurisdictions–continued, page 144Figure B–3: Merit Systems Protection Board and Appellate Jurisdictions–continued, page 145


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Chapter 1General Provisions

Section IIntroduction

1–1. PurposeThis regulation prescribes policy, responsibilities, and procedures for counseling, filing, processing, investigating,settling, deciding, and acting on equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaints. The processing of all EEOcomplaints filed by Army civilian employees, former employees, applicants for employment, and certain contractoremployees will be governed by this regulation. This regulation is hereby revised to reflect changes made by the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in its regulations and through the issuance of new or revised directives.

1–2. ReferencesRequired and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.

1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and termsAbbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.

1–4. Policy statementsa. It is the policy of the Department of the Army (DA) to provide equal opportunity in employment for all people,

and to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, orreprisal.

b. No person will be subject to retaliation for opposing any practice or for participating in any stage of administra-tive or judicial proceedings under those statutes made unlawful by—

(1) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (Title VII) (42 USC §2000e-16),(2) The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) (29 USC §621),(3) The Equal Pay Act (29 USC §206(d)), or(4) The Rehabilitation Act (29 USC §791).c. Discrimination complaints will be processed with due regard for the rights of persons against whom allegations

have been made.d. Complaints will be processed promptly and impartially.e. Complaints should be resolved at the earliest possible stage, however, resolution can occur at any stage of

processing. Use of an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program, as described in chapter 2, is encouraged. Earlyresolution of complaints achieves better employee relations, cuts administrative costs, avoids protracted litigation, andis consistent with the Army’s commitment to EEO.

f. This regulation does not affect the rights granted to unions that have exclusive recognition in the Army. Further,this regulation is not intended to affect the rights of an employee represented by such a union from exercising theoption to file—

(1) A discrimination complaint under this regulation.(2) A grievance under a negotiated procedure.(3) An appeal under the appellate provisions of Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) regulations.g. Suspenses imposed on the Army through this regulation that are not mandated by EEOC are administrative

requirements. They are designed to assure prompt processing of complaints. Failure to meet timelines will not nullifyany administrative proceeding or create a substantive right entitling any individual to relief. However, it may result inan adverse inference determination or other sanction by the Army Director of EEO or designee.

h. All "days" referred to in this regulation are calendar days unless otherwise indicated.

Section IIResponsibilities

1–5. The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (ASA (M&RA)) is the proponent of thisregulation and will direct the Army Director of EEO to establish policy and implement the EEO Program.

1–6. The Army Director of Equal Employment OpportunityThe Army Director of EEO will set EEO policy and will ensure that—

a. Army programs conform to the aforementioned policies.b. Adequate resources are available to implement the EEO program.

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c. A system to process EEO complaints exists.d. Final DA decisions and actions on EEO complaints are rendered.

1–7. Deputy for Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance and Complaints ReviewThe Deputy for Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance and Complaints Review (EEOCCR) will—

a. Develop Army policy and programs to process discrimination complaints.b. Direct the operation and management of the Army’s discrimination complaint system for individual and class

c o m p l a i n t s f r o m A r m y c i v i l i a n e m p l o y e e s , f o r m e r e m p l o y e e s , a p p l i c a n t s f o r e m p l o y m e n t , a n d c e r t a i n c o n t r a c temployees.

c. Process and prepare final Army decisions and actions on individual and class complaints of discrimination forapproval by the Army Director of EEO. When designated by the Director of EEO, render final Army decisions andactions in EEO complaints, including the decision to implement or appeal the decision of an EEOC administrativejudge.

d. Process requests from the EEOC for case files on final Army decisions and actions appealed to the EEOC.e. Ensure that requests for documents, records, and information that are solely within the control of Army are

answered in a timely fashion.f. Receive and ensure compliance with appellate decisions rendered by EEOC and decide, on a case-by-case basis,

whether the Army will request reconsideration of an EEOC appellate decision.g. Evaluate compliance of installations, activities, and major commands (MACOMs) in executing directed corrective

actions and for conformance with procedural and regulatory guidelines.h. Provide guidance, assistance, and training to subordinate Army activities on the discrimination complaint system.i. Direct and manage the mandatory Army EEO automated data system that tracks complaints from the precomplaint

stage through closure.

1–8. The Chief, Equal Employment Opportunity, Installation Management AgencyThe Chief, EEO Headquarters (HQ) Installation Management Agency (IMA) has mission responsibility and operationaloversight over the regional IMA EEO offices. The Chief will ensure that the regional and operational EEO offices aresufficiently resourced to provide servicing to all commanders or equivalent officials of activities within the IMA’soperational jurisdiction to enable serviced commanders or equivalent officials at all levels to develop and sustainpositive EEO climates within their respective areas of command responsibility.

Note. Although the Chief, IMA EEO provides the resources to implement the EEO complaint program, serviced commanders ordirectors have a responsibility to coordinate with servicing EEO offices for timely processing of complaint actions and retaindecisionmaking authority over complaints within their jurisdiction.

1–9. The region EEO officerThe region EEO officer will—

a. Advise the commander/director of the effectiveness of the EEO program and ADR programs within the region.b. Exercise operational control over garrison and installation EEO offices.c. Ensure that requests for reports, files, and information are submitted promptly.d. Make on-site evaluations of activity level effectiveness and provide staff assistance as needed.e. Ensure that all time limits set forth in this regulation are met.f. Coordinate and provide EEO training for employees and supervisors on the EEO process and the ADR program.g. Oversee use of the EEO automated data system by subordinate activities. Ensure that necessary equipment is

available and properly maintained and that personnel are adequately trained on the system.h. Process IMA EEO complaints if processing is impractical or a conflict of interest exists at the activity level where

the alleged discrimination occurred.i. Coordinate with serviced MACOMs as needed on EEO complaint related matters.j. Coordinate and review interservice support agreements for EEO services provided to non-Army tenants and off-

installation Army activities.

1–10. The serviced commander or directorThe serviced commander or director will—

a. Implement and enforce EEO policies as required by EEO laws, Presidential Executive Orders, EEOC, Office ofPersonnel Management (OPM), DOD, and Army regulations, policies, and directives.

b. Be personally responsible and accountable for the EEO climate within their area of responsibility.c. Ensure the EEO officer is organizationally placed in a direct reporting relationship with the head of the

organization.d. Ensure that supervisors and managers understand and meet their responsibilities in the discrimination complaint


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e. Stress the need for and ensure prompt complaints processing.f. Provide collateral duty resources to support the servicing office, that is collateral duty EEO counselors, special

emphasis program managers, and committee members.g. Ensure that the following information is regularly publicized and posted on official bulletin boards with easy

access to current employees, former employees, applicants for employment, and certain contract employees:(1) The name and address of the Army Director of EEO.(2) The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of activity EEO officials, including the EEO officer and EEO

counselors.(3) Where applicable, a list of the organizations each counselor services.(4) A statement that a counselor or EEO official must be consulted before a formal complaint is filed under this

regulation. Where applicable, employees should also be advised that they may grieve allegations of discriminationunder the negotiated grievance procedure (Title 5, USC, Section 7121) or under MSPB appellate procedures.

(5) The time limits to start an action and to file and process a complaint under this regulation. When applicable,employees should also be advised of the time limits for filing allegations of discrimination under a negotiatedgrievance procedure or MSPB appellate procedures.

h. Ensure employees are informed of the Federal EEO complaint process, to include information on the ADRprogram.

i. Ensure prompt implementation of remedies directed by EEOC or Army Director of EEO.j. Ensure that the Army is adequately represented at all steps in the complaint procedure for complaints under their

authority.k. Make timely recommendations and decisions on complaints of discrimination for complaints under their authority.l. Promote the use of ADR to resolve EEO disputes.

1–11. The major Army command, subordinate major Army command, or independent activity EEOofficerThe major Army command (MACOM), subordinate major Army command (SUBMACOM) or independent activityEEO officer will—

a. Advise the commander/director of the effectiveness of the EEO discrimination complaint program and ADRprograms within their areas of responsibility.

b. Ensure that the EEO complaint-processing program is operated effectively and efficiently in accordance withArmy directives and procedures throughout the MACOM, SUBMACOM, or independent activity.

c. Ensure that requests for reports, files, and information are submitted accurately and promptly.d. Make on-site evaluations of activity level effectiveness and give staff assistance as needed.e. Ensure that all time limits set forth in this regulation are met.f. Manage and oversee the EEO automated data system for subordinate activities. Ensure that necessary equipment is

available and properly maintained, and that personnel are adequately trained on the system.g. Process EEO complaints if processing is impractical or if a conflict of interest exists at the activity level where

the alleged discrimination occurred.

1–12. The activity/servicing EEO officerThe activity/servicing EEO officer is responsible for administering a comprehensive EEO program for all servicedcommanders or equivalent officials on all matters pertaining to the EEO program operations. EEO officers at all levelswill—

a. Serve on the commander’s or director’s staff as the principal advisor to the commander or equivalent official onall matters pertaining to EEO program operations.

b. Know EEO laws, presidential executive orders, regulations, as well as EEOC, OPM, DOD, and DA EEO policyand directives, and be able to communicate the serviced commander’s EEO policy to all members and appropriateofficials at all levels within the work force.

c. Ensure that the EEO complaints processing program is administered in accordance with established procedures tomeet the Army standard level of service.

d. Manage the activity complaints processing program. Monitor, implement and evaluate the progress of the EEOcomplaints processing program. Ensure that reports are prepared and submitted in a timely manner to appropriateofficials.

e. Ensure that every reasonable effort is made to resolve complaints at the earliest possible stage.f. Administer an ADR program for EEO disputes.g. Ensure the availability of sufficient EEO counselors, appointed by orders, to provide effective counseling

services.h. Supervise EEO counselors to ensure effective performance and participation in training in all phases of complaint

processing. Refer or assign EEO counselors for precomplaint counseling.

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i. Ensure that counselors and investigators are given administrative and logistical support, including appropriateaccess to personnel records and copies of records or documents relative to the complaint, when needed in theperformance of their official duties.

j. Upon an individual’s intent to initiate the EEO complaint process, notify management officials, including CivilianP e r s o n n e l A d v i s o r y C e n t e r ( C P A C ) a n d C i v i l i a n P e r s o n n e l O p e r a t i o n s C e n t e r ( C P O C ) , t o r e t a i n a l l r e l e v a n tdocuments.

k. After coordination with the labor counselor, make the decision to accept or dismiss, in whole or in part, individualcomplaints at the activity, subject to the final decision of the Army Director of EEO, or designee.

l. Ensure that all formal complaints are captioned so as to identify the complainant versus (v.) the appropriatedepartment or agency head against whom the complaint is filed, his or her official title, and the DA docket number.The DA docket number must be generated by the organization processing the complaint.

m. Arrange for investigations and EEOC hearings; provide for court reporters; ensure that the court reporter providesthe required number of transcripts ordered to the DOD Office of Complaint Investigations (DODOCI) investigator or tothe administrative judge.

n. Ensure that the EEOC administrative judge is advised to direct his or her decision and supporting documents,including all agency copies of the transcript, to EEOCCR.

o. Monitor implementation and ensure compliance with the terms of a negotiated settlement agreement (NSA) orOffer of Resolution accepted by the complainant to resolve any complaints of discrimination.

p. Maintain and safeguard complaint files.q. Send legible copies of the complaint file, which are properly tabbed, indexed and bound, to EEOCCR within the

time frames required by this regulation.r. Establish and maintain accurate accounts, that is input and update of complaint records in the Army’s prescribed

EEO automated data system. Retrieve data for program management and reporting purposes.s. Prepare and submit required reports.

1–13. The legal officer/staff judge advocate or labor counselorThe legal officer/staff judge advocate (SJA) or labor counselor will—

a. Provide legal advice on EEO matters to the serviced commander, EEO officials, managers, appropriate civilianpersonnel officials such as the Chief, CPAC, and in some cases, the Director, CPOC. After a formal complaint is filed,serve as the agency representative and ensure appropriate coordination with EEO and civilian personnel officials on allissues pertaining to a complaint.

b. Coordinate with the activity EEO officer on the acceptance or dismissal, in whole or part, of individualcomplaints at the activity, subject to the final decision of the Army Director of EEO, or designee.

c. Act as the Army’s representative in investigations and EEOC hearings in individual complaints and class actionproceedings.

d. Draft and/or review proposed negotiated settlement agreements and Offers of Resolution.e. Notify and provide supporting documents to the activity EEO officer when litigation is initiated on any EEO


1–14. The civilian personnel officialThe civilian personnel official will—

a. Ensure that EEO officers, EEO counselors, investigators, and agency representatives are given access to personnelrecords and copies of records or documents relative to the complaint when needed in the performance of their officialduties. Retain the relevant records or documents until notification from the EEO officer or agency representative thatno further administrative or legal decision is pending on the complaint.

b. Perform regulatory reviews and provide technical support to agency representatives, EEO counselors, and EEOofficers.

1–15. Managers and supervisorsManagers and supervisors at all levels will—

a. Ensure that all members of the work force refrain from actions or comments that may be perceived as having aprohibited discriminatory animus.

b. Act promptly to prevent or correct situations that may give rise to meritorious complaints of discrimination.c. Take corrective action against military members and civilian employees who have been found to have engaged in

discriminatory practices.d. Provide employees, assigned as collateral EEO counselors or mediators, reasonable time to adequately perform

their EEO function.e. Participate in the ADR process when appropriate.

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f. Cooperate and ensure subordinates’ full cooperation with ADR neutrals and mediators, EEO counselors, laborcounselors, EEO officers, investigators, and EEOC administrative judges involved in the EEO complaints process.

g. Throughout the administrative process of an EEO complaint, ensure that complainants and their representativesare permitted to use a reasonable amount of duty time to work on their complaints in accordance with guidance cited atparagraph 8–7.

1–16. The EEO counselorArmy’s policy is that EEO counseling is a collateral duty. The EEO counselor will—

a. Advise aggrieved and management officials of their rights; conduct an inquiry into allegations of discriminationraised under this regulation, and attempt to facilitate resolution of discrimination complaints at the precomplaint stage.

b. Keep records indicating when the aggrieved first contacted the counselor and the matters raised by the aggrieved.These records will document the inquiry methods used to reach a resolution, the results of the inquiry, and will providespecific facts to be included in the counselor’s written report to the EEO officer upon completion of counseling.

1–17. The alternate dispute resolution neutral/mediatorThe ADR neutral/mediator is an unbiased, third party trained in ADR techniques. The ADR neutral will—

a. Facilitate open communication between the aggrieved and designated management official in a collaborative,nonadversarial manner.

b. Advise the EEO officer of any proposed settlement. The EEO officer is responsible for assuring necessarycoordination and completion of any settlement agreement.

c. Advise the EEO officer if resolution is not achieved.

1–18. The complaint investigatorThe complaint investigator will—

a. Conduct investigations of formal complaints of employment discrimination filed by civilian employees, appli-cants, former employees, and certain contract employees.

b. Prepare reports of investigation.c. Encourage parties to settle a complaint, as appropriate.

Section IIISpecial Conditions

1–19. Equal employment opportunity counselor trainingAll newly appointed EEO counselors must receive a minimum of 36 hours of initial training. The activity EEO officerwill provide the Army Basic EEO Counselor Course that will serve as the basis of the initial training. Individualssuccessfully completing the Army Basic EEO Counselor Course will be certified by the Deputy for EEOCCR to serveas EEO counselors. To enhance and maintain counseling skills, counselors are required to complete at least 24 hours ofcontinuing counselor training annually in EEO, civilian personnel management practices, law, and directives. Thesupplemental training will be training that the EEO officer deems appropriate to keep EEO counselors informed andproficient as EEO counselors.

1–20. VenueEqual employment opportunity complaints will generally be processed at the activity where the alleged discriminationoccurred unless otherwise provided in this regulation. The complaint may be processed at a different locationdesignated by the MACOM, region, or HQ IMA EEO Chief or EEOCCR if processing is impractical at the activitywhere the alleged discrimination occurred.

1–21. EEO Complaints involving the Secretary of the Army or officials of the Office of the Secretaryof the Army; Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; officials of the Army Staff; MACOM commanders, and heads ofits staff support or field operating agenciesThe Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) EEO Office and staff is an operating EEO office aligned under theoffice of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (AASA).

a. If at any time during the precomplaint or formal complaint processes, it comes to the attention of the EEO officerthat a complainant has named the Secretary of the Army (SA); an official of the Office of the Secretary of the Army(OSA); the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army (CSA); an official of the Army Staff; a MACOM commander; or a head of itsstaff support or field operating agencies as a responsible management official in an EEO complaint, that EEO officershall contact the EEO officer, HQDA, to coordinate further processing of the complaint.

b. Prior to contacting the HQDA EEO officer, the activity EEO officer shall ensure that a thorough precomplaintintake interview has been completed. The intake will provide information as to the aggrieved’s reasons for naming oneof the above officials.

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c. During the initial contact with the HQDA EEO officer, a determination will be made as to whether the officialwas named because of position or because of an action personally taken.

(1) If the official was named because of position, the activity EEO officer will continue to process the precomplaint.(2) If the official was named because of an action allegedly personally taken, the HQDA EEO officer will be

responsible for processing the complaint. The HQDA EEO officer may coordinate with the activity EEO officer wherethe aggrieved is employed, was formerly employed, or has applied for employment, for the use of activity EEOcounselors. The EEO counselor will report to and be guided by the HQDA EEO officer when performing EEOcounselor duties.

(3) If the complaint involves actions allegedly personally taken by a MACOM commander, the HQDA EEO officerwill coordinate with the activity EEO officer to process the complaint in both the precomplaint and formal phases.(This is permissible only if the EEO officer is a HQIMA resource.) If this occurs, the activity EEO officer will reportto HQDA in matters concerning processing of this complaint.

d. If an allegation against one of the above officials initially surfaces during the formal complaint process, theactivity EEO officer will coordinate with the EEO officer at HQDA.

(1) If it is determined that the official was named because of position, the activity EEO officer will continue toprocess the complaint.

(2) If it is determined that the official allegedly personally took an action, the activity EEO officer will issue a letterto the complainant acknowledging receipt of the complaint and inform the complainant of the referral to HQDA. Theletter must state that such acknowledgement does not constitute acceptance of the complaint. The activity EEO officerwill immediately forward the complaint file and a letter recommending acceptance or dismissal of the complaint toHQDA. If the official is a MACOM commander, the provisions of paragraph 1–19c(3) apply.

e. All conflicts involving processing of complaints covered by this paragraph will be resolved by the Deputy forEEOCCR.

1–22. Equal employment opportunity complaints involving the Assistant G–1 for Civilian PersonnelPolicy

a. The Assistant G–1 for Civilian Personnel Policy (CPP) is authorized to resolve and settle the following issues:(1) Failure to include complainant on a referral list prepared by the Assistant G–1 for CPP (Career Management).(2) The rating, ranking, or referral process at the Army-wide referral level.(3) Actions taken by DA career program administrators and career program screening panels.b. When it comes to the attention of the EEO officer that a complaint involves actions personally taken by the

Assistant G–1 for CPP, the procedures will be the same as those outlined in section 1–21.c. The EEO officer servicing the activity commander responsible for a contested nonselection will process formal

complaints wherein the complainant was on a referral list prepared by the Assistant G–1 for CPP (Career Management)but was not selected. Pertinent information will be requested from and provided by the Assistant G–1 for CPP (CareerManagement) or other DA level referral offices, as appropriate.

1–23. Equal employment opportunity complaints involving CPOC actionsa. When processing actions for a serviced installation or activity, the CPOC “acts for” that installation or activity

commander/director. Although geographically separated, the CPOC works for the commander/director of the activitywho requested the personnel action and the CPOC is considered part of the serviced commander’s/director’s staff whenprocessing personnel actions for that commander’s/director’s installation or activity.

b. When the CPOC is acting for a serviced commander/director and an employee or applicant alleges discriminationthat involves an action taken by the CPOC, the EEO office servicing the commander/director is responsible forcounseling and complaint processing.

c. Aggrieved employees and applicants who allege discrimination by CPOC personnel should contact their servicingor nearest Army operating EEO office for complaint processing information and guidance. The servicing EEO officewill assist the individual in identifying the appropriate EEO office for counseling and complaint processing andimmediately refer the individual to the appropriate office. The servicing EEO office should document the datecontacted by the aggrieved for timeliness purposes and notify the appropriate EEO office of the referral.

d. The CPOC directors will ensure that EEO counselors, EEO officers, and agency representatives are affordeddirect access to CPOC personnel to carry out their respective responsibilities in the EEO complaint process. When theCPOC, acting for a serviced commander/director, takes an action and an employee or applicant alleges discriminationpertaining to the CPOC action, the EEO counselor must have direct access to CPOC personnel. Additionally, agencyrepresentatives must have direct access to CPOC personnel to gather information about the complaint and to interviewprospective witnesses.

e. The CPOC directors will ensure that EEO counselors, EEO officers, and agency representatives are affordeddirect access to CPOC records to carry out their respective responsibilities in the EEO complaint process. When theCPOC is acting for a serviced commander/director and an employee or applicant alleges discrimination that involves anaction taken by the CPOC, the EEO counselor must have direct access to CPOC records. The CPOC records may be

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available through access of the regional database at the servicing CPAC; therefore, EEO counselors, EEO officers, andagency representatives are encouraged to coordinate with their servicing CPAC before requesting records directly fromthe CPOC. The CPOC directors will designate an individual within the CPOC to serve as EEO liaison/point of contactto facilitate timely response to installation or activity requests for records in connection with EEO complaints. Originalpersonnel records should be transmitted through the CPAC to ensure accountability for the records. Timely productionof needed records is critical.

1–24. Conflicts of position or interesta. In order to maintain the integrity of the EEO program, EEO functions must be kept separate from personnel

functions. The same Army officials responsible for executing and advising on personnel actions will not be responsiblefor managing, advising, or overseeing the EEO precomplaint or formal complaint processes. Complaints generallychallenge the motivations and impacts of personnel actions and decisions. The integrity of the EEO investigative anddecisionmaking processes is dependant upon its separation from the personnel function.

b. When a person involved in the EEO complaint process (for example, EEO officer, activity commander, orMACOM EEO officer) is named or otherwise designated as an alleged discriminating official, the following procedureswill be followed to avoid a possible conflict of interest:

(1) Equal employment opportunity officer. If an EEO officer is named or otherwise designated as a witness in adiscrimination complaint by a complainant based on actions that he or she personally has taken against the complain-ant, that officer’s function in processing that complaint will be performed by the EEO officer at the next higher level.If the EEO officer is named or otherwise designated as a witness merely by virtue of his or her position or actions inprocessing a complaint, he or she may continue to process the complaint.

(2) Activity commander. If an activity commander is named or otherwise designated as a witness in a discriminationcomplaint based on actions that he or she personally has taken against the complainant, that commander’s function inprocessing the complaint will be performed by the commander at the next higher level. If the activity commander isnamed or otherwise designated as a witness merely by virtue of his or her position or actions in processing a complaint,he or she may continue to process the complaint.

(3) Staff judge advocate. If the SJA or senior legal officer of the servicing activity is named or otherwise designatedas a witness in a discrimination complaint based on actions that he or she personally has taken against the complainant,legal advice to the command in processing the complaint will be provided by the servicing legal office of the nexthigher level of command or another legal office designated by the legal office at the next higher level of command. Ifthe SJA, senior legal officer, or agency representative is named or otherwise designated as a witness merely by virtueof his or her position or actions in processing a complaint, he or she may continue to provide advice on the complaint.

(4) CPAC chief. If a CPAC chief is named or otherwise designated as a witness in a discrimination complaint basedon actions he or she personally has taken against the complainant, the CPAC chief’s function in the complaint processwill be assumed by the CPAC at the next higher level of command. If the CPAC chief is named or otherwisedesignated as a witness by virtue of his or her position, the CPAC chief’s role in the complaint process will not beaffected.

(5) CPOC director. If a CONUS CPOC director is named or otherwise designated as a witness based upon actionshe or she personally has taken against the complainant, the CPOC director’s function in the complaint process will beassumed by the Director, Civilian Personnel Operations Centers Management Agency (CPOCMA). If the CPOCdirector is named or otherwise designated as a witness by virtue of his or her position, the CPOC director’s role in thecomplaint process will not be affected.

(6) OCONUS CPOC director. Complaints naming the director of an OCONUS CPOC will be processed through theOCONUS MACOM chain of command.

(7) MACOM EEO Officer. If a MACOM EEO officer is named or otherwise designated as a witness based on anaction he or she personally has taken against the complainant, that officer’s function in processing the complaint willbe performed by a special EEO officer designated by the Deputy for EEOCCR. If the MACOM EEO officer is namedor otherwise designated as a witness merely by virtue of his or her position or actions in processing a complaint, he orshe may continue to process the complaint.

(8) MACOM commander. If a MACOM commander is named or otherwise designated as a witness in a particulardiscrimination complaint based on an action he or she personally has taken against the complainant, the commander’sfunction in processing the complaint will be performed by the Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Army (VCSA). If theMACOM commander is named or otherwise designated as a witness merely by virtue of his or her position or actionsin processing a complaint, he or she may continue processing the complaint.

c. Conflict of interest. An activity EEO officer may preclude an EEO counselor from counseling based on an actualor perceived conflict of interest.

1–25. Service of documentsa. Unless the complainant states otherwise in writing, after the agency receives written notice of the name, address,

and telephone number of a representative for the complainant, service of all documents will be with the representative

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with copies to the complainant. All official correspondence, to include the investigative file, the hearing transcript andthe administrative judge’s decision, the final agency decision/action, and the EEOC appeal decisions will be served onthe representative and the complainant either by personal delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested or othermeans, such as Federal Express or UPS, where tracking is available. The return receipt will be annotated to properlyidentify the delivered documents. If service to the representative or the complainant is by personal delivery, that party’ssignature and the date received are required on the official file copy of the correspondence, notice, or transmittaldocument.

b. When the representative is an attorney, service of all official correspondence will be made on the attorney and thecomplainant, but time frames for the receipt of correspondence will be computed from the date of receipt by theattorney.

c. If complainant is not represented, all official correspondence will be served on the complainant by personaldelivery or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. The return receipt will be annotated to properly identify thedelivered documents. If service to the complainant is by personal delivery, the complainant is required to sign and datethe official file copy of a document denoting receipt.

d. The use of facsimile or electronic mail by EEO officials as a means to transmit official correspondence to thecomplainant and representative is discouraged and should only be used in situations where timeliness is a critical issue.In such situations, the EEO official will confirm receipt of the official correspondence by the complainant andrepresentative. The facsimile transmittal document or a copy of the electronic message will be maintained in thecomplaint file. When facsimile or electronic mail are used, the record must be protected from unauthorized disclosure.

e. The complainant, or the complainant’s designated representative, must serve all official correspondence on theEEO officer and the designated agency representative.

Chapter 2Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

2–1. Purposea. The purpose of ADR is to offer disputing parties an opportunity to openly express their positions and interests in

resolving disputes in a mutually satisfactory fashion.b. The ADR process, especially when used at the earliest stage, restores working relationships and may serve as a

preventative measure against future disputes. Additionally, the nonadversarial application of ADR reduces the costsincurred with the traditional administrative or adjudicative processes and affords use of activity resources for mission-related programs and activities. The preferred method of ADR within Department of Army is facilitated mediation witha qualified ADR neutral. (See paragraph 2–3.)

c. The use of ADR is not appropriate in every case. The commander or designee, preferably the EEO officer, willdecide on a case-by-case basis whether it is appropriate to offer ADR to an aggrieved individual. For example, thecommander or designee may wish to limit ADR geographically if extensive travel would be required, or excludecertain issues such as termination or nonselection. The commander or designee may not utilize blanket exclusions ofdisputes from ADR based solely upon the bases involved.

d. The commander or designee may include issues that do not fall under the jurisdiction of EEO laws for resolutionunder ADR. However, if resolution of the issue is unsuccessful, non-EEO disputes and issues not brought to theattention of the EEO official or ADR neutral cannot be accepted for investigation as a part of the formal complaintunless the issue is like or related to issues raised during the precomplaint process.

e. While it is Army policy to attempt to resolve complaints of discrimination at the earliest stage, ADR may beoffered by the commander or designee anytime during the complaint process prior to the appointment of an EEOCadministrative judge. The use of ADR must comply with timeframes prescribed in chapters 3 and 4.

2–2. Alternative dispute resolution program developmenta. Each activity will have available an ADR program for both the precomplaint and formal complaint process. Each

MACOM will be responsible for implementing an ADR program within its command to resolve disputes in theprecomplaint and formal complaint process. The MACOM EEO officer will coordinate the implementation of such aprogram.

b. MACOMS will use a team approach in implementing a command ADR program with participation from theirrespective EEO officers, labor counselors, CPAC officials, managers, and union officials, where applicable.

c. The ADR program should fit each activity’s environment and workforce, but at the same time, it must be fair andconform to the following core principles:

(1) Voluntariness. Parties must enter into mediation or another offered ADR process knowingly and voluntarily.Participation in ADR is voluntary for the aggrieved. Once the commander/designee has decided to offer ADR and theaggrieved elects in writing to participate in ADR, it is considered that both parties have knowingly and voluntarily

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entered into ADR. Managers must be aware that they have an affirmative duty to cooperate in an ADR process oncethe decision is made to offer ADR. Likewise, the commander/designee and the aggrieved have the option to "opt out"of ADR at any point prior to resolution and for any reason. Neither the management official designated to participate inthe ADR process nor the aggrieved will be coerced into accepting the other party’s offer to resolve the matter.

(2) Neutrality. The ADR neutral shall have no official, financial, or personal interest in the issue at controversy or inthe outcome of the dispute. Since the effectiveness of ADR relies on the perception of neutrality, employees of theEEO, CPAC, CPOC, and SJA/legal offices, regardless of training and skill, may not serve as ADR neutrals within theirserviced activities. EEO counselors who possess the requisite training and skills may serve as ADR neutrals providedthat they have not counseled the case at issue. It is the responsibility of the EEO officer to ensure that the potentialADR neutral is neither acquainted with nor an employee from the same unit or directorate as either the aggrieved orthe management official.

(3) Confidentiality. The ADR process is confidential. As a means to promote open and frank discussions betweenthe disputing parties, both parties and their representatives must agree, in writing, that any information disclosed duringthe ADR process, other than discoverable documentation, will remain confidential whether or not ADR is successful.However, any threat of physical harm or disclosure of waste, fraud, abuse, or any other illegal activity will be exemptfrom confidentiality and will be reported to the appropriate officials. Both parties must also agree not to request orsubpoena the ADR neutral as a witness in any subsequent administrative process or judicial proceeding regarding thedispute at issue. The taking of notes by the parties and their respective representatives is discouraged during the ADRprocess. Any notes taken by the ADR neutral during the ADR process must be destroyed by the neutral at theconclusion of the ADR process. Information disclosed during the mediation is confidential and shall not be disclosedexcept as provided by law.

(4) Enforceability. If a resolution is achieved, the terms of the resolution will be set forth in a written negotiatedsettlement agreement that is binding upon both parties.

d. The ADR program implementation plan will be submitted through the MACOM commander to the Deputy forEEOCCR for approval prior to implementation. The written plan must include, at a minimum, the types of ADR thatwill be offered, the source of the ADR neutrals, a description of required training for in-house neutrals, and assurancethat the activity will ensure participation of a management official with settlement authority.

e. The EEO officer is responsible for the administration and oversight of the entire ADR process as it pertains toprocessing complaints of discrimination. (See paragraph 1–10f.)

2–3. Mediationa. Mediation is the preferred ADR method and must be provided in a nonthreatening environment to facilitate open

communication between the disputing parties. Although focused on mediation, the procedures described in this sectionshall apply to any ADR process.

b. Participation in mediation is voluntary for both the aggrieved and the commander’s designee.c. The commander or his/her designee will determine which management official will participate in the mediation.

The management official selected should be one who is authorized to engage in resolution discussions and execute aNSA.

d. Prior to the scheduled date of mediation, the EEO officer will arrange for civilian personnel and legal officerepresentatives to be available for management representative consultation during the mediation.

e. Both the aggrieved and the management official have a right to personal representation during the complaintprocess. The mediator will decide to what extent personal and agency representatives will actively participate in theprocess.

f. The role of the mediator is to facilitate the mediation process rather than to evaluate the positions of the parties.g. If mediation is successful, the mediator will provide the EEO officer, in writing, with all terms agreed upon so

that a NSA can be prepared. (See figure 5–1.) The settlement agreement will be prepared in accordance withprocedures set forth in Chapter 5 and must be signed by the aggrieved, the aggrieved’s attorney or representative (ifapplicable), and the management official with settlement authority. A copy of the NSA will be filed in the complaintfile under the “Settlement” tab.

h. If mediation is unsuccessful during the precomplaint process, the EEO official will annotate the EEO Counselor’sReport to reflect that mediation was unsuccessful. The EEO official will review the intake portion of the EEOCounselor’s Report with the aggrieved to ensure that all EEO related issues raised during mediation are included andissue the aggrieved a Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination. The notice will inform theaggrieved that in filing a formal complaint, he or she may only raise those alleged discriminatory issues addressedduring mediation. The aggrieved individual will also be informed that issues like or related to those addressed duringmediation can be made the subject of an EEO complaint. The EEO Counselor’s Report and the Notice of Right to Filea Formal Complaint of Discrimination will be filed in the complaint file under the “Precomplaint” tab.

i. If mediation is unsuccessful during the formal stage, the EEO officer will prepare a memorandum for record

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(MFR) stating that mediation was attempted during the formal stage and was unsuccessful. The MFR will be filed inthe complaint file under the “Formal” tab.

2–4. Qualifications and training requirements for neutralsa. Any person who serves as an ADR neutral in the activity ADR program must be familiar with the following:(1) The EEO process pursuant to 29 CFR part 1614.(2) The Civil Service Reform Act and the statutes that EEOC enforces, including—(a) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended;(b) The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended;(c) The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, and(d) The Equal Pay Act of 1963, as amended.(3) The Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1996.(4) Federal employment remedies, including compensatory damages, and attorney’s fees and costs.b. Individuals serving as a neutral in an EEO dispute must—(1) Have received at least 40 hours of basic mediation skills training.(2) Have participated as a neutral at least 3 times in an ADR process. If mediation is the selected ADR process, then

all three times must be in mediation to include serving as a comediator.

Chapter 3Precomplaint Processing

Section IIntroduction

3–1. Initiating the EEO complaint processa. Any employee, former employee, applicant for employment, or certain contract employee (see paragraph 3–10)

covered by this regulation, who believes that he or she has been discriminated against because of race, color, religion,sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, and/or reprisal in an employment matter, including Equal PayAct complaints, subject to the control of the Army, may initiate the EEO complaint process.

b. This first phase of the EEO complaint process is referred to as the “precomplaint” process. The precomplaintprocess is set in motion when an individual contacts an EEO official and clearly exhibits intent to proceed with theEEO complaint process.

c. Processing of EEO precomplaints initiated by deceased individuals will continue until issuance of the Notice ofRight to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination to the executor or administrator of the estate. The processing offormal complaints initiated by subsequently deceased individuals will continue unless the executor or administratorwithdraws on behalf of the deceased.

3–2. Determining intent at initial contacta. Generally, the initial contact made by an individual with the EEO officer, specialist, or assistant (hereinafter

referred to as EEO official), or EEO counselor is either to seek general information concerning the EEO complaintprocess or to actually begin the precomplaint process.

b. Because the timeliness factor is one of the critical elements in complaint processing, the EEO official orcounselor shall determine the purpose of the individual’s initial contact, that is, to seek information concerning theEEO complaint process or to proceed with the precomplaint process, and to record that initial contact accurately.

3–3. Information inquiry and precomplaint intakea. Information inquiry. When an individual contacts an EEO official or counselor seeking information concerning

the EEO complaint process and is still clearly undecided at the end of the initial contact whether to proceed with theEEO complaint process, this contact is called an “information inquiry.” Information inquiries will be documented byuse of the Information Inquiry Summary (DA Form 7509). During an information inquiry, the EEO official orcounselor provides general information on the Army EEO complaint process. (See paragraph 3–5.)

b. Precomplaint intake. When an individual contacts an EEO official or counselor with the intent of proceeding withan employment matter alleging discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical ormental disability and/or reprisal, the individual is referred to as “aggrieved.” When the aggrieved intends to use theEEO process, the EEO official or counselor will conduct a thorough precomplaint intake. The precomplaint intake willbe recorded as the initial portion of the EEO Counselor’s Report (DA Form 7510).

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3–4. Time limitationsa. In order to establish timelines in the formal complaint process, the aggrieved must initiate contact with an EEO

official or counselor—(1) Within 45 days of the action or practice alleged to be discriminatory;(2) In the case of a personnel action, within 45 days of the effective date of the action;(3) Within 45 days from when the aggrieved became aware of the alleged discriminatory action or practice.b. The 45-day time limit will be extended when the aggrieved shows that—(1) He or she was not notified of the time limits and was not otherwise aware of the time limits;(2) He or she did not know and reasonably should not have known that the perceived discriminatory action or

practice occurred;(3) Despite due diligence, he or she was prevented by circ*mstances beyond his or her control from contacting an

EEO official or counselor within the prescribed time limits; or(4) For other reasons considered sufficient by the Army or the EEOC.c. The requirement for EEO counselor contact is satisfied when an aggrieved initiates contact with an EEO officer,

specialist, or assistant, even if that person is not a counselor, for the express purpose of proceeding with a matter ofconcern.

d. Any action or practice alleging discrimination within the protection of 29 CFR Part 1614 will be counseled by anEEO counselor even though a formal complaint may later be dismissed.

Section IIInformation Inquiry and Precomplaint Intake Procedures

3–5. Information inquirya. When the EEO official or counselor determines that the purpose of the individual’s initial contact is to seek

information, the EEO official or counselor will document the contact by completing the DA Form 7509. The EEOofficer will track the resources used to provide this service.

b. During the information inquiry, the EEO official or counselor will emphasize the prescribed time limitations forinitiating the EEO precomplaint process to the individual, especially if the information inquiry is within closeproximity to the 45th day of the incident or effective date of the personnel action.

c. If the individual has not exhibited intent to begin the EEO process at completion of the information inquiry, theEEO official or counselor will provide the individual with a copy of the completed DA Form 7509 after review andsignature. If the information inquiry is conducted telephonically, the EEO official or counselor will send a copy of theDA Form 7509 to the individual by certified mail, return receipt requested when name and address are disclosed to theEEO official or counselor. If the information inquiry is conducted via electronic mail, the EEO official or counselorwill document the information provided electronically and retain a copy. Whether the information inquiry is conductedpersonally, telephonically, or via electronic mail, the EEO official or counselor will reemphasize the importance of the45-day time limit and explain the procedure for initiating the precomplaint process.

(1) When an information inquiry takes place between an EEO counselor and an individual, the counselor willimmediately advise an EEO official of such contact and its outcome.

(2) The EEO counselor will provide the EEO official the original DA Form 7509 immediately after the individualhas reviewed and signed the summary.

(3) When the information inquiry is conducted via electronic mail, the EEO counselor will immediately transmit theelectronic mail communication to an EEO official.

(4) The original DA Form 7509 and certified receipts, if appropriate, will be retained in a by name case file and fora period of 3 years. If the individual later decides to use the precomplaint process, the DA Form 7509 will be filed in acomplaint file under the “Precomplaint” tab.

d. If the individual indicates an intent to initiate the precomplaint process at any time during the information inquiry,the EEO counselor will complete the precomplaint intake portion of the DA Form 7510, immediately advise an EEOofficial, and forward all pertinent documents to the EEO office. (See paragraph 3–6.)

3–6. Precomplaint intake procedurea. The precomplaint intake procedure involves a determination by the EEO official that an individual is alleging

prohibited discrimination addressed in 29 CFR Part 1614, and determination about the proper venue to be used toaddress the individual’s concern.

b. Once it has been determined that the matter presented by the individual is appropriate for processing under 29CFR, Part 1614, a precomplaint intake interview will be conducted by an EEO official (serving in the role of an EEOcounselor) or an EEO counselor. The EEO official or counselor will record the date and clarify the facts of the specificincident or personnel action on the precomplaint intake interview portion of the DA Form 7510.

c. An EEO official conducting a precomplaint intake interview will be considered performing in the role of an EEO

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counselor. The 30-day counseling period begins on the date that the EEO official becomes aware of the aggrieved’sintent to proceed and the precomplaint intake interview must begin within 3 days of this date.

d. When conducting the precomplaint intake interview, the EEO official or counselor will explain the activity’sADR program, including the differences between ADR and traditional EEO counseling. The EEO official or counselorwill inform the aggrieved of the right to choose participation in ADR, if deemed appropriate, or traditional EEOcounseling. The EEO official or counselor will explain and provide the aggrieved a copy of the Aggrieved Person’sRights and Responsibilities notice, which informs the aggrieved of rights and responsibilities in the EEO process andthe other avenues of redress available for filing allegations of discrimination to include pertinent time frames. (Seefigure 3–1.)

e. In those instances where the EEO official, serving in the role of an EEO counselor, conducts the precomplaintintake interview and the EEO counselor conducts the inquiry, the EEO official will provide the EEO counselor with theDA Form 7510 as completed to date. Even though the EEO official may have provided the notice of rights andresponsibilities to the aggrieved during the intake interview, the counselor will ensure that the aggrieved fullyunderstands the option to use ADR throughout the entire complaint process and his or her rights and responsibilities asfollows:

(1) The aggrieved may be accompanied, represented, and advised during all counseling interviews by a representa-tive, designated in writing.

(2) During the precomplaint counseling inquiry, the identity of the aggrieved will not be revealed without writtenpermission from the aggrieved.

(3) The aggrieved must cooperate with the EEO official or counselor by clearly defining the claim for the inquiry.(4) Only claims raised in precomplaint counseling or claims like or related to those raised in precomplaint

counseling may be alleged in a subsequent formal complaint filed with the agency. A claim “like or related to” mayinclude a claim with a different basis of discrimination based on the same facts. Further, a later claim or complaint willbe considered like or related to the original complaint if the later claim or complaint adds to or clarifies the originalcomplaint and could reasonably have been expected to grow out of the original complaint during the investigation.

(5) The EEO counselor will record all issues alleged to be discriminatory by the aggrieved on DA Form 7510.(6) When ADR is not elected, the EEO counselor will complete the inquiry in 30 days unless the aggrieved agrees

to extend the 30-day time limit.(7) An employee cannot raise allegations of discrimination, which are subject to final administrative review by the

EEOC, in the administrative grievance procedure. (See DOD Directive 1400.25M, subchapter 771.)(8) The aggrieved will waive the right to file a formal complaint of discrimination under this regulation if he or she

has already filed a timely written grievance on the same matter under a negotiated grievance procedure that allowsallegations of discrimination or an appeal on the same matter with the MSPB.

(9) In nonmixed case complaints, the aggrieved will have the right to request a hearing or a final Army decisionafter an investigation by the agency.

(10) In mixed cases, the aggrieved has the right to either file an appeal directly with the MSPB or a mixed casecomplaint under Title VII procedures, but not both.

(11) Except as noted in paragraphs (12) and (13) below, attorney’s fees and other related costs may be awarded to aprevailing complainant. A prevailing complainant may be entitled to recover costs that may include witness fees,transcript costs, printing and copying costs, and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

(12) In claims based on a violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the aggrieved may elect tobypass the administrative procedure and file a civil action in an appropriate U.S. District Court after first giving theEEOC not less than 30 days notice of intent to file a civil action. Attorney’s fees and costs are not recoverable in theadministrative process and compensatory damages are never an available form of relief.

(13) The aggrieved has the right to file a civil action in an appropriate U.S. District Court in lieu of administrativeprocessing under 29 CFR Part 1614 when the claims concern violations of the Equal Pay Act. Attorney’s fees and costsare not recoverable in the administrative process and compensatory damages are never an available form of relief.

(14) The aggrieved has the obligation to mitigate damages.(15) The aggrieved has the right to file a civil action in the appropriate U.S. District Court in a nonmixed case 180

days after filing a formal complaint and a final Army decision has not been rendered; within 90 days after receipt of afinal Army decision and no appeal to the EEOC has been filed; 180 days after filing an appeal to the EEOC and nodecision on the appeal has been issued; or within 90 days after receipt of the EEOC’s decision on appeal.

(16) Failure of the aggrieved to keep the activity EEO officer and the EEOC informed of his or her current addresscould result in dismissal of a formal complaint.

f. During the precomplaint intake interview or shortly thereafter, the aggrieved must elect between ADR, if offered,and traditional EEO counseling. The offer of ADR must be presented in writing and the aggrieved will respond to theoffer in writing. (See figure 3–2.)

g. If the aggrieved elects to participate in ADR, the DA Form 7510 will be so annotated and the EEO officer willcoordinate mediation.

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h. If the aggrieved elects traditional EEO counseling, the DA Form 7510 will be so annotated and the EEO officerwill assign an EEO counselor. The counselor will make appropriate entries on the DA Form 7510 at the conclusion ofthe precomplaint inquiry.

Section IIIProcedures for Use of ADR During the Precomplaint Process

3–7. Offer of ADR during precomplaint processinga. If, during the precomplaint intake, the aggrieved indicates an interest in participating in ADR, the EEO official

must coordinate with management to determine if ADR will be offered to the aggrieved. The aggrieved will be advisedthat the activity’s decision not to offer ADR is not appealable to the EEOC.

b. If management determines that ADR is appropriate, the EEO official or counselor will offer the aggrieved, inwriting, the opportunity to participate in ADR. (See figure 3–2.) If the aggrieved agrees to participate in ADR, theaggrieved will sign an Agreement to Participate in Mediation. (See figure 3–3.) If the aggrieved fails to respond inwriting to the offer within 5 days, the counselor will proceed with traditional EEO counseling.

(1) The aggrieved will be advised that election of ADR will extend the precomplaint processing period to 90 daysfrom the date the precomplaint was initiated. The EEO official also will inform the aggrieved that election toparticipate in the ADR process is final.

(2) When an aggrieved elects participation in ADR, the EEO official or counselor will provide the DA Form 7510as completed to date, the Offer to Mediate, and the Agreement to Participate in Mediation to the EEO officer ordesignee for initiation of the ADR process. The EEO officer or designee must provide copies of such documents to theADR neutral prior to the initial session with the aggrieved.

c. When the aggrieved does not wish to participate in ADR, does not respond to the offer of ADR within 5 days, orADR is not offered, traditional EEO counseling will be conducted.

d. If the dispute is resolved through the use of ADR, the resolution will be documented in the form of a NSA. (Seefigure 5–1.) The ADR neutral will provide the terms of the proposed resolution to the EEO officer to draft the NSAand coordinate the agreement with the designated agency representative. If the terms of the resolution addresspersonnel practices or procedures, the EEO officer will coordinate the action with the appropriate civilian personnelofficial prior to signature and execution.

e. If the dispute is not resolved, the EEO official (performing as an EEO counselor) will conduct a final interviewwith the aggrieved, no later than 90 days from the date the aggrieved initiated the precomplaint process, to—

(1) Review with the aggrieved the claims raised during the precomplaint intake to ensure that no additional claimswere raised in mediation.

(2) Provide the aggrieved with the Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination. The aggrievedshall sign and date the notice to acknowledge receipt. (See figure 3–4.)

(3) Inform the aggrieved, in writing, that he or she has 15 days from the date of receipt of the notice to file a formalcomplaint. A copy of DA Form 2590 (Formal Complaint of Discrimination) will be attached to the notice. The EEOofficial shall not influence the aggrieved regarding a decision to file or not to file a formal complaint. The decisionrests with the aggrieved.

(4) Complete the DA Form 7510, indicating that ADR was not successful.f. The EEO Officer will provide a copy of the DA Form 7510, to include enclosures, to the aggrieved within 5 days

from the date of the final interview in accordance with the service rules set forth in paragraph 1–25.g. The original DA Form 7510 will be maintained in the complaint file under the “Precomplaint” tab.

3–8. Duties of the EEO counselor during the precomplaint inquirya. The EEO counselor’s inquiry is designed to facilitate a resolution of the matters identified by the aggrieved.

Usually such inquiries are to be completed within 10 days of assignment of the precomplaint to the EEO counselor.The inquiry is not to be as extensive as a formal investigation conducted by an investigator.

b. The EEO counselor will inquire into the specific incidents and actions identified by the aggrieved during theprecomplaint intake interview.

c. The EEO counselor should interview persons and review documents that can provide firsthand information aboutthe matters.

d. Before an interview with a witness, the EEO counselor or an EEO official must advise that person of his or herright to a personal representative and the nature of the claims described in the complaint. (See figure 3–5.)

e. The EEO counselor will prepare a report on DA Form 7510 recording actions taken during the inquiry and ofinformation, if any, provided to the parties. (See paragraph 3–9h.)

f. Army personnel will cooperate with and support the EEO counselor in the performance of counseling duties. TheEEO counselor will be free of restraint, interference, harassment, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal in connectionwith the performance of assigned counselor duties.

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3–9. Duties of the EEO counselor during the final interviewa. The counselor will conduct the final interview with the aggrieved within 30 days from the date the aggrieved

initiated the counseling process.(1) Prior to the end of the 30-day period, the aggrieved may agree in writing to extend the counseling period for an

additional period of no more than 60 days. (See figure 3–6.) While there are provisions for extension of the counselingperiod, Army policy is to resolve complaints at the lowest possible level in the least amount of time. Extensions shouldbe considered only when extenuating circ*mstances exist.

(2) In no case will the precomplaint process extend beyond 90 days. If the matter has not been resolved before theend of the 30-day counseling period, or before the 90-day extended period, the aggrieved shall be informed in writingof the right to file a formal complaint of discrimination.

b. The counselor will advise the aggrieved of the results of the inquiry and discuss proposed solutions. Thecounselor will not make findings nor opine as to whether discrimination has or has not occurred, and will not imply tothe aggrieved that the EEO counselor’s interpretation of the claims in the case constitutes an official finding of theagency on the issue of discrimination.

c. The counselor will inform the aggrieved, in writing, that he or she has 15 days, from the date of receipt of theNotice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination, to file a formal complaint. The counselor shall notinfluence the aggrieved regarding a decision to file a formal complaint; the decision to file a formal complaint restswith the aggrieved.

d. The EEO counselor will provide the aggrieved with the Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint ofDiscrimination. The aggrieved shall sign and date the notice to acknowledge receipt. (See figure 3–7.)

(1) If the Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination is mailed and the aggrieved is representedby an attorney, the notice will be sent to the attorney by certified mail, return receipt requested, and a copy sent to theaggrieved by certified mail, return receipt requested. The return receipts will be filed in the complaint file under the“Precomplaint” tab.

(2) If the aggrieved is represented by a non-attorney, the notice will be sent to the representative by certified mail,return receipt requested, and a copy of the notice will be sent to the aggrieved by certified mail, return receiptrequested. The return receipts will be filed in the complaint file under the “Precomplaint” tab.

(3) If the Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination is delivered in person and the aggrievedrefuses to acknowledge receipt of the notice, the server of the notice will note the refusal to acknowledge receipt on thenotice and sign and date the notice.

e. The counselor will provide the aggrieved a DA Form 2590. The counselor will stress that a formal complaintmust contain specific information on the alleged acts of discrimination. Failure to provide specificity may result in arequest for clarification that will delay the complaint process. Failure to respond to a request for clarification may because for dismissal.

f. A Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination will not be provided if a settlement agreementresolving all claims has been signed by the parties.

g. The counselor will advise the aggrieved that he or she must inform the EEO officer immediately, in writing, iflegal counsel or any other representative is retained during the formal process.

h. The EEO counselor will submit a written report of all actions taken during the inquiry and of the informationprovided to management and the aggrieved to the EEO officer within 5 days of completion of counseling. The DAForm 7510 will not contain opinions or make findings on the allegations of discrimination. The EEO counselor will notretain a copy of the DA Form 7510 or any other precomplaint related material.

i. The completed DA Form 7510 will be placed in the complaint file under the “Precomplaint” tab.j. The EEO officer will provide a copy of the DA Form 7510 to the aggrieved within 5 days of receipt.

Section IVContingent Worker (Contract Employee) Guidance

3–10. Procedures for processing complaints filed by contingent workers (contract employees)Contingent workers are civilian workers who are outside of the Army’s “core” work force, such as independentcontractors, volunteers, employees of government contractors, individuals participating in training, work-study orfellowship programs, and all other individuals working on Army installations or projects without being on the activity’spayroll or meeting the definition of a civil service employee under 5 USC Section 2105(a) or a nonappropriated fundemployee described at §2105(c).

a. Inquiries to EEO counselors from employees who are not civil service employees should be referred to the EEOofficer.

(1) The EEO officer will advise the worker to immediately report the allegations to his or her nonFederal employer.(2) If the worker wants to file a complaint against the contractor, the EEO officer should provide the address and

telephone number of the nearest EEOC field office.(3) If the worker wants to file a complaint against the Army, the EEO officer should assign a counselor and process

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initially in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1614 and this regulation. The EEO officer will advise the aggrieved that,depending on the facts and circ*mstances surrounding the employment relationship, the Army may not be his or heremployer under Title VII or any other antidiscrimination laws.

b. Upon assignment of a counselor, the EEO officer must contact management officials to obtain the workingrelationship information (See figure 3–8.) The EEO officer must forward the working relationship information to thelabor counselor for a fact based analysis and legal opinion on whether the aggrieved is a covered Army “employee”under the antidiscrimination laws.

(1) If the aggrieved does not qualify as an Army “employee,” the EEO officer will—(a) Issue a Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination.(b) Dismiss any formal complaint for failure to state a claim, as well as for any other applicable grounds.(c) Issue the Notice of Right to Appeal to the EEOC Office of Federal Operations (OFO) and include an EEOC

Form 573.(2) If the aggrieved qualifies as an Army “employee,” the EEO officer will—(a) Process the complaint in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1614 and this regulation.(b) If a formal complaint is filed, coordinate with the contracting officer’s representative (COR), if applicable, to

ensure compliance with any contractual responsibilities.c. When the aggrieved is an Army employee and the alleged discriminating official is a nonFederal employee, the

EEO officer will—(1) Notify the appropriate Army management officials at the activity.(2) Process the complaint in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1614 and this regulation.(3) Coordinate complaint processing with the agency representative, who will then coordinate with the third-party

employer.d. Private charges, which solely allege nonFederal entity discrimination, are filed with the EEOC. The EEO officer

will serve as the activity’s point of contact. However, no interviews or document requests by the EEOC will behonored without prior concurrence of the servicing legal office.

e. Agency representative responsibilities—(1) Status as an employee is a jurisdictional issue that may be raised at any point in the processing of an EEO

complaint and the issue should be preserved at all phases of litigation.(2) When fashioning remedies, the agency representative should work with the contract attorney to determine what

contractual rights may be affected.(3) Consider negotiated settlements involving the third-party employer.(4) Ensure that no negotiated agreement contains an acknowledgment or admission that an individual who does not

qualify as a Title V employee is an “employee” for purposes of Title VII or any other law prohibiting discrimination.(5) Advise the command when discrimination is believed to be committed by a third-party employer operating on

the installation or supporting an Army program.f. Nothing in this section precludes management from offering ADR in an effort to resolve the dispute. If ADR is

accepted, all complaint processing should continue to be coordinated with the agency representative to ensurecompliance with contractual requirements.

3–11. Counseling sexual harassment complaints (10 USC Section 1561)a. If sexual harassment is one of the claims raised, the EEO counselor shall determine if the aggrieved person is

directly supervised by a military commanding officer or a military officer in charge of a unit, vessel, facility, or area ofthe Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps. If not, the EEO counselor will continue with procedures established in 29CFR Part 1614 and Army implementing guidelines.

b. If sexual harassment is one of the claims raised and the aggrieved is directly supervised by a military command-ing officer or a military officer in charge of a unit, vessel, facility, or area of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or MarineCorps; the EEO counselor shall advise the aggrieved that there are two statutes applicable to him or her (that is, TitleVII and 10 USC Section 1561) and that processes established under those statutes can be used simultaneously. TheEEO counselor shall inform the aggrieved of the point of contact designated by the commander to receive 10 USCSection 1561 complaints and that he or she must contact this individual in order to file a complaint under 10 USCSection 1561. The EEO counselor shall then continue with procedures established under 29 CFR Part 1614 and Armyimplementing guidelines.

3–12. Basic complaint requirementsa. The formal complaint should include at a minimum the basis(es), claim(s), and date(s) of alleged discriminatory

matters.b. General allegations of discrimination made by persons and special interest organizations that are not within the

scope of individual or class complaints will be promptly answered by the activity commander or a designee. A copy of

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the response to a general allegation will be sent to the MACOM EEO office of the activity against which the allegationwas made.

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Figure 3–1. Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights and Responsibilities

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Figure 3–1. Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued

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Figure 3–1. Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued

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Figure 3–1. Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued

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Figure 3–1. Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued

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Figure 3–1. Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued

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Figure 3–1. Sample Aggrieved Person’s Rights–continued

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Figure 3–2. Sample Offer to Mediate

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Figure 3–3. Sample Agreement to Mediate

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Figure 3–3. Sample Agreement to Mediate-continued

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Figure 3–4. Sample Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint After Mediation

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Figure 3–4. Sample Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint After Mediation–continued

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Figure 3–5. Sample Witness Participation in Complaint Processing

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Figure 3–5. Sample Witness Participation in Complaint Processing–continued

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Figure 3–6. Sample Agreement to Extend Counseling

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Figure 3–7. Sample Notice of Right to File a Complaint of Discrimination After Traditional Counseling

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Figure 3–7. Sample Notice of Right to File a Complaint of Discrimination After Traditional Counseling–continued

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Figure 3–8. Sample EEO Joint Employer Guidance Working Relationship Information

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Chapter 4Formal Complaints of Discrimination

Section IFiling and Acknowledgement of Formal Complaints of Discrimination

4–1. Filing a formal complainta. A formal complaint of discrimination shall be filed within 15 days of receipt of the Notice of Right to File a

Formal Complaint of Discrimination unless extenuating circ*mstances occur as discussed in paragraph 4–4a(4). Anindividual who files a formal complaint of discrimination is referred to as “the complainant” during the formalcomplaint process.

b. Complaints should be submitted on DA Form 2590. Complaints submitted in letter format, while not preferred,are acceptable if they meet the other regulatory requirements. If the complainant submits a letter rather than a DAForm 2590, the EEO officer will complete a DA Form 2590 and attach it to the letter provided by the complainant.

c. Formal complaints may be submitted to—(1) The activity EEO officer,(2) The activity commander,(3) The Army Director of Equal Employment Opportunity, or(4) The Secretary of the Army.d. All activity posters and similar publications will recommend that complainant submit a copy of his or her

complaint to the activity EEO officer regardless of with whomever else the complaint is filed. Anyone other than theactivity EEO officer who receives a complaint will immediately transmit the complaint to the activity EEO officer,indicating the date the complaint was received if it is not postmarked. EEO counselors should encourage aggrievedpersons to submit their formal complaints to the activity EEO officer to ensure timely processing.

e. A formal complaint shall be deemed timely if it is delivered in person, via facsimile, commercial overnightdelivery or postmarked before the expiration of the 15-day filing period or if, in the absence of a legible postmark, it isreceived within 5 days after the expiration of the 15-day filing period. If the complaint is mailed, the date of filing isthe postmark date, not the date received by the activity. The postmarked envelope will be attached to the formalcomplaint and retained in the complaint file. If commercial overnight delivery is used, the date of filing is the date it isdelivered to the commercial overnight delivery service.

f. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the EEO officer will indicate the MACOM and activity or installation againstwhich the complaint is filed, code the claims giving rise to the complaint, annotate the DA docket number on thecomplaint, ensure the precomplaint data in the EEO automated data system is accurate, and update the data system toreflect the formal complaint information. The formal complaint and all attachments will be maintained in the complaintfile under the “Formal” tab.

g. The EEO officer will submit one copy of the formal complaint to the MACOM.h. General allegations of discrimination made by persons and special interest organizations that are not within the

scope of individual or class complaints will be promptly answered by the activity commander or a designee. A copy ofthe response to a general allegation will be sent to the MACOM EEO office of the activity against which the complaintwas made.

4–2. Receipt and acknowledgement of a formal complainta. Within 15 days of receipt of a formal complaint, the EEO officer must acknowledge receipt of the complaint and

either dismiss the complaint or accept the complaint and request assignment of an investigator. The EEO officer willacknowledge receipt of the formal complaint in writing. (See figure 4–1.) The acknowledgement letter shall inform thecomplainant and representative of the date on which the complaint was received and considered filed.

b. If the formal complaint contains vague or overly general claims, the EEO officer will request clarification in theacknowledgement letter. The complainant and representative will be advised that failure to provide specific informationthat clearly defines the claims, within 15 days from the date of receipt of a request for clarification, may result indismissal of the complaint for failure to provide relevant information. (See paragraph 4–4a(13).)

c. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the activity commander will designate a labor counselor to serve as the Armyrepresentative. The name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address of the agency representativewill be placed in the complaint file under the “Admin” tab.

d. Upon issuance of the Acknowledgement of Receipt, the EEO officer will provide a copy of the completed DAForm 2590 and all other available documents to the agency representative.

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e. The acknowledgement of receipt and all subsequent actions on the complaint will be served in accordance withguidance provided in paragraph 1–25.

Section IIAcceptance, Partial Dismissal or Dismissal of Formal Complaints of Discrimination

4–3. Procedures for acceptance or dismissal of a formal complainta. The EEO officer will review the complaint to determine whether the complaint is a mixed or a nonmixed case.

The EEO officer should consult with the agency representative to make this determination.b. The EEO officer will review the complaint against the criteria of 29 CFR Section 1614.107 and paragraph 4–4 to

determine if the circ*mstances surrounding the claims meet the criteria for dismissal.(1) The EEO officer will coordinate acceptance and dismissal decisions, including the wording thereof, with the

agency representative.(2) The agency representative will respond to the EEO officer within 5 days of receiving a copy of the EEO

officer’s proposed decision and all existing complaint file documents. The agency representative’s failure to respondwithin 5 days of receipt of all file documents will not delay the administrative processing of the EEO complaint.

c. Before acceptance, the EEO officer must determine if consolidation of the complaint with a pending complaint isappropriate to avoid claim fragmentation. (See paragraph 4–7.)

d. Within 15 days after the complaint is received, the EEO officer will provide the complainant and representative awritten decision to accept claims in the complaint and request assignment of an investigator or dismiss the complaint.The acceptance/dismissal decision will be sent to the complainant and representative in accordance with the servicerules set forth in paragraph 1–25. A copy of the acceptance/dismissal decision will be kept in the complaint file underthe “Formal” tab.

e. The acceptance letter will inform the complainant of the following:(1) The claims that are accepted for investigation. If a portion of the formal complaint is dismissed, the Notice of

Acceptance will address the specific rationale for partial dismissal.(2) The right to submit a statement to the EEO officer concerning the articulation of the claims, and that any

statement submitted will be placed in the complaint file.(3) The right to submit evidence substantiating the claims for compensatory damages and notice that failure to

comply may limit any award if discrimination is subsequently found. (See figure 4–2.)(4) The reasons for any extension of time limits.( 5 ) A n y a m e n d m e n t t o t h e c o m p l a i n t m u s t b e i n w r i t i n g a n d s e r v e d o n t h e E E O o f f i c e r a n d t h e a g e n c y

representative.( 6 ) T h e n a m e , a d d r e s s , t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r , f a c s i m i l e n u m b e r , a n d e - m a i l a d d r e s s o f t h e d e s i g n a t e d a g e n c y

representative.(7) The acceptance of any complaint shall be conditioned upon the final decision of the Secretary of Army or

designee.f. In nonmixed complaint cases, the acceptance letter (fig 4–3) will also inform the complainant of the following:(1) The requirement of the agency to conduct an impartial investigation of the complaint within 180 days of the

filing of the complaint unless the parties agree to extend the time period.(2) The right to file a request for a hearing by an administrative judge directly with the EEOC any time after 180

days has elapsed from the date of filing the complaint. The complainant will be provided a copy of the Request forHearing form and the address of the appropriate EEOC office (see para 4–21).

(3) The right to amend a pending complaint to add claims that are like or related to those raised in the pendingcomplaint at any time prior to the conclusion of the investigation.

(4) After requesting a hearing, the right to file a motion with the administrative judge to amend the complaint toinclude claims like or related to those raised in the complaint.

(5) When a complaint has been amended, the requirement of the agency to conduct an impartial investigation withinthe earlier of 180 days after the last amendment to the complaint, or 360 days after the filing of the original complaint,except that the complainant may request a hearing from an EEOC administrative judge after 180 days have passedsince the filing of the original complaint, even if the agency’s investigation has not been completed.

(6) When complaints have been consolidated for processing, the requirement of the agency to conduct an impartialinvestigation within the earlier of 180 days after the filing of the last complaint or 360 days after the filing of theoriginal complaint, except that the complainant may request a hearing from an EEOC administrative judge on theconsolidated complaint any time after 180 days from the date of the filing of his or her first complaint.

(7) The authority of the Army to unilaterally extend the 180-day time period, or any period of extension, for notmore than 30 days when it must sanitize a complaint file that contains classified information. The complainant andrepresentative will be informed of the extension.

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(8) The right to appeal the final action or decision of a complaint, except in partial dismissals, to the EEOC OFO,P.O. Box 19848, Washington, DC 20036, within 30 days of receipt of the dismissal, final action, or final decision.

(9) The right to file a civil action in Federal district court as described in paragraph 5–12.(10) The requirement to serve a copy of all official correspondence, including any correspondence to the EEOC, on

the EEO officer and the agency representative.g. In mixed complaint cases, the acceptance letter (fig 4–4) must inform the complainant of the following:(1) The requirement of the agency to conduct an impartial investigation and issue a final agency decision (FAD)

within 120 days of the filing of the complaint.(2) The right to appeal the matter to the MSPB or file a civil action, but not both, at any time if a final decision has

not been issued within 120 days of filing the complaint.(3) The right to appeal the final Army decision to the MSPB (not the EEOC) or file a civil action, but not both,

within 30 days of receipt of the decision.(4) The address for the MSPB regional office.(5) The right to file a civil action in Federal district court as described in paragraph 5–12.(6) The requirement to serve a copy of all official correspondence, including any correspondence to the MSPB, on

the EEO officer and the agency representative.

4–4. Procedures and criteria for dismissal or partial dismissal of a formal complainta. A complaint or a portion of a complaint will be dismissed by the EEO officer (subject to final decision by the

Army Director of EEO or designee) if one or more of the following apply:(1) Failure to state a claim. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(1).) In determining whether a complaint states a

claim under 29 CFR Section 1614.103, the proper inquiry is whether the conduct, if true, would constitute an unlawfulemployment practice under the EEO statutes.

(2) States the same claim. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(1).) The complaint sets forth a matter identical to oneraised in a previous complaint filed by the same complainant and that has been or is being decided. The final decisionof the agency or EEOC proving that the matter has been processed, or documents showing that the matter is currentlybeing processed, will be attached to the notice of dismissal.

(3) Untimely EEO counselor contact. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(2).)(a) The complainant failed to contact an EEO official or an EEO counselor within 45 days of the date of the alleged

discriminatory claim, or in the case of a personnel action, within 45 days of the effective date of the action. Thecomplainant also must have failed to show that the 45-day contact period should be extended pursuant to 29 CFRSection 1614.105(a)(2). The agency has the burden to show that the complainant knew or should have known of the45-day time limitation, and the appropriate documentation should be attached to the dismissal notice.

(b) The activity commander or the activity EEO officer will not dismiss a complaint under this provision if thecomplainant shows that he or she was not notified of the time limits and was not otherwise aware of them, that he orshe did not know and reasonably should not have known that the discriminatory claim or personnel action occurred, orthat despite due diligence he or she was prevented by circ*mstances beyond his or her control from contacting acounselor within the time limits.

(c) In some instances, dismissal of a complaint may be precluded if the complainant contends that the claim is a partof a continuing violation or establishes that there are other equitable circ*mstances that might mitigate untimely EEOcounselor contact.

(d) The time limits of this paragraph may be extended by the activity EEO officer or the activity commander whenthe facts indicate that waiver, estoppel, or equitable tolling is appropriate.

(4) Untimely filing of formal complaint. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(2).)(a) Formal complaints filed later than 15 days after receipt of the Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of

Discrimination will be dismissed unless an extension of time limits has been granted.(b) The activity commander or the activity EEO officer will not dismiss a complaint under this provision unless

proof can be provided showing that complainant or complainant’s attorney representative received the Notice of Rightto File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination and was clearly informed of the 15-day filing period. The notice ofdismissal should reference the date the complainant either signed the Notice of Right to File or the date it was receivedby certified mail, and should include copies of those documents.

(c) The time limits of this paragraph may be extended by the activity commander or the activity EEO officer whenthe facts indicate that waiver, estoppel or equitable tolling are appropriate.

(5) Unrelated information. Complaint raises a matter that was not brought to the attention of an EEO counselor andis not like or related to the matter addressed by the counselor. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(2)).

(6) Filing of a civil action. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(3).) The complainant has filed a civil actionconcerning the same allegation(s) provided that at least 180 days have passed since the administrative complaint wasfiled. Copies of court filings will be attached to the notice of dismissal.

(7) Issue has been decided by U.S. District Court. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(3).) The same issue was the

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basis of a civil action decided by a U.S. District Court in which the complainant was a party. The proper inquiry todetermine whether dismissal is warranted is whether the acts of alleged discrimination in the EEO complaint areidentical to those contained in the civil action. Copies of court filings will be provided as an enclosure to the notice ofdismissal.

(8) Allegation raised in negotiated grievance procedure. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(4).) The complaint setsforth claims identical to those in a grievance filed in writing by the same complainant under a negotiated grievanceprocedure that does not exclude allegations of discrimination. Pursuant to 29 CFR Section 1614.301(a), an election toproceed under a negotiated grievance procedure is indicated by the filing of a timely written grievance. A copy of thegrievance and applicable section of the collective bargaining agreement showing that allegations of discrimination arenot excluded will be attached to the notice of dismissal.

(9) Appealed to the MSPB. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(4).) The complainant elected to appeal the claim to theMSPB, rather than or prior to filing a mixed case complaint under 29 CFR Section 1614.302. A copy of thecomplainant’s appeal to the MSPB will be attached to the notice of dismissal.

(10) Complaint is moot. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(5) and the glossary for definition.) A complaint may bedismissed as moot when there is no reasonable expectation that the alleged violation will recur, and interim relief orevents have completely and irrevocably eradicated the effects of the alleged discrimination. If compensatory damagesare requested, an EEO officer will not dismiss the complaint under this provision until the issue of compensatorydamages has been addressed.

(11) Complainant alleges a preliminary step. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(5).)(a) The complainant alleges that a proposal to take a personnel action or other preliminary step in taking a personnel

action is discriminatory. This provision requires the dismissal of complaints that allege discrimination in any prelimi-nary steps that do not, without further action, affect the person.

(b) If the complainant alleges, however, that the preliminary step was part of a pattern of harassing conduct for aprohibited reason, the complaint will not be dismissed under this section.

(12) Complainant cannot be located. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(6).)(a) A complaint may be dismissed when the complainant cannot be located, provided that reasonable efforts have

been made to locate the complainant, and the complainant has not responded within 15 days to a notice of proposeddismissal sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to his or her last known address.

(b) A claim may not be dismissed under this provision until after the complainant has filed a formal complaint.(13) Failure to respond or proceed in a timely manner. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(7).)(a) A complaint may be dismissed where the agency has provided complainant with a written request to provide

relevant information or otherwise proceed with the complaint, and complainant has failed to respond to the requestwithin 15 days of receipt, as evidenced by the signed, certified mail receipt (or proof of refusal to accept), or theresponse does not address the agency’s request, provided that the request included a notice of proposed dismissal andfurther provided that there is otherwise insufficient available information to adjudicate the complaint.

(b) Dismissal under this provision is applicable only in those cases where there is a clear record of delay orcontumacious conduct by the complainant.

(c) A complaint may not be dismissed under this provision where the record includes sufficient information to issuea decision.

(14) Dissatisfaction with the EEO process or "spin off" complaints. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(8).)(a) A complaint may be dismissed under this provision where the complainant alleges dissatisfaction with the

processing of a previously filed complaint.(b) The EEO officer will add a memorandum for record to the complaint file of the pending complaint annotating

complainant’s concerns and any action taken to resolve the complainant’s concerns. If no action was taken to resolvethe complainant’s concerns, the memorandum for record will explain the reasons for not taking action.

(c) The notice of dismissal must inform the complainant that if his or her concerns have not been resolvedinformally, he or she may present those concerns to an EEOC administrative judge if a hearing is requested and beforethe administrative judge issues a decision in the underlying complaint, or on appeal to the EEOC OFO, if no hearinghas been requested.

(d) The notice of dismissal should inform the complainant that he or she has the burden to prove improperprocessing, and that concerns regarding improper processing raised after a decision has been issued in the underlyingcomplaint will not be accepted by the agency, the administrative judge, or OFO.

(15) Abuse of the EEO process. (See 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a)(9).)(a) The activity commander or EEO officer will not dismiss a complaint under this provision unless there is a clear

pattern of misuse of the EEO process for ends other than that which it was designed to accomplish.(b) A clear pattern of misuse of the EEO process requires evidence of multiple complaint filings and evidence of

circumventing other administrative processes, retaliating against the agency’s in-house administrative processes, oroverburdening the EEO complaint system. Numerous filings alone are not sufficient bases for determining that therehas been an abuse of the process. However, multiple filings on the same issues, lack of specificity in the allegations,

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and the filing of complaints on claims previously raised may be considered when deciding whether a complainant hasengaged in a pattern of abuse of the EEO process.

b. When a complaint is partially dismissed, the EEO officer will inform the complainant and representative, inwriting, of the rationale for the partial dismissal and that the dismissed claims will not be investigated. The EEOofficer shall advise the complainant and representative that the partially dismissed claims are not appealable until afinal action is issued on the remainder of the complaint but may be reviewed by an administrative judge if thecomplainant requests a hearing on the accepted claims.

c. When a nonmixed case complaint is dismissed in its entirety (fig 4–5), the notice of dismissal must cite thefollowing:

(1) The appropriate section of 29 CFR Section 1614.107 and a specific explanation for the dismissal.(2) The right to appeal the dismissal decision to the EEOC within 30 days of receipt of the decision. A copy of

EEOC Form 573, Notice of Appeal/Petition to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of FederalOperations, will be attached to the notice of dismissal.

(3) The right to file a civil action in a Federal district court as described in paragraph 5–12.d. When a mixed case complaint is dismissed in its entirety (fig 4–6), the notice of dismissal must cite the

following:(1) The right to appeal the dismissal decision to the MSPB (or to the EEOC if it alleges that 29 CFR Section

1614.107(a)(4)) has been applied to a nonmixed matter) within 30 days of receipt of the notice of dismissal. A copy ofU.S. MSPB Optional Form 283, Appeal to MSPB, will be attached to the notice. A copy of the form is available fromthe MSPB Web site (

(2) The right to petition the EEOC to review the MSPB’s final decision on the discrimination issue.(3) The right to file a civil action in a Federal district court as described in paragraph 5–12.e. A complaint may be dismissed by the EEO officer after acceptance and prior to a request for a hearing if it is

discovered that one or more of the criteria set forth in paragraph 4–4a, as contained in 29 CFR Section 1614.107, isa p p l i c a b l e . P r o c e d u r e s f o r d i s m i s s a l c i t e d a b o v e w i l l b e f o l l o w e d , i n c l u d i n g c o o r d i n a t i o n w i t h t h e a g e n c yrepresentative.

f. The Army Director of EEO or designee reserves the right to—(1) Dismiss a complaint previously accepted by an EEO officer when making the final Army decision on the basis

of one or more of the grounds specified in paragraph 4–4a above.(2) Direct acceptance of an improperly dismissed complaint.

4–5. Captioning complaint correspondenceThe appropriate complaint caption will be placed on all documents and correspondence relating to the complaint. Allcomplaints accepted for processing by the EEO officer will be captioned so as to identify the complainant versus (v.)the name of the Secretary of the Army and the Army’s assigned docket number, unless the complaint is against aserviced activity not under the control of the Secretary of the Army, in which case the name and official title of theserviced agency’s head will be stated.

Section IIIAmendment and Consolidation of Complaints

4–6. Amendment of complaintsa. A complainant may add claims or incidents that are like or related to those raised in a pending complaint at any

time prior to the issuance of the notice required by 29 CFR Section 1614.108(f) at the completion of the investigation.There is no requirement that the complainant seek precomplaint counseling for any newly disclosed like or relatedclaims or incidents.

(1) If it is determined that the complainant has raised a new incident that provides additional evidence offered insupport of the claim raised in the pending complaint, but does not raise a new claim in and of itself, the EEO officermust acknowledge receipt of the amendment in writing and inform the complainant of the date on which theamendment was filed. The EEO officer should instruct the investigator, in writing, to include the new incident in theinvestigation. A copy of this letter should be sent to the complainant and representative in accordance with the servicerules set forth in paragraph 1–25. The EEO officer will furnish the agency representative with a copy of theamendment and the acknowledgement notice and place a copy in the complaint file under the “Formal” tab.

(2) If it is determined that the complainant has raised a new claim of alleged discrimination that is not part of anexisting complaint, but the new claim is like or related to the pending complaint, the EEO officer will amend thepending complaint to include the new claim. The EEO officer shall acknowledge receipt of the amendment in writingand inform the complainant and representative of the date on which the amendment was filed. The acknowledgementnotice will inform the complainant and representative that the newly raised claim will be included for investigationwith the previously filed complaint. The EEO officer will instruct the investigator, in writing, to include the new claimin the investigation and will provide a copy of that letter to the complainant and the complainant’s representative in

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accordance with the service rules set forth in paragraph 1–25. The EEO officer will furnish the agency representativewith a copy of the amendment and the acknowledgement notice and place a copy in the complaint file under the“Formal” tab.

(3) If the EEO officer concludes that the new claim raised by the complainant is not like or related to the claimraised in the pending complaint, then the EEO officer will advise the complainant that an EEO counselor will beassigned to conduct a precomplaint intake on the new claim in accordance with paragraph 3–6. The postmark date ofthe letter (from complainant requesting that the complaint be amended) to the EEO officer or complaints manager, thedate of facsimile or e-mail, or the date the letter was delivered in person to an EEO official is the date for timecomputation purposes used to determine if initial counselor contact was timely under 29 CFR Section 1614.105(a).

b. The EEO officer will coordinate the draft amendment decision and notice with the agency representative beforeissuance.

c. When a complaint is amended, the investigation will be completed within the earlier of 180 days after the lastamendment to the complaint or 360 days after the filing of the original complaint.

d. Like or related claims added after the complainant has requested a hearing will be filed by the complainantdirectly with the administrative judge. The complainant must provide a copy of any motion filed with the administra-tive judge to the EEO office and agency representative.

4–7. Consolidation of complaintsa. The EEO officer will consolidate two or more complaints of discrimination filed by the same employee,

applicant, former employee, or certain contract employee for joint processing, after appropriate notice has been givento the complainant and representative. Although processed as a single unit, these complaints will be tracked in theautomated tracking system using all applicable DA docket numbers.

b. The EEO officer may consolidate complaints of discrimination filed by two or more different Army employees,former employees, applicants for employment, or certain contract employees when they involve substantially similarallegations of discrimination or relate to the same matter, after appropriate notice has been given to the respectivecomplainants and representatives. When complaints are consolidated for processing, each complainant will receive aseparate investigative file. The complaints will be docketed and tracked separately in the EEO automated data system.

c. When a complaint has been consolidated with one or more earlier complaints, the investigation will be completedwithin the earlier of 180 days after the last complaint or 360 days after the filing of the original complaint, except thatthe complainant may request a hearing from an EEOC administrative judge on the consolidated complaints any timeafter 180 days from the date of the first filed complaint.

Section IVProcessing Procedures for Mixed Complaints and Appeals, Negotiated Grievances, andAdministrative Grievances

4–8. Mixed casesa. Definitions.(1) A “mixed case complaint” is a complaint of employment discrimination filed with a Federal agency based on

race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or reprisal related to or stemming from an action that can beappealed to the MSPB. The complaint may contain only a claim of employment discrimination or it may containadditional nondiscrimination issues that the MSPB has jurisdiction to address. There is no right to a hearing before anEEOC administrative judge on a mixed case complaint.

(2) A “mixed case appeal” is an appeal filed directly with the MSPB that alleges that an action appealable to theMSPB was effected, in whole or in part, because of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin,age, disability, or reprisal. This differs from an appeal to the MSPB of a final agency decision on a mixed casecomplaint.

b. Standing. Prior to processing a mixed case complaint, the EEO officer must determine that the employee hasstanding to file a mixed case appeal with the MSPB.

(1) The following employees generally have a right to appeal to the MSPB and, therefore, to initiate a mixed casecomplaint or appeal:

(a) Competitive service employees not serving a probationary or trial period under an initial appointment;(b) Career appointees to the Senior Executive Service;(c) Noncompetitive service veterans preference eligible employees with one or more years of current continuous

service, such as postal employees and attorneys with veterans preference; and(d) Nonpreference eligible excepted service employees who have completed their probationary period or with two or

more years of current continuous service, such as attorneys.(2) The following employees generally do not have a right to appeal to the MSPB:(a) Probationary employees (see 5 CFR Section 315.806, allowing appeals alleging discrimination based on party

affiliation, marital status, procedural deficiencies);

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(b) Certain nonappropriated fund activity employees, such as employees of the Army and Air Force Exchange;(c) Employees serving under a temporary appointment limited to one year or less; and(d) Employees of the Central Intelligence Agency, the General Accounting Office, the United States Postal Service,

the Postal Rate Commission, the Panama Canal Commission, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and the Federal Bureauof Investigation.

c. Appealable actions. Most appealable actions fall into one of the following seven categories:(1) Reduction in grade or removal for unacceptable performance.(2) Removal, reduction in grade or pay, suspension for more than 14 days, or furlough for 30 days or less for cause

that will promote the efficiency of the service.(3) Separation, reduction in grade, or furlough for more than 30 days, when the action was effected because of a

reduction-in-force.(4) Reduction-in-force action affecting a career appointee in the Senior Executive Service.(5) Reconsideration decision sustaining a negative determination of competence for a general schedule employee.(6) Disqualification of an employee or applicant because of a suitability determination.(7) Constructive discharge or retirement.d. Presentation of a mixed case. A mixed case may be presented initially as a discrimination complaint under this

regulation or under a negotiated grievance procedure, if applicable, or as part of an appeal to the MSPB in accordancewith 5 CFR Part 1201, Subpart E. Employees must choose the system under which they wish to proceed. Whicheverformal action the employee files first, in writing, is considered an election to proceed in that forum as to the allegeddiscrimination. Filing a formal complaint constitutes an election to proceed in the EEO forum; however, neither contactwith an EEO counselor nor participation in the precomplaint process constitutes an election.

4–9. Processing mixed case complaintsWhen a complainant files a mixed case complaint, the EEO officer shall process the complaint in the same manner as itwould a nonmixed discrimination complaint except—

a. Upon acceptance of a mixed case complaint, the EEO officer must advise the complainant and representative thatif a final decision is not issued within 120 days of the date of filing the complaint, the complainant may appeal thecomplaint to the MSPB at any time thereafter, as specified in 5 CFR Section 1201.154(b), or the complainant may filea civil action, but not both, and;

b. Upon acceptance of a mixed case complaint, the EEO officer must inform the complainant and representative ofthe right to appeal the complaint to the MSPB (not the EEOC) within 30 days of receipt of the final agency decision ifdissatisfied with the final agency decision on the mixed case complaint.

c. Upon completion of the investigation, the EEO officer must notify the complainant that a final agency decisionwithout a hearing before an EEOC administrative judge will be issued within 45 days or within 120 days from thefiling of the formal complaint.

d. Upon issuance of the final agency decision on a mixed case complaint, the EEO officer must advise thecomplainant and representative of the right to appeal the decision to the MSPB (not EEOC) within 30 days of receiptof the decision and of the right to file a civil action.

4–10. Appeals of mixed case complaints to the MSPBa. An appeal to the MSPB on a mixed case complaint may be submitted—(1) If a final decision is not issued by the Army within 120 days of the date of filing of the mixed case complaint.

The complainant may appeal the matter to the MSPB any time thereafter as specified in 5 CFR Section 1201.154(b)(2)or may file a civil action as specified at 29 CFR Section 1614.310(g), but not both, or

(2) If dissatisfied with the final Army decision on the mixed case complaint, the complainant may appeal the matterto the MSPB (not EEOC) within 30 days of receipt of the final Army decision.

b. Appeals should be submitted to the appropriate MSPB field or regional office.c. Although not required, complainants should be encouraged to use MSPB Optional Form 283, to file their appeal

with the MSPB.d. Appeals to the MSPB may be filed by mail, facsimile, commercial overnight delivery, or personal delivery. The

date of filing is the date the appeal is postmarked, the date of the facsimile transmission, the date it is delivered to thecommercial overnight delivery service, or the date of personal delivery.

e. The complainant must serve a copy of an appeal of a mixed case complaint to the activity EEO officer andagency representative.

4–11. Mixed case appeals to the MSPBa. A mixed case appeal is an appeal filed directly with the MSPB, as defined in paragraph 4–8a(2).b. Mixed case appeals to the MSPB must be filed within 30 days of the effective date of the action, if any, or within

30 calendar days after the date of receipt of the final Army decision whichever is later.

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c. Filing instructions outlined in paragraphs 4–10 b through e should be followed.

4–12. Procedures for handling dual filing of mixed case complaints and mixed case appealsa. When a complainant files a mixed case appeal with the MSPB before filing a mixed case complaint with the

activity and the activity does not dispute MSPB jurisdiction, the EEO officer shall dismiss the mixed case complaintand advise the complainant to raise the claim of discrimination contained in the dismissed complaint to the attention oft h e M S P B . T h e n o t i c e o f d i s m i s s a l s h a l l n o t i f y t h e c o m p l a i n a n t t h a t a n y a l l e g e d m i s a p p l i c a t i o n o f S e c t i o n1614.107(a)(4) must be appealed to the EEOC and not the MSPB. (See figure 4–7.) The EEO officer will attach a copyof the MSPB mixed case appeal to the notice of dismissal.

b. When the complainant files a mixed case appeal with the MSPB before filing a mixed case complaint with theactivity and the activity questions MSPB jurisdiction, the EEO officer shall hold the mixed case complaint in abeyanceuntil the MSPB administrative judge rules on the jurisdictional issue. The agency representative will request adetermination from the MSPB on the jurisdictional matter. The EEO officer will inform the complainant and represent-ative that the mixed case complaint will be held in abeyance and advise the complainant to bring the discriminationclaim to the attention of the MSPB. During this period, all time limitations for processing or filing the complaint willbe tolled.

(1) When the MSPB administrative judge determines that MSPB has jurisdiction over the claim, the EEO officershall dismiss the mixed case complaint and advise the complainant and representative of the right to petition EEOC toreview the MSPB’s final decision on the claim of discrimination.

(2) When the MSPB administrative judge determines that MSPB does not have jurisdiction over the claim, the EEOofficer shall recommence processing of the mixed case complaint as a nonmixed EEO complaint and notify thecomplainant and representative.

c. When the complainant files a mixed case complaint with the activity and then files a mixed case appeal with theMSPB, the EEO officer shall coordinate with the agency representative. The agency representative shall file a motionwith the MSPB to dismiss the mixed case appeal.

d. Since the EEO officer is not normally served MSPB decisions, the activity official who receives an MSPB finalorder on an appeal of a mixed case complaint or mixed case appeal must immediately inform the EEO officer so thattimely notice of applicable appeal rights may be provided to the appellant.

4–13. Processing where MSPB dismisses a mixed case appeal or an appeal of a mixed casecomplaint

a. When a complainant files a mixed case appeal in lieu of using the EEO process and the MSPB dismisses theappeal for lack of jurisdiction, the agency representative or official who receives MSPB final actions will immediatelycontact the EEO officer and provide a copy of the MSPB decision. The EEO officer must then inform the complainantthat he or she may contact an EEO counselor within 45 days to address the alleged discriminatory issues and that thefiling date of the mixed case appeal will be considered to be the date of initial contact with the EEO counselor.

b. If the individual filed the appeal after receiving a final Army decision on the mixed case complaint, or after theArmy failed to issue a final decision on the mixed case complaint within 120 days and the MSPB dismisses for lack ofjurisdiction, the EEO officer must provide the complainant with a 30-day notice of right to a hearing and decision froman EEOC administrative judge or an immediate final Army decision pursuant to Section 1614.108(f) and thereafterproceed as in a nonmixed case.

4–14. Negotiated grievance procedurea. A complainant who is covered by a collective bargaining agreement may file claims of discrimination or reprisal

under the negotiated grievance procedure instead of filing under this regulation. The complainant has this grievanceoption if the negotiated grievance procedure does not exclude claims of discrimination or reprisal. When using thenegotiated grievance procedure, a complainant is bound by the negotiated agreement.

b. If the negotiated agreement does not exclude claims of discrimination, a person wishing to file a complaint or agrievance on a matter of alleged employment discrimination must elect the forum in which to pursue the matter. If aperson files a timely written grievance, he or she may not thereafter file a complaint on the same matter under thisregulation irrespective of whether the grievance has raised an allegation of discrimination within the negotiatedgrievance procedure. Any such formal complaint, filed after a written grievance has been filed on the same matter,shall be dismissed without prejudice to the complainant’s rights to proceed through the negotiated grievance process,including the complainant’s right to request the EEOC to review a final decision as provided by 5 USC Section7121(d) and Subpart D of Part 1614. The activity decision dismissing such a complaint shall advise the complainant ofthe obligation to raise discrimination in the grievance process and the right to appeal the final grievance decision to theEEOC. (See figure 4–8.) An election, pursuant to this paragraph, to proceed under this regulation is indicated only byfiling a formal complaint. Use of the precomplaint process as described in chapter 3 does not constitute an election forthe purpose of this paragraph. (See paragraph 5–3 for final decision under the negotiated grievance procedure.)

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4–15. Administrative grievance procedureAllegations of discrimination, which are subject to final administrative review by the EEOC, may not be raised by anemployee in the administrative grievance procedure. (See DOD Directive 1400.25–M, Subchapter 771).

4–16. Army’s Accessibility Program and command responsibilitiesComplaints of discrimination filed on the basis of disability involving programs and activities assisted or conducted bythe Department of Army will be processed in accordance with AR 600–7 (Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicapin Programs and Activities Assisted or Conducted by the Department of the Army). AR 600–7 provides a system forprocessing complaints filed by those qualified disabled individuals who, because of their disabilities, were precludedfrom taking part in or attending certain programs conducted by or funded by DA, or precluded from gaining access toFederally owned or leased buildings, Army posts, camps, or stations because of architectural design or other barriers.

Section VInvestigation of Formal Complaints of Discrimination

4–17. Arranging for investigationa. For accepted complaints, within 15 days of the date a formal complaint is filed, the EEO officer will request the

assignment of an investigator. (See figure 4–9.) A copy of the request, with any documents not previously provided,will be forwarded to the complainant and his or her representative in accordance with the service rules contained inparagraph 1–25, and to the agency representative. The request must contain the following information:

(1) A clear statement of the claims accepted for investigation.(2) Whether the formal complaint is a mixed case complaint.(3) The complainant’s mailing address, organization, work location, and telephone numbers, both Defense Switching

Network (DSN) and commercial, facsimile number, and e-mail address.(4) The complainant’s designation of a representative, including the representative’s mailing address, telephone

number, facsimile number, and e-mail address.( 5 ) T h e n a m e , a d d r e s s , t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r , f a c s i m i l e n u m b e r , a n d e - m a i l a d d r e s s o f t h e d e s i g n a t e d a g e n c y

representative.(6) Appropriate fund information to ensure payment for investigative services.(7) A specific point of contact within the activity EEO office with appropriate telephone number, facsimile number

and e-mail address.(8) Legible and unsanitized copies of the following documents:(a) The formal complaint, DA Form 2590.(b) The acceptance/partial acceptance letter.(c) The EEO Counselor’s Report.(d) The Notice of Right to File a Formal Discrimination Complaint(e) All other relevant documents.b. The EEO officer, or a designee, will arrange for the investigator’s visit or teleconferencing if available. This may

include the following:(1) Arranging for quarters and local transportation.(2) Providing a conference room or other similar location with appropriate teleconferencing facilities, if needed.(3) Ensuring clerical support, court-reporting services at the location of the investigation, or any other administrative

support needed to conduct an efficient investigation. Army employees may be used to transcribe investigations.Interservice support agreements with the Navy or Air Force may be used instead of contracting for such services. If noreporter is available, the activity may then contract for a court reporter through the contracting office using the GeneralServices Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule (FSS).

(4) Ensuring the availability of witnesses and technical advisors as required and approved by the investigator.(5) Ensuring the availability of current employment and administrative statistics, such as promotions, hires, training,

discipline, awards, and so forth, as requested by the investigator.c. Upon receipt of the list of accepted witnesses from the investigator, the EEO officer will issue a written

notification to the witnesses that their presence is required and provide information as to dates, time, and location ofthe investigation. A copy of each witness notification letter will be provided to the agency representative.

d. To avoid the appearance of impropriety, no activity personnel, to include the EEO officer, civilian personnelofficial, or any management official, shall express an opinion regarding the perceived merits of a complaint, or lackthereof, to the investigator. The agency representative may do so in connection with the investigation. However,activity personnel may disclose facts that would assist the investigator at any time up to the receipt of the investigativefile.

e. Contracts with court reporting firms must require delivery of six verbatim transcripts to the investigator within 14

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days after the factfinding conference is concluded. If the complaints investigated have two or more complainants,contracts with court reporting firms must require one additional copy of the transcript for each additional complainant.

4–18. Avoiding delaysa. Complainants and management officials must cooperate to process complaints without delay so that they may be

investigated within 180 days of filing a nonmixed complaint or 75 days of filing a mixed complaint. Complainants,representatives, and witnesses must have a compelling reason to delay or fail to participate in an investigation.

b. Complaint processing will not be delayed pending settlement negotiations. Settlement negotiations are to be heldconcurrently with administrative processing. Successful settlement negotiations will terminate the administrative com-plaint process.

4–19. Functions of assigned investigatorInvestigators are authorized to act as follows:

a. Investigate all aspects of a complaint. This includes reviewing and copying all records and documents judged bythe investigator to be pertinent to the investigation. Classified documents may be examined only by an investigator whopossesses the appropriate security clearance.

b. Require all Army personnel to cooperate with the investigator during the investigation.c. Administer oaths.d. Require all Army personnel who have direct knowledge of the matter to furnish testimony under oath or

affirmation without a promise of confidentiality.e. Issue an investigative file that contains an investigative report on the claims of alleged discrimination.f. Encourage the parties to settle a complaint as appropriate.g . E x c l u d e a n y p e r s o n f r o m t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n f o r c o n t u m a c i o u s c o n d u c t o r m i s b e h a v i o r t h a t o b s t r u c t s t h e

investigation.h. Discuss claims presented for investigation requiring clarification with the EEO officer.

4–20. The investigationa. The investigating agency will complete its investigation and issue an investigative report within 120 days of the

date of receipt of the request for investigation of a nonmixed individual complaint, or within 75 days of receipt of amixed complaint. The 120- and 75-day time frames in this paragraph are administrative guidelines.

b. By written agreement between the Army and the complainant, the 180-day time period may be voluntarilyextended for not more than an additional 90 days. (See figure 4–10.) The EEO officer will be responsible forcoordinating with the complainant and representative prior to the 180-day period to obtain signatures on the agreement.The Army may unilaterally extend the 180-day time period, or any period of extension, for not more than 30 dayswhen it must sanitize a complaint file which contains classified information, provided the complainant and his or herrepresentative are informed of the extension. Part 1614 contains no provision for extending the time to investigate amixed case complaint.

c. When a complaint has been amended or consolidated with an ongoing complaint, the EEO officer will provide theinvestigative file to complainant and his or her representative within the earlier of 180 days after the last amendment tothe complaint or 360 days after the filing of the original complaint or within the time period contained in an order fromEEOC OFO on an appeal from a dismissal or within any period of extension provided in paragraph b above.

d. The assignment of investigators to conduct the investigation is within the purview of the investigating agency.The investigation may take various forms, such as an exchange of letters or memoranda, interrogatories, factfindingconferences, or any other method that thoroughly and efficiently addresses the matters at issue. The preferred methodfor investigating Army EEO complaints is the factfinding conference; therefore, exceptions to use other methods willbe granted by the Deputy for EEOCCR on a case-by-case basis. The factfinding conference, which may be accom-plished through video teleconferencing, differs from the traditional method of investigation primarily in the area oftaking testimony. Instead of conducting a series of individual interviews during the investigation, the investigator takestestimony in a formal meeting from the same participants who would have been interviewed in the traditional method.This method produces a more thorough case record. A verbatim record of the proceeding is taken with all testimonygiven under oath or affirmation. The other phases of the investigation generally parallel the traditional method.

e. The investigator collects facts and develops information on each accepted claim in the complaint and reviews thecirc*mstances under which the discrimination is alleged to have taken place.

f. The investigator does not have the authority to expand the scope of the investigation when the complainant hasamended his or her pending complaint to add claims or incidents that are like or related to those claims or incidents inthe pending complaint unless approval to do so has been given by the EEO officer. (See paragraph 4–6.) However, aninvestigator is not restricted from investigating an accepted claim on a basis other than that originally raised by thecomplainant in his or her complaint.

(1) If, during the course of an investigation, evidence is introduced that tends to establish discrimination on a basisother than the one initially raised by the complainant, the investigator may develop evidence on the additional basis.

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(2) The investigator must provide the complainant and management the opportunity to present evidence on the newbasis. The obligation of the investigator to collect facts and develop information does not lessen the responsibility ofthe complainant and management to prepare, present, and explain their positions concerning the complaint.

g. When a complainant raises a new claim or incident of alleged discrimination during the investigative process, theinvestigator will instruct the complainant to submit his or her amendment, in writing, to the EEO officer. The EEOofficer will expeditiously review complainant’s request for amendment and provide the complainant with a writtendetermination as prescribed in paragraph 4–6. The EEO officer will provide the investigator a copy of the writtendetermination and instructions whether to include the new claim or incident for investigation.

h. The investigator initiates discussion between the parties in an attempt to facilitate resolution of the complaint.i. The investigator determines the witnesses whose testimony is necessary to the investigation and interviews and

obtains testimony or affidavits from only those witnesses. Affidavits are included in the investigative file only if theinvestigator deems the testimony relevant and necessary. The investigator documents for the record the reason anywitness identified by the complainant or by management was not interviewed and the reason the evidence offered wasnot accepted. When a party fails without good cause shown to produce requested, relevant evidence, the investigatormay note in the investigative record that the decisionmaker should, or the Commission on appeal may, in appropriatecirc*mstances:

(1) Draw an adverse inference that the requested information or the testimony of the requested witness would havereflected unfavorably on the party refusing to provide the requested information or witness;

(2) Consider the matter to which the requested information or the testimony of the requested witness pertains to beestablished in favor of the opposing party;

(3) Exclude other evidence offered by the party failing to produce the requested information or witness;(4) Issue a decision fully or partially in favor of the opposing party; or(5) Take such other actions as deemed appropriate.j. The investigator collects and analyzes information on how similarly situated members of the complainant’s group

are treated compared to other employees in the organization where the discrimination is alleged to have occurred. Thisinformation may include, for instance, statistical data on promotions, disciplinary actions, awards, or other personnelactions.

k. The investigator reviews work policies and practices relevant to the accepted claims of the complaint.l. The investigator collects information needed to review the merit of mixed case claims that are included under

paragraph 4–8.m. The investigator is independent of control by any of the parties to the complaint, but is entitled to the full

cooperation of all parties and their representatives.n. Upon completion of the investigation within the time limits set forth in paragraph 4–20a, the investigator will

send the original and two copies of the investigative file with all copies of the factfinding conference transcript to theEEO officer. Included in the file are the Report of Investigation and other relevant documents, as described inparagraph 8–10.

4–21. EEO officer responsibilities after completion of investigationa. Assemble the complaint file in accordance with the guidance in paragraph 8–10.b. For nonmixed cases, the EEO officer will—(1) Within 3 days of receipt of the investigative file, provide a Notice of Post-Investigative Options (nonmixed

cases) to complainant and representative advising complainant that he or she may request a hearing before an EEOCadministrative judge or a final Army decision based on the record (complaint file), and that any request for a hearingmust be sent directly to the EEOC District Office provided in the Notice of Acceptance within 30 days from the date ofreceipt of the Notice of Post-Investigative Options. (See figure 4–11.) Complainant will be further advised that a copyof the Request for a Hearing must be simultaneously served on the EEO officer and the agency representative. A copyof the investigative file, including the factfinding conference transcript and Report of Investigation, will be attached tothe Notice of Post-Investigative Options. The EEO officer will also attach the Request for a Hearing and Request for aFinal Army Decision Without a Hearing formats to the notice. (See figures 4–12 and 4–13.) The Notice of Post-Investigative Options (nonmixed cases) and the investigative file will be sent to the complainant and representative inaccordance with service rules set forth in paragraph 1–25.

(2) Provide a copy of the Notice of Post-Investigative Options (nonmixed), and the investigative file, including thefactfinding conference transcript and the Report of Investigation, to the agency representative.

(3) Send one copy of the complete, tabbed complaint file to the appropriate EEOC Hearings Unit and the originaland one copy of the complete, tabbed complaint file to the Deputy for EEOCCR within 3 days of receipt of thecomplainant’s request for an EEOC hearing or upon notification by EEOC that the complainant has requested ahearing, whichever is earlier. The transmittal letter must include instructions to send the administrative judge’s decisionto the EEO/Civil Rights Office (Deputy for EEO Compliance and Complaints Review), ATTN: SAMR–EO-CCR, 1941Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 109B, Arlington, VA 22202–4508. The complainant may request a hearing by the

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EEOC administrative judge whether or not he or she has received the Notice of Post-Investigative Options if 180 dayshave elapsed from the date the formal complaint was filed.

(4) Send the original and one copy of the complete, tabbed complaint file to the Deputy for EEOCCR within 3 daysof receipt of the complainant’s request for a final Army decision without a hearing.

(5) If the complainant or representative fails to respond to the Notice of Post-Investigative Options by the 36th dayafter receipt of the Notice, send the original and one copy of the complete, tabbed complaint file to the Deputy forEEOCCR for a final Army decision.

c. For mixed cases, the EEO officer will—(1) Within 3 days of receipt of the investigative file, prepare a letter advising the complainant that a final Army

decision will be issued without a hearing (fig 4–14). A copy of the investigative file, including the factfindingconference transcript and Report of Investigation, will be attached. The letter and the investigative file will be sent inaccordance with service rules set forth in paragraph 1–25.

(2) Forward the original and one copy of the complete, tabbed complaint file to the Deputy for EEOCCR forissuance of a final Army decision.

Section VIHearings Before the EEOC

4–22. Arranging for an EEOC hearinga. Upon receipt of notification from either the EEOC or the agency representative of the date and location where

hearing is to be held, the EEO officer will make arrangements for an appropriate room to hold the hearing and advisethe agency representative of the selected location.

b. The EEO officer will arrange for the services of a court reporter at the hearing.(1) The use of Army employees to transcribe hearings is prohibited by the EEOC except as may be authorized in a

signed memorandum of understanding between the Army and the EEOC. However, interservice support agreementsmay be used instead of contracting for such services.

(2) Contracts with court reporting firms must require delivery of six verbatim transcripts to the EEOC administrativejudge within 10 days or less after the EEOC hearing is closed. If the complaints heard have two or more complainants,contracts with court reporting firms must require one additional copy of the hearing transcript for each additionalcomplainant.

c. The use of video teleconferencing is viewed as an appropriate method to conduct hearings.d. Upon receipt of the list of accepted witnesses from the agency representative, the EEO officer will issue a written

notification to the witnesses that their presence will be required and provide information as to date, time, and location.A copy of each witness notification letter will be provided to the agency representative. The EEO officer will make allnecessary travel arrangements. For information about travel and other related expenses, see paragraph 8–9.

4–23. The EEOC hearinga. The hearing is conducted by an EEOC administrative judge subject to EEOC regulations and procedures. This

paragraph is provided for information and general guidance and does not control the EEOC administrative judge’sactivities. The administrative judge is authorized to—

(1) Administer oaths or affirmations;(2) Regulate the course of the hearing;(3) Rule on offers of proof and receive relevant evidence;(4) Order the production of documents, records, comparative data, statistics, affidavits, or the attendance of

witnesses;(5) Limit the number of witnesses whose testimony would be unduly repetitious;(6) Exclude any person from the hearing for contumacious conduct or misbehavior that obstructs the hearing. The

administrative judge or the EEOC may refer to the disciplinary committee of the appropriate Bar Association or theArmy General Counsel information on any attorney who refuses to follow the orders of the administrative judge orwho otherwise engages in improper conduct. Upon reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard, the administrativejudge or EEOC may suspend or disqualify from representing complainants or agencies in EEOC hearings anyrepresentative who refuses to follow the orders of an administrative judge, or who otherwise engages in improperconduct.

(7) Dismiss complaints pursuant to 29 CFR Section 1614.107 after notice to both parties or upon an agency’smotion to dismiss a complaint.

(8) Issue a decision without holding a hearing if he or she determines that some or all facts are not in genuinedispute. The administrative judge may, after giving notice to the parties and providing them an opportunity to respondin writing within 15 days, issue an order limiting the scope of the hearing or issue findings and conclusions withoutholding a hearing.

b. The parties have the right to seek discovery prior to the hearing. Unless the parties agree in writing concerning

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the methods and scope of discovery, the party that is seeking discovery shall request authorization from the administra-tive judge prior to commencing discovery. Evidence may be developed through interrogatories, depositions, requestsfor admissions, stipulations, or requests for the production of documents. Requests for information that are overlyburdensome or seek information that is irrelevant, repetitious, or privileged are objectionable. The agency representa-tive will handle discovery requests for the agency. All Army officials will cooperate with the agency representative byproviding information and documents to the agency representative to respond to discovery requests.

c. If the complainant or the Army refuses or fails without good cause shown to fully and timely respond to an orderof an administrative judge or any request by the administrative judge for documents, records, comparative data,statistics, affidavits, or the attendance of witnesses, the administrative judge may, in appropriate circ*mstances—

(1) Draw an adverse inference that the requested information or the testimony of the requested witness would havereflected unfavorably on the party refusing to provide the requested information or witness;

(2) Consider the matter to which the requested information or the testimony of the requested witness pertains to beestablished in favor of the opposing party;

(3) Exclude other evidence offered by the party failing to produce the requested information or witness;(4) Issue a decision fully or partially in favor of the opposing party; or(5) Take such other actions as deemed appropriate.d. The administrative judge will limit attendance at the hearing to those who have direct knowledge of the

complaint. The activity will provide for the attendance at the hearing of all Army and Federal government personnelapproved by the administrative judge as witnesses. The administrative judge conducts the hearing to bring out pertinentfacts and to accept pertinent documents. Rules of evidence are not applied strictly, but the administrative judge willexclude irrelevant or repetitious evidence. Information that has a bearing on the complaint, including employmentpolicies or practices relevant to the complaint, will be received in evidence. The complainant or representative, if any,and the agency representative at the hearing are given the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses who appear andtestify. Testimony is given under oath or affirmation.

e. The hearing is recorded and transcribed verbatim. All documents accepted by the administrative judge at thehearing are made part of the record. If the agency representative submits a document that is accepted, a copy of thedocument will be furnished to the complainant or complainant’s attorney, if represented. If the complainant submits adocument that is accepted, the administrative judge will make the document available to the agency representative forreproduction.

f. The administrative judge considers all documents in the complaint file, including the record of the hearing, inmaking his or her decision. The administrative judge shall issue a decision within 180 days of receipt of the request fora hearing unless the administrative judge makes a determination that good cause exists for extending the time. Theadministrative judge, as requested in the transmittal letter, shall send the decision and the requested number of copiesof the hearing transcript to the Deputy for EEOCCR.

g. The administrative judge shall send a copy of his or her decision and the hearing transcript to the complainant orhis or her representative. Also, the administrative judge may send the Deputy for EEOCCR a separate letter concerningconditions at the activity that do not have a direct bearing on the complaint which need to be addressed.

h. If the administrative judge sends the original decision and any records or attachments to the activity rather than tothe Deputy for EEOCCR, the EEO officer will immediately notify EEOCCR and fax the decision to EEOCCR at (703)602–8391. The original decision, including any records or documents attached thereto, will be sent by certified mail,r e t u r n r e c e i p t r e q u e s t e d , a n d e x p r e s s d e l i v e r y t o t h e E E O / C i v i l R i g h t s O f f i c e ( D e p u t y f o r E E O C C R ) , A T T N :SAMR–EO-CCR, 1941 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 109B, Arlington, VA 22202–4508.

4–24. Timeframes for offers of resolutiona. An offer of resolution may be made—(1) To a complainant represented by an attorney at any time after the filing of a formal complaint, but not later than

the date an administrative judge is appointed to conduct a hearing.(2) At any time after the parties have received notice that an administrative judge has been appointed to conduct a

hearing, but not later than 30 days prior to the hearing whether the complainant is represented by an attorney or not.b. The complainant will have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt to accept or decline the Offer of Resolution.c. The foregoing time and representation provisions apply only to offers of resolution and do not restrict either

negotiation of a settlement or use of ADR to resolve the complaint.

4–25. Elements of the offera. An Offer of Resolution, with the accompanying settlement agreement, will be made in writing and served,

unsigned, in accordance with the service rules set forth in paragraph 1–25. The notice of nonacceptance will also beattached. (See figs 4–15, 4–16, and 4–17.) The Offer of Resolution and accompanying agreement will be drafted orreviewed by the designated agency representative.

b. An Offer of Resolution made under the provisions of 29 CFR Section 1614.109(c) will—

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(1) Include attorney’s fees and costs, unless the complaints involve ADEA or EPA claims where attorney’s fees andcosts are not payable.

(2) Specify any nonmonetary and monetary relief. The offer may include a lump sum payment that includes allforms of monetary liability, including attorney’s fees and costs, or the offer may itemize the amounts and types ofmonetary relief offered.

(3) Inform the complainant and representative that acceptance or rejection of the offer must be made, in writing,within 30 days from receipt of the offer.

(4) Inform the complainant and representative that failure to accept an offer of resolution made in accordance with29 CFR Section 1614.109(c) may result in the limitation of attorney’s fees and costs to only those incurred prior to theexpiration of the 30-day acceptance period if the relief awarded by the administrative judge or EEOC OFO, on appeal,is less relief than had been offered.

4–26. Nonacceptance of the Offer of Resolutiona. If the complainant declines an Offer of Resolution (fig 4–17) made under the provisions of 29 CFR Section

1614.109(c), processing of the complaint will continue.b. After the hearing stage is completed, if the administrative judge (or the EEOC OFO on appeal) concludes that

discrimination has occurred, but provides for less relief than the amount offered by the Army earlier in its Offer ofResolution, the activity may use the declination to argue for a reduction in the obligation to pay attorney’s fees andcosts.

4–27. Acceptance of Offer of Resolutiona. Complainant’s acceptance of the Offer of Resolution must be made in writing and received by the agency

representative or postmarked within 30 days of receipt. The signatures of both the complainant and his or her attorneyon the settlement agreement are required for acceptance.

b. Immediately upon receipt of complainant’s acceptance of the Offer of Resolution, the agency representative willprovide the complainant and representative, and the administrative judge copies of the signed Offer of Resolution, andterminate the administrative complaint process.

c. Executed Offers of Resolution will be filed in the complaint file under the ”Settlement” tab.

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Figure 4–1. Sample Acknowledgement Receipt of Discrimination Complaint

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Figure 4–1. Sample Acknowledgement Receipt of Discrimination Complaint–continued

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Figure 4–2. Sample Notice to EEO Complainant Seeking Compensatory Damages

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Figure 4–2. Sample Notice to EEO Complainant Seeking Compensatory Damages—continued

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Figure 4–3. Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination Complaint (Nonmixed)

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Figure 4–3. Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination Complaint (Nonmixed)—continued

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Figure 4–3. Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued

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Figure 4–3. Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued

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Figure 4–3. Sample Notice of Acceptance of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued

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Figure 4–4. Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination Complaint (Mixed)

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Figure 4–4. Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination (Mixed)—continued

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Figure 4–4. Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination (Mixed)—continued

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Figure 4–4. Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination (Mixed)—continued

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Figure 4–4. Sample Notice of Acceptance Discrimination (Mixed)—continued

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Figure 4–5. Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed)

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Figure 4–5. Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued

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Figure 4–5. Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued

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Figure 4–5. Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued

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Figure 4–5. Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Nonmixed)—continued

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Figure 4–6. Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Mixed)

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Figure 4–6. Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Mixed)—continued

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Figure 4–6. Sample Dismissal Decision of Discrimination (Mixed)—continued

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Figure 4–7. Sample Dismissal for Prior Election of Forum to MSPB

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Figure 4–7. Sample Dismissal for Prior Election of Forum to MSPB—continued

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Figure 4–8. Sample Notice of Dismissal Election of Forum (Negotiated Grievance)

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Figure 4–8. Sample Notice of Dismissal (Negotiated Grievance)—continued

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Figure 4–8. Sample Notice of Dismissal (Negotiated Grievance)—continued

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Figure 4–8. Sample Notice of Dismissal (Negotiated Grievance)—continued

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Figure 4–8. Sample Notice of Dismissal (Negotiated Grievance)—continued

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Figure 4–9. Sample Request for Assignment of OCI Investigator

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Figure 4–9. Sample Request for Assignment of OCI Investigator—Continued

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Figure 4–10. Sample Agreement between Complainant and EEO Officer to Extend Investigation

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Figure 4–11. Sample Notice of Post-Investigative Options (Nonmixed Complaints)

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Figure 4–11. Sample Notice of Post-Investigative Options (Nonmixed Complaints)—continued

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Figure 4–12. Request for a Hearing Format

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Figure 4–12. Request for a Hearing Format—continued

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Figure 4–13. Sample Request for Final Army Decision

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Figure 4–14. Sample Notice of Post Investigation (Mixed Complaint)

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Figure 4–15. Sample Cover Letter for Offer of Resolution

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Figure 4–15. Sample Cover Letter for Offer of Resolution—continued

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Figure 4–16. Sample Offer of Resolution

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Figure 4–16. Sample Offer of Resolution-continued

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Figure 4–16. Sample Offer of Resolution—continued

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Figure 4–17. Sample Notice of Non-Acceptance of an Offer of Resolution

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Chapter 5Final Army Decisions/Actions and Appeals of Nonmixed and Mixed Complaints, CivilActions, and Settlements

Section IFinal Army Decisions and Actions

5–1. Final Army decisions in nonmixed complaintsa. A final Army decision on the merits of the complaint, including rationale for dismissal of any claim, will be

issued by the Army Director of EEO or designee—(1) Within 60 days after receipt of the investigative file and notice from the activity that complainant requested a

final Army decision, or(2) Within 60 days after receipt of the investigative file and notice from the activity that complainant failed to

request either a hearing or a final Army decision within 30 days of receipt of the investigative file and Notice of PostInvestigative Options.

(3) Within 60 days after notification that complainant has withdrawn his or her request for a hearing by anadministrative judge.

b. The final Army decision will specify the reasons for the decision and any remedial action authorized by law thatis judged to be necessary or desirable to resolve alleged claims of discrimination and to promote EEO policy, includingthe payment of attorney’s fees and costs and compensatory damages. (See chapter 7.)

c. The final Army decision will inform the complainant of the right to appeal the decision to either the EEOC OFO(include the name and address of the Army official to be served) or to the applicable Federal district court (name theSecretary of the Army as the proper defendant and list the applicable time limits for such action). A copy of EEOCForm 573 will be attached to the final Army decision.

d. The final Army decision will be served on the complainant and designated representative in accordance with theservice rules set forth in paragraph 1–25. A copy of the final Army action/decision will be furnished to the servicedMACOM EEO officer, agency representative, and the activity EEO officer.

e. Upon issuance of the final Army decision, EEOCCR will update the automated tracking system and administra-tively close the complaint record.

5–2. Final Army decisions in mixed case complaintsa. In a mixed case complaint, the Army Director of EEO or designee will issue a final agency decision within 45

days of notice being provided the complainant in accordance with 29 CFR, Section 1614.302(d)(2).b. The final Army decision in a mixed case will include the right to appeal to MSPB (not EEOC) within 30 days of

receipt of decision (include the name and address of the Army official to be served) or to the applicable Federal districtcourt (name the Secretary of the Army as the proper defendant and list the applicable time limits for such action). Acopy of MSPB OF 283 will be attached to the final Army decision.

c. The final Army decision will be served on the complainant and designated representative in accordance with theservice rules set forth in paragraph 1–25. A copy will be provided to the serviced MACOM, the agency representative,and the EEO officer.

d. Upon issuance of the final Army decision, EEOCCR will update the automated tracking system and administra-tively close the complaint record.

5–3. Final decisions under the negotiated grievance procedurea. A final decision under the negotiated grievance procedure is defined as one of the following:(1) The final grievance decision rendered by the activity, if the union fails to invoke arbitration of the grievance. An

employee cannot individually invoke arbitration.(2) The award rendered by an arbitrator, if neither the union nor management files an exception to the award with

the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). (An employee cannot individually appeal an arbitration award to theFLRA).

(3) The decision of the FLRA on exceptions to arbitration award.b. Final decisions under paragraphs 5–3a(1), (2), and (3) are appealable to the EEOC OFO in a nonmixed case if the

grievance includes an allegation of prohibited discrimination and the grievance procedure does not exclude discrimina-tion claims. Final decisions under paragraphs 5–3a(1), (2), and (3) are appealable to the MSPB in a mixed case if thegrievance includes an allegation of prohibited discrimination and the grievance procedure does not exclude discrimina-tion claims.

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5–4. Final Army actionsA final Army action to either fully implement or appeal an administrative judge’s decision will be issued by theDirector of EEO, or designee, within 40 days after the receipt of the decision of an EEOC administrative judge. Anadministrative judge’s decision will become final and binding on the Army if the Army has not issued a final actionconcerning the administrative judge’s decision within 40 days of receipt.

a. Upon receipt of an administrative judge’s decision, the agency representative or activity EEO officer will ensurethat the decision and hearing transcripts were served upon EEOCCR as instructed in the transmittal letter. If theadministrative judge has served the decision and hearing transcripts on the activity and not on EEOCCR, the agencyrepresentative or EEO officer will immediately fax a copy of the decision to EEOCCR and send the original decisionand transcripts to EEOCCR via overnight mail.

b. When the administrative judge finds discrimination, EEOCCR will immediately coordinate with the agencyrepresentative and EEO officer. EEOCCR will ensure that the agency representative and EEO officer have received acopy of the administrative judge’s decision, and that the agency representative receives a copy of the hearingtranscripts. The EEO officer will coordinate with the agency representative for a copy of the hearing transcript.

c. EEOCCR will notify the complainant and designated representative in writing of the decision to fully implementthe administrative judge’s decision.

d. If the final Army action is to appeal the administrative judge’s decision, EEOCCR will advise the complainantand designated representative in writing of the decision not to fully implement the decision of the administrative judge.The final Army action will also include a decision concerning interim relief, if any, to be granted pending appeal.

(1) EEOCCR will simultaneously file a notice of appeal to EEOC OFO, within 40 days of receipt of the administra-tive judge’s decision and will advise the EEOC of the decision not to restore complainant to duty, if applicable, ordelay payment of any awarded amount pending resolution of the appeal.

(2) After coordination with the activity agency representative, EEOCCR will file an appeal brief to EEOC OFOwithin 20 days of filing the notice of appeal.

e. The final Army action and/or appeal brief will be served on the complainant and designated representative inaccordance with the service rules set forth in paragraph 1–25. A copy of the final Army action will be furnished to theadministrative judge, serviced MACOM EEO officer, agency representative, and the activity EEO officer. Certificationas to the date and method by which service was made on complainant and designated representative will be included orattached to the notice of appeal filed with EEOC OFO.

f. The final Army action will inform the complainant of the right to appeal the decision to either the EEOC OFO(include the name and address of the Army official to be served) or to the applicable Federal district court (name theSecretary of the Army as the proper defendant and list the applicable time limits for such action). A copy of EEOCForm 573 will be attached to the final Army decision.

g. If not already provided, EEOCCR will ensure that a copy of the hearing transcripts are forwarded to the agencyrepresentative. The EEO officer will coordinate with the agency representative for a copy of the transcripts.

Section IIAppeals, Reconsideration, Appellate Procedures, and Civil Actions

5–5. Appeals of final Army decisions/actions on nonmixed casesa. Who may appeal. A complainant or his or her attorney may appeal the following to EEOC OFO:(1) The final agency decision to dismiss the complaint in whole under the provisions of paragraph 4–4.(2) The final agency decision or final agency action on the merits of the complaint under paragraph 5–1.(3) The final decision of an administrative judge, if the agency has not issued a final action within 40 days under

paragraph 5–4.(4) The final agency action not to fully implement the administrative judge’s decision under the provisions

paragraph 5–4.(5) The final agency decision on alleged noncompliance with a NSA under paragraph 5–14.(6) The final agency decision on the issue of attorney’s fees or costs, compensatory damages, or remedial actions.b. How to appeal. The complainant, agent, or class claimant may file an appeal, by mail, personal delivery, or fax

with the Director, Office of Federal Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, P.O. Box 19848,Washington, D.C. 20036. Any statement or brief in support of the appeal must be submitted to the Office of FederalOperations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, within 30 days of filing the notice of appeal.

(1) The complainant will serve a copy of the appeal, as well as any statement or brief in support of the appeal, tot h e E E O / C i v i l R i g h t s O f f i c e ( D e p u t y f o r E E O C o m p l i a n c e a n d C o m p l a i n t s R e v i e w ( E E O C C R ) ) , A T T N :SAMR–EO–CCR, 1941 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 109B, Arlington, VA 22202–4508, and to the agency repre-sentative at the same time that he or she files the appeal with the EEOC.

(2) EEOCCR will request that the EEOC deny the appeal unless a copy of an appeal and any supporting statementswere served on the agency at the same time as they were served on the EEOC, as required by 29 CFR, Section

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1614.403. A copy of EEOCCR’s request to EEOC will be furnished to the activity EEO officer and the designatedagency representative.

c. Agency response to appeal. Army policy is to respond to all appeals. Upon receipt of an appeal, EEOCCR willimmediately forward a copy of the appeal and documents submitted with the appeal to the agency representative andEEO officer via facsimile or electronic mail. If the complainant files a separate brief or statement in support of theappeal, EEOCCR, upon receipt of the brief or statement, will immediately forward a copy of the brief or statement tothe agency representative via facsimile or electronic mail ([emailprotected]). The agency representative willprepare a draft response to the appeal. The Army’s response will be double-spaced on plain bond paper without asignature block. The draft response can be transmitted to EEOCCR by facsimile or electronic mail.

(1) If complainant’s statement or brief in support of the appeal is attached to the notice of appeal, any comments inopposition to the appeal must be submitted to EEOCCR within 20 days of the date the brief was received by EEOCCRor by the agency representative, whichever comes first.

(2) If the complainant subsequently submits a timely statement or brief in support of the appeal, comments inopposition to the statement or brief must be submitted to EEOCCR within 20 days of the date the brief was received byEEOCCR or by the agency representative, whichever comes first.

(3) If complainant does not submit a statement or brief supporting his or her appeal within 30 days of the date thenotice of appeal was filed, the agency representative will submit a brief to EEOCCR within 20 days after the expirationof the complainant’s period to submit a brief. This brief will reserve the right to comment on any after-filed brief fromthe complainant.

(4) The Army brief will be sent to EEO/Civil Rights Office (Deputy for EEO Compliance and Complaints Review(EEOCCR)), ATTN: SAMR–EO–CCR, 1941 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 109B, Arlington, Virginia 22202–4508,or the brief may be sent via facsimile or e–mail ([emailprotected]). The activity will not submit commentsdirectly to the EEOC OFO or provide the complainant or representative a copy of the comments. A copy of the Army’sbrief will be served on the complainant and representative in accordance with the service rules set forth in paragraph1–25. EEOCCR will also provide the agency representative with a copy of the brief forwarded to EEOC OFO.

(5) EEOCCR will submit the complaint file to EEOC OFO within 30 days of receipt of the notification of appeal ofEEOC’s request for the complaint file. A copy of the letter transmitting the complaint file to EEOC OFO will befurnished to the EEO officer and complainant and designated representative in accordance with the service rules setforth in paragraph 1–25.

d. Time limits for administrative appeals to the EEOC. Except as provided in paragraph 5–5, a complainant in anindividual complaint of discrimination may file a notice of appeal with the EEOC within 30 days after receiving theArmy final action/decision on his or her complaint.

(1) If the complainant is represented by an attorney of record, then the 30-day time period within which to appealwill be calculated from the date the attorney receives the Army final action/decision.

( 2 ) W h e r e a c o m p l a i n a n t h a s n o t i f i e d E E O C C R o f a l l e g e d n o n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h a s e t t l e m e n t a g r e e m e n t , t h ecomplainant—

(a) Must file an appeal, if any, to EEOC OFO within 30 days of receipt of the Army’s determination on the issue ofnoncompliance; or

(b) May file an appeal to EEOC OFO 35 days after the complainant served the allegation of noncompliance onEEOCCR, if the Army has not issued a determination on the allegation of noncompliance.

5–6. Petitions for review by the EEOC from MSPB decisions on mixed case appeals and complaintsa. Individuals who have received a final decision from the MSPB on a mixed case appeal or on appeal of a final

decision on a mixed case complaint may petition the EEOC to consider that decision. The EEOC will not acceptappeals from MSPB without prejudice.

b. A petition must be filed with the Commission either within 30 days of receipt of the final decision of the MSPBor within 30 days of when the decision of a MSPB field office becomes final.

c. Although not required, EEOC Form 573, Notice of Appeal/Petition, should be used and filed by certified mail,return receipt requested, to EEOC OFO, and served on all parties.

5–7. Appeals of matters brought forth under the negotiated grievance procedurea. A grievant or his or her attorney may appeal to EEOC OFO, within 30 days of receipt of the final decision on

issues of employment discrimination raised in a negotiated grievance procedure covered by paragraph 4–14.b. A grievant may appeal the final decision of the activity, the arbitrator, or the Federal Labor Relations authority on

the grievance.c. A grievant may not appeal under this paragraph, however, if the action is appealable to MSPB or when the matter

initially raised in the negotiated grievance procedure is still ongoing in that process, is in arbitration or is before theFLRA. Any appeal prematurely filed in such circ*mstances will be dismissed without prejudice.

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d. EEOCCR will coordinate with the agency representative to obtain two copies of the grievance file, one of whichwill be forwarded to EEOC OFO. (See paragraph 5–5c.)

5–8. Appellate proceduresa. On behalf of the EEOC, OFO reviews the complaint file and all relevant written representations made by the

parties, and makes a determination on any jurisdictional or procedural issues.b. EEOC OFO may require additional information from one or both parties. Supplementation of the record may be

made by an exchange of letters, memoranda, or investigation. If EEOC OFO requests information directly from theparties, the parties must cooperate fully and respond in a timely fashion.

(1) Each party is required to provide copies of the supplemental information to the other party at the time it issubmitted to EEOC OFO.

(2) Activity responses to EEOC OFO information requests will be submitted to EEOCCR with a copy furnished tothe complainant and designated representative in accordance with the service rules in paragraph 1–25. Upon receipt,EEOCCR will forward the information to the EEOC OFO.

c. If the complaint is remanded to EEOC for a hearing, EEOCCR will ensure that the complaint file is forwarded tothe appropriate hearings unit. A copy of the transmittal letter will be sent to the agency representative and EEO officer.

d. If the record is so incomplete as to require remand to the Army in order to complete its investigation, EEOC willdesignate a time period within which the investigation must be completed.

(1) Upon completion of the investigation, the EEO officer will provide the complainant, the complainant’s repre-sentative, and the agency representative with a copy of the supplemental record.

(2) Service of the supplemental record and findings to the complainant and representative will be in accordance withthe service rules set forth in paragraph 1–25.

(3) Upon receipt, the EEO officer will forward a copy of the investigative summary to EEOCCR for submission tothe EEOC OFO Compliance Officer. If the complaint is remanded to EEOC for a hearing, EEOCCR will ensure thatthe complaint file is forwarded to the appropriate hearings unit. A copy of the transmittal letter will be sent to theagency representative and EEO officer.

e. When the complainant, the Army, or its employees fail without good cause to respond fully and in a timelyfashion to EEOC requests for information, the EEOC may, in appropriate circ*mstances—

(1) Draw an adverse inference that the requested information would have reflected unfavorably on the party refusingto provide the requested information;

(2) Consider the matters to which the requested information pertains to be established in favor of the opposingparty;

(3) Issue a decision fully or partially in favor of the opposing party; or(4) Take such other actions, as it deems appropriate.

5–9. Reconsideration of decisions on appeala. A request for reconsideration may only be requested when—(1) The appellate decision involved a clearly erroneous interpretation of material fact or law, or(2) The decision will have a substantial impact on the policies, practices, or operations of the agency.b. Either EEOCCR or the complainant may request reconsideration. Requests for reconsideration must be filed with

EEOC OFO, within 30 days of receipt of a decision by the EEOC.(1) EEOCCR or the complainant shall submit copies of the request and supporting documents to all other parties

and their representatives at the time of the request along with proof of such submission. Any argument in opposition tothe request to reconsider or cross request to reconsider will be submitted to EEOC OFO and to the requesting partywithin 20 days of receipt of the request to reconsider along with proof of such submission.

(2) The complainant or designated representative must forward a copy of any statement or brief in support of arequest to reconsider to EEOCCR as well as to the designated agency representative.

c. An activity commander or a designee who wishes to request reconsideration will consult the agency representativeto determine if the request meets the requirements of this paragraph. If so, within 5 days of receipt of EEOC OFO’sdecision on appeal from EEOCCR, the commander or designee will notify the Deputy for EEOCCR via electronic mailor facsimile of the intent to request reconsideration. This notification will include an explanation of how the criteria ofparagraph 5–9a apply. The Deputy for EEOCCR will determine whether the Army will request reconsideration andnotify the agency representative. If the determination is made to request reconsideration, the agency representative willsubmit a brief that must contain the following:

(1) An explanation of how the criteria of paragraph 5–9a apply to the case and is supported by the complaint file. Itwill be prepared to show an Army position rather than a local position.

(2) The brief will be sent to EEOCCR by facsimile or electronic mail as early as possible but not later than 10 daysbefore the 30-day time limit for requesting reconsideration expires.

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d. Any brief or comments in response to the complainant’s request for reconsideration should be forwarded toEEOCCR not later than 5 days prior to the time limit for response.

e. If corrective action is ordered by the EEOC, the activity EEO officer will promptly report and provide allnecessary documentation to EEOCCR unless—

(1) The complainant or the Army files a timely request to reconsider the EEOC OFO decision, or(2) The EEOC on its own motion reconsiders the case.f. A decision by EEOC OFO on a request to reconsider by either party is final and there is no further right by either

party to request reconsideration of the decision for which reconsideration was sought.

5–10. Compliance with EEOC and final Army decisionsCompliance with decisions issued by the EEOC OFO and Army is mandatory.

a. When corrective action or further processing is ordered by EEOC OFO—(1) EEOCCR will notify the activity EEO officer and agency representative, via facsimile or electronic mail, of

EEOC OFO’s order and Army suspenses for completion of corrective actions.(2) A compliance report detailing the activity’s status in implementing all ordered corrective action will be

submitted by the activity EEO officer to the EEOCCR Compliance Manager not later than the 5th day of each month.(3) Attached to the compliance report will be the appropriate supporting documentation that provides proof of

Army’s compliance with the EEOC OFO’s order.(4) A compliance report will be submitted until notification from EEOCCR that EEOC OFO has closed compliance.(5) The activity EEO officer will serve copies of the compliance report, with attachments, to the complainant, the

complainant’s designated representative, and the agency representative at the same time the report is forwarded toEEOCCR.

b. When corrective action is ordered by the Army—(1) An implementation letter addressed to the activity commander will be attached to the final action/decision

outlining corrective action to be taken by the activity. If further processing of the complaint is required, EEOCCR willnotify the EEO officer.

(2) Compliance reports will be submitted by the activity EEO officer to the EEOCCR Compliance Manager not laterthan the 5th day of each month.

(3) Attached to compliance reports will be the appropriate supporting documentation that provides proof of theactivity’s compliance with the Army’s order.

(4) Compliance reports will be submitted until notification from EEOCCR that the Army has closed compliance.(5) The activity EEO officer will serve copies of the compliance report, with supporting documentation to the

complainant, designated representative, and the agency representative at the same time the report is forwarded toEEOCCR.

5–11. Enforcement of final EEOC decisionsA complainant may petition the EEOC to enforce a decision issued under its jurisdiction. The petition will besubmitted to the Director, Office of Federal Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, P.O. Box 19848,Washington, DC 20036. The EEOC OFO’s decision on a petition to enforce is final.

5–12. Civil actionsa. All Army final actions/decisions must notify the complainant of the right to file a civil action and of the time

limits for doing so.b. A complainant in an individual complaint or an agent or claimant in a class complaint has the right to file a civil

action in an U.S. District Court—(1) Within 90 days after receiving the notice of the final Army decision on the complaint or claim if no appeal has

been filed; or(2) After 180 days from the date of filing a complaint or claim with the Army if no appeal has been filed and no

notice of final action or final Army decision has been issued; or(3) Within 90 days after receipt of the EEOC final decision on an appeal; or(4) After 180 days from the date of filing an appeal with the EEOC if there has been no final decision by the EEOC.c. If complainant has filed a mixed case complaint or appeal, the right to a civil action is as follows:(1) Within 30 days of receipt of a final Army decision on a complaint unless an appeal is filed with the MSPB; or(2) Within 30 days of receipt of notice of the final decision or action taken by the MSPB if the individual does not

file a petition for consideration with the EEOC; or(3) Within 30 days of receipt of notice that the EEOC has determined not to consider the decision of the MSPB; or(4) Within 30 days of receipt of notice that the EEOC concurs with the decision of the MSPB; or(5) If the EEOC issues a decision different from the decision of the MSPB, within 30 days of receipt of notice that

the MSPB concurs in and adopts in whole the decision of the EEOC; or

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(6) If the MSPB does not concur with the decision of the EEOC and reaffirms its initial decision or reaffirms itsinitial decision with a revision, within 30 days of the receipt of notice of the decision of the special panel; or

(7) After 120 days from the date of filing a formal complaint if there is no final action or appeal to the MSPB; or(8) After 120 days from the date of filing an appeal with the MSPB if the MSPB has not yet made a decision; or(9) After 180 days from the date of filing a petition for consideration with the EEOC if there is no decision by the

EEOC, reconsideration decision by the MSPB, or decision by the special panel.d. If a civil action is filed arising from the Civil Rights Act or the Rehabilitation Act and the complainant does not

have or is unable to obtain the services of an attorney, the complainant may request the court to appoint an attorney. Insuch circ*mstances as the court may deem just, the court may appoint an attorney to represent the complainant andmay authorize the commencement of the action without the payment of fees, costs, or securities.

e. If a civil action is filed, complainant must name the Secretary of the Army as the defendant and provide his or herofficial title. Failure to either name the Secretary of the Army or to state his or her official title may result in the casebeing dismissed.

f. If the agency representative is notified of the filing of a civil action by the complainant prior to notification byEEOCCR, the agency representative will inform the U.S. Army Legal Services Agency (ATTN: JALS–LTC), 901North Stuart Street, Arlington, VA 22203–1837 and the activity EEO officer, who, in turn, will notify the Deputy forEEOCCR.

g. When the U.S. Army Legal Services Agency is first notified of the filing of a civil action, that office will notifythe Deputy for EEOCCR. EEOCCR will then notify the activity EEO officer and instruct closure of all complaints thatare currently being processed containing claims that are like or related to those raised in the civil action in accordancewith 29 CFR Part 1614.107(a)(3). The activity EEO will notify EEOCCR that the complaints have been closed andforward the appropriate complaint files. If the complaint is at EEOCCR awaiting a final Army decision/action,EEOCCR will terminate processing of the complaint and issue a dismissal in accordance with 29 CFR 1614.107(a)(3).

Section IIINegotiated Settlement of Complaints

5–13. Settlementa. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, expressly encourages the settlement of employment

discrimination disputes without litigation. Complaints should be resolved at the earliest opportunity. Resolution canoccur at any stage of the administrative process. Settlements, where appropriate, achieve better employee relations,reduce administrative waste, avoid protracted litigation, and are consistent with the Army’s commitment to EEO.Settlement of complaints must be reached without the Army admitting fault, wrongdoing, or discrimination. Whennegotiating settlement, all of the complainant’s existing workplace disputes should be considered without regard to theforum being used.

b. Unlike the Back Pay Act, Title VII does not require a finding of an unwarranted and unjustified personnel actionto authorize the award of back pay. The connection between Title VII and the Back Pay Act arises only because EEOChas provided in its regulations on remedial actions that when discrimination is found, an award of back pay under TitleVII is to be computed in the same manner as under the Back Pay Act regulations. This is significant in that there is noimpediment to an award of back pay being included in a settlement even without a finding of discrimination.

c. Lump sum payments may be used to resolve complaints irrespective of the inclusion of a personnel action. Inthese cases, the parties can agree on an overall figure in the settlement that represents back pay, attorney’s fees andcosts, compensatory damages, and other monetary relief to which the complainant would be entitled if a finding ofdiscrimination had been made.

d. Although Title VII provides authority to effectuate personnel actions to settle complaints, activities will exercisecaution and avoid including provisions in the proposed agreements that may conflict with personnel practices andprocedures contained in Title 5, USC and with the Office of Personnel Management regulations and guidance.

e. The relief provided by the Army to settle an EEO dispute cannot be greater than the relief a court could order ifthat particular dispute went to trial.

f. After acceptance of the formal complaint, the agency representative shall explore settlement. The agency repre-sentative, the EEO officer, and civilian personnel and management officials will consult with each other as equalmembers of the commander’s settlement team. Any difference in professional judgment among them as to initiation,conduct, merit or any other issue of settlement will be resolved by their common superior, for example, the command-er, deputy commander, or chief of staff.

g. The specific actions to be taken by the Army and the complainant constituting the terms for settlement and timeframes for completion will be set forth in a NSA. (See figure 5–1.) The agency representative or EEO officer willprepare a draft of the NSA. If the NSA is prepared by the EEO officer, coordination with the agency representative andcivilian personnel official (if a personnel matter is involved) is required before execution. The NSA will be signed bythe complainant and the attorney, if complainant is represented by an attorney, and the activity commander, ordesignee. A copy of the NSA will be provided to the complainant and his or her attorney, if represented.

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h. If the settlement is accomplished before the receipt of the investigative file, the activity EEO officer will send theoriginal complete, tabbed complaint file to EEOCCR within 10 days after the NSA is signed by the respective parties.

i. If settlement has not occurred prior to the conclusion of the investigation, upon receipt of the investigative file, theEEO officer will encourage resolution, if appropriate, to the activity commander. However, settlement discussions maynot postpone the 29 CFR Section 1614.108(f) requirements of notice and delivery of the complaint file to thecomplainant within 180 days of the date the complaint was filed.

j. If settlement occurs after the complainant’s request for a hearing or final Army decision, the EEO officer willimmediately fax a copy of the NSA to EEOCCR.

k. If complainant has elected a hearing, efforts to settle the complaint will be coordinated with the EEOCadministrative judge. Negotiations to settle the complaint do not restrict the agency representative from making anOffer of Resolution.

l. Settlement of a claim under the ADEA must comply with the requirements of the Older Workers BenefitProtection Act. Any agreement that settles an EEO complaint having age as a basis will contain the followingstatement:

(1) By signing this agreement, the complainant understands that he or she is knowingly and voluntarily waivingrights and claims arising under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act as amended by the Older Workers BenefitProtection Act. The employee understands that he or she—

(a) Does not waive rights or claims that may arise after the effective date of this agreement;(b) Waives rights or claims only in exchange for consideration in addition to anything of value to which the

complainant is already entitled;(c) Is advised to consult with an attorney prior to signing this agreement;(d) Has a reasonable time in which to consider this agreement before signing it.(2) Not used.m. Settlement may include an award of compensatory damages, if appropriate, in accordance with the guidance

outlined in paragraph 7–11. Rules governing settlements involving payment of compensatory damages are set forth inparagraph 7–11c.

n. Settlement may also include an award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, if appropriate, in accordance withthe guidance outlined in chapter 7, section II. If a complaint is settled and attorney’s fees are not paid as part of thesettlement, the agreement should contain an express waiver of attorney’s fees.

o. The line of authority to settle EEO complaint involving a CPOC action is as follows:(1) When an employee or applicant alleges discrimination that involves an action taken by CPOC personnel on

behalf of a serviced commander/director, the authority to settle the matter rests with the serviced commander/director(not the CPOC director).

(2) A serviced commander/director may not offer or agree to a remedy which impacts on the CPOC’s processing ofother installations’ or commands’ actions except as reasonably necessary to implement specific relief to the individualcomplainant.

p. Settlement coordination involving EEO complaints pertaining to CPOC actions is as follows:(1) The agency representative, the EEO officer, and the appropriate CPAC official will coordinate and consult with

each other as equal members of the commander’s/director’s advisory team. If a personnel issue involves a matterwithin the CPOC’s purview, the CPAC official should consult with the CPOC.

(2) If an installation or activity is considering entering into a settlement agreement, the terms of which require actionby the CPOC, the proposed agreement must be coordinated with the CPOC. The same is true when the terms of aproposed agreement would not require action by the CPOC but would have the effect of changing or overruling aCPOC action. If the CPOC objects to a proposed remedy or term in the settlement agreement, and the commander/director cannot reach agreement with the CPOC on the proposed remedy or term of the agreement, the commander/director will decide the agency’s position on the settlement proposal after consultation with the agency representative,EEO officer, and CPAC director. A serviced commander’s/director’s authority to settle an EEO complaint over theobjections of the CPOC may be delegated no lower than the commander’s/director’s immediate subordinate who actsfor the commander/director, such as the deputy commander/director or chief of staff.

(3) Under normal circ*mstances, installation/activity coordination of proposed settlement agreements with CPOCsshould be accomplished by the local CPAC. When time is of the essence (for example proposed settlement reachedduring a hearing before an EEOC administrative judge or during an OCI investigation or during mediation), the EEOofficer or the agency representative may directly contact the CPOC for coordination.

(4) To ensure that the terms of a settlement agreement are carried out and to facilitate any necessary arrangementswith the CPOC, the activity should designate an official responsible for implementation. This may be the EEO officer,a CPAC official, or another management official, as appropriate.

(5) Processing costs and monetary remedies related to CPOC actions will be carried out in accordance withparagraph 7–1d.

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q. It is the responsibility of the EEO officer to monitor implementation and ensure compliance with the terms of aNSA. Documents proving compliance should be maintained in the complaint file under the “Settlement” tab.

5–14. Failure to carry out terms of the settlementa. Any settlement agreement knowingly and voluntarily agreed to by the respective parties, reached at any stage of

the complaint process, shall be binding on both parties. If the complainant believes that the Army has failed to complywith the terms of the settlement agreement, the complainant will notify the EEO/Civil Rights Office (Deputy for EEOCompliance and Complaints Review), ATTN: SAMR–EO–CCR, 1941 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 109B, Ar-lington, VA 22202–4508, in writing, of the alleged noncompliance within 30 days of when the complainant knew orshould have known of the alleged noncompliance. The complainant may request that the terms of the settlementagreement be specifically implemented or, alternatively, that the complaint be reinstated for further processing from thepoint where processing ceased.

b. EEOCCR will provide a copy of the complainant’s allegation of noncompliance to the activity EEO officer. TheEEO officer, in coordination with the agency representative, will submit a brief to EEOCCR within 7 days of receiptthat supports its position on compliance and outlines actions taken by the activity to implement the terms of the NSA.Copies of supporting documentation will be attached to the brief.

c. Before the Army Director of EEO, or his or her designee responds to the complainant’s written allegation ofnoncompliance, EEOCCR may request that either party submit whatever additional information or documentation itmay deem necessary. If, without adequate explanation, the request for information or documentation is not answered ina timely fashion, the Deputy for EEOCCR may—

(1) Draw an adverse inference that the requested information would have reflected unfavorably on the party refusingto provide the requested information.

(2) Take such other action, as it deems appropriate.d. The Army Director of EEO, or designee, will respond to complainant’s written allegations of noncompliance

within 30 days of the date the allegations of noncompliance are received. If the Army Director of EEO, or designee,has not responded to the complainant in writing or, if the complainant is not satisfied with the attempts to resolve thematter, the complainant may appeal to EEOC OFO for a determination whether the Army has complied with the termsof the settlement agreement. The complainant may file such an appeal 35 days after he or she served the agency withthe allegation of noncompliance, but no later than 30 days after receipt of the agency’s decision. Complainant mustprovide a copy of the appeal and any statement in support of the appeal to EEOCCR at the same time it is filed withEEOC OFO.

e. Prior to rendering its determination, the EEOC may request that the parties submit whatever additional informa-tion or documentation it may deem necessary or it may direct that an investigation or hearing on the matter beconducted.

f. Allegations that subsequent acts of discrimination violate a settlement agreement shall be processed as separatecomplaints, rather than as a noncompliance matter.

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Figure 5–1. Sample Negotiated Settlement Agreement Pre/Formal Complaint(s)

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Figure 5–1. Sample Negotiated Settlement Agreement Pre/Formal Complaint(s)—continued

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Figure 5–1. Sample Negotiated Settlement Agreement Pre/Formal Complaint(s)—continued

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Figure 5–1. Sample Negotiated Settlement Agreement Pre/Formal Complaint(s)—continued

Chapter 6Class Complaints of Discrimination

6–1. Introductiona. A class is a group of employees, former employees or applicants for employment who, it is alleged, have been or

are being adversely affected by an agency personnel management policy or practice that discriminates against the groupon the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or handicap.

b. A class complaint is a written complaint of discrimination filed on behalf of the class by an agent of the class,alleging that the class is so numerous that a consolidated complaint by the members of the class is impractical; thatthere are questions of fact common to the class; that the claims of the agent of the class are typical of the claims of theclass; and that the agent of the class or, if represented, the representative, will fairly and adequately protect the interestsof the class.

c. A class complaint must be processed promptly. All parties must proceed with the complaint so that the complaintis processed without undue delay.

6–2. Precomplaint processinga. An employee, former employee or applicant for employment who meets the criteria for, and seeks to file a class

complaint must first undergo precomplaint processing in accordance with chapter 3, including counseling by theactivity’s EEO official or counselor designated for class complaints.

(1) A complainant may move for class certification at any reasonable point in the process when it becomes apparentthat there are class implications to the claim raised in the individual complaint.

(2) If a complainant moves for class certification after completing counseling in accordance with the precomplaintprocedures in chapter 3, no additional counseling is required.

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b. Contact with the EEO counselor must be made within the following time frame:(1) Within 45 days of the date of the matter giving rise to the allegation of discrimination or, in the case of a

personnel action, within 45 days of the effective date of the action.(2) The 45-day time limit for a prospective class agent to seek counseling from an EEO counselor may be extended

in accordance with the provisions outlined in paragraph 3–4b.c. The EEO counselor shall advise the prospective class agent orally and in writing of the following:(1) The rights and responsibilities of a class agent. (See paragraph 3–6e.)(2) The regulatory requirements for class complaint procedures.(3) The class agent is required to seek counseling on the issue of concern.(4) An EEOC administrative judge will determine whether to certify the complaint as a class action discrimination

complaint.(5) If the complaint is certified as a class action, an administrative judge will make recommendations and findings

on the merits of the complaint.(6) Where there has been a finding of class-based discrimination, the claims for relief of the individual class

members will be determined.(7) The criteria for the dismissal of class complaints.(8) The class agent’s right to be represented throughout the precomplaint and formal complaint process. The

designation of the representative must be made in writing and made part of the class complaint file.(9) Only those matters raised in precomplaint counseling or like or related claims, may be alleged in a subsequent

complaint filed with the agency.(10) The duty to keep the agency and the EEOC informed of their current address and to serve copies of appeal

papers on the agency.(11) The duty to mitigate damages.(12) Administrative and court time frames.(13) The class agent’s right to anonymity during the precomplaint process unless disclosure is authorized or a formal

complaint is filed.(14) Should the agent file a civil action in U.S. District Court based on the same allegation of discrimination after

180 days from the date of filing of the class complaint, if no appeal has been filed and a final decision has not beenissued, the complaint will be dismissed.

d. The EEO counselor will—(1) Clarify and define the claims raised by the class agent.(2) Attempt to facilitate resolution through discussions with appropriate officials of the responsible activity.(3) Keep records of all counseling activities by summarizing the actions and advice given, if any, concerning the

claims.(4) Conduct the final interview and terminate counseling with the prospective class agent not later than 30 days after

the date on which the allegation was first brought to the counselor’s attention, unless the prospective class agent agreesto an extension of an additional period of no more than 60 days in accordance with paragraph 3–9a. This interview willtake place whether or not the matter has been resolved. At the final interview the counselor will inform the prospectiveclass agent in writing that—

(a) The class agent has the right to file a formal class complaint of discrimination within 15 days of receipt of thenotice of right to file a class complaint. The notice must identify the appropriate agency official with whom to file acomplaint.

(b) The prospective class agent must immediately inform the EEO officer if he or she obtains legal or otherrepresentation.

(c) A formal complaint must specifically describe the acts of alleged discrimination.(d) Only matters discussed with the EEO counselor will be considered in a formal complaint.1. The EEO counselor will submit a counselor’s report to the activity EEO officer not later than 5 days after the

final interview. The EEO counselor must avoid influencing the prospective class agent in any way regarding filing ornot filing a class complaint.

2. The EEO officer will forward a copy of the EEO Counselor’s Report to the class agent within 5 days after receiptfrom the EEO counselor in accordance with the service rules in paragraph 1–25.

6–3. Filing a formal class complainta. The complaint must be filed in writing and signed by the class agent or a representative.b. The complaint must identify specifically the policy or practice that adversely affected the class, as well as the

specific action or matter affecting the class agent.c. The complaint must be filed no later than 15 days after the class agent received the notice of right to file a formal

complaint of discrimination. For that purpose, the complaint will be deemed timely if it is delivered in person, viafacsimile, commercial overnight delivery, or postmarked before the expiration of the 15-day filing period, or if there is

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no legible postmark, it is received by mail within 5 days from the expiration of the 15-day filing period. If commercialovernight delivery is used, the date of filing is the date it is delivered to the commercial overnight delivery service.

(1) Persons to whom class complaints may be submitted are as follows:(a) Activity EEO officer.(b) Activity commander.(c) Army Director of EEO.(d) Secretary of the Army.(2) The EEO counselor will request that the class agent submit a copy of the class complaint to the responsible

activity EEO officer in every case. Any official listed above will immediately transmit the complaint, including theenvelope if the complaint was mailed, by the fastest means possible to the responsible activity EEO officer, indicatingthe date the complaint was received if it was not postmarked.

d. At all stages in the preparation and presentation of a complaint, including counseling, the class agent will havethe right to be represented, accompanied, and advised by a representative of his or her own choosing, provided thechoice does not involve a conflict of interest or position. (See paragraphs 8–4 and 8–5.) The designation of therepresentative must be made in writing and be made a part of the class complaint file.

e. If the Army employs the class agent, he or she will have a reasonable amount of official time, if otherwise onduty, to prepare his or her complaint and to respond to the agency and EEOC requests for information. If the agent isan Army employee and designates another Army employee as his or her representative, the representative will have areasonable amount of official time, if otherwise on duty, to prepare the complaint and to respond to the agency andEEOC requests for information.

(1) The activity is not obliged to change work schedules, incur overtime wages, or pay travel expenses to facilitatethe choice of a specific representative or to allow the agent and the representative to confer. However, the complainantand representative, if employed by the Army and otherwise in a pay status, will be on official time, regardless of theirtour of duty, when their presence is authorized or required by the Army or EEOC during the investigation, informaladjustment, or hearing on the complaint.

(2) Army employees who represent non-Army employees in a complaint may be granted, at their request, areasonable amount of annual leave or leave without pay for this purpose.

6–4. Processing a class complainta. Upon receipt of the class complaint, the EEO officer will immediately send a copy of the complaint and DA

Form 7510 (with enclosures) annotated with the DA docket number via fax to EEOCCR and the designated agencyrepresentative.

(1) The appropriate complaint caption will be placed on all documents and correspondence relating to the complaint.All complaints will be captioned so as to identify the class agent et al versus (v.) the name of the head of theDepartment of the Army, his or her official title, and the DA docket number. (See captions on sample notices at end ofchapter 3.)

(2) Upon receipt of a class complaint, the activity commander will designate a labor counselor to serve as the Armyrepresentative.

b. The EEO officer will coordinate the collection of relevant information with the agency representative and theservicing CPAC.

c. Within 30 days of receipt of the class complaint, including receipt of a class complaint during the investigativestage of the complainant’s individual complaint, the EEO officer will forward the class complaint to the EEOC districtoffice having geographic jurisdiction.

d. The EEO officer must forward the following items to the EEOC:(1) The class complaint.(2) A copy of the EEO Counselor’s Report.(3) Any other information that may help the administrative judge determine whether the complaint should be

certified as a class complaint or dismissed.(4) A brief prepared by the agency representative regarding the acceptability of the class status of the complaint.( 5 ) T h e n a m e , a d d r e s s , t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r , f a c s i m i l e n u m b e r a n d e l e c t r o n i c m a i l a d d r e s s o f t h e a g e n c y

representative.(6) Written notification that the administrative judge sent the recommended decision to accept or dismiss the class

complaint directly to the EEO/Civil Rights Office (Deputy for EEO Compliance and Complaints Review), ATTN:SAMR–EO–CCR, 1941 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 109B, Arlington, VA 22202–4508.

(a) If the class complaint proceeds to a hearing, the class representative may present the individual claim at theliability stage of the process, or

(b) It may be presented at the remedy stage by the complainant.

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6–5. Certification or dismissala. Upon receipt of a class complaint by the EEOC, an administrative judge will be assigned to issue a decision on

certification of the complaint.b. A class complaint will be dismissed by the administrative judge if—(1) The complaint does not meet all of the prerequisites of a class complaint under 29 CFR Section 1614.204(a)(2),

that is, numerosity, commonality, typicality, and adequacy of representation.(2) The allegations lack specificity and detail pursuant to 29 CFR, Section 1614.204(d)(4).(3) The complaint meets any of the criteria for dismissal pursuant to 29 CFR, Section 1614.107(a).(4) The complainant unduly delayed in moving for class certification. (See 29 CFR, Section 1614.204(b).)c. The administrative judge may direct the complainant or the activity to submit additional information relevant to

the issue of certification. The agency representative will coordinate with the EEO Officer and civilian personnel officesprior to submission of any additional information requested by the EEOC administrative judge.

d. If an allegation is not included in the EEO Counselor’s Report, the administrative judge will allow the class agent15 days to state whether it was discussed with the counselor and, if not, the reason it was not discussed. If theexplanation is not satisfactory, the administrative judge shall dismiss the allegation. If the explanation is satisfactory,the administrative judge will refer the allegation to the agency for further counseling. After counseling, the allegationwill be consolidated with the class complaint.

e. If an allegation is not specific and lacks detail, the administrative judge will allow the agent 15 days to providespecific and detailed information. If the agent does not provide the required information within that time, theadministrative judge shall dismiss the allegation. If the information provided raises new allegations outside the scope ofthe complaint, the administrative judge shall advise the agent on how to file an individual or class complaint based onthe newly raised allegations.

f. The administrative judge shall extend the time limits for filing a complaint and for consulting with an EEOcounselor in accordance with the extension provisions outlined in paragraph 3–4b.

g. When appropriate, the administrative judge may decide that a class be divided into subclasses and that eachsubclass be treated as a class.

h. The administrative judge’s written decision to certify or dismiss a class complaint is sent to the Deputy forEEOCCR. The administrative judge will send notification of the transmittal to the class agent. If the administrativejudge sends the original decision and any records or attachments to the activity rather than to the Deputy for EEOCCR,the EEO officer will immediately notify EEOCCR and fax the decision to EEOCCR at (703) 602–8391. The originaldecision, including any records or documents attached thereto, will be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested,or express delivery to the EEO/Civil Rights Office (Deputy for EEOCCR), ATTN: SAMR–EO–CCR, 1941 JeffersonDavis Highway, Suite 109B, Arlington, VA 22202–4508.

6–6. Final Army action on certification or dismissal decisionA final Army action to either fully implement or appeal the administrative judge’s decision concerning class certifica-tion will be issued by the Army Director of EEO, or designee, within 40 days after the receipt of the decision of anEEOC administrative judge. An administrative judge’s decision will become final and binding on the Army if theArmy has not issued a final action concerning the administrative judge’s decision within 40 days of receipt.

a. When the final Army action is to fully implement the administrative judge’s decision not to certify the class anddismiss the class complaint, the Army Director of EEO or designee will advise the class agent and representative inwriting of the decision to fully implement the administrative judge’s decision.

b. The final Army action will be served on the class agent and representative in accordance with the service rules setforth in paragraph 1–25. A copy of the final Army action will be furnished to the administrative judge, servicedMACOM, agency representative, and the activity EEO officer. Certification as to the date and method by which servicewas made on a complainant and representative will be included or attached to the copy of the final Army actionprovided to the administrative judge.

c. The final Army action implementing the administrative judge’s decision to dismiss the class complaint mustinform the class agent and representative of the following:

(1) The complaint is accepted on that date as an individual complaint of discrimination and will be processed underthe provisions of this regulation applicable to individual complaints, or

(2) The complaint is also dismissed as an individual complaint, or(3) In the case of a complaint forwarded to the administrative judge during the investigation of the complaint, that

the complaint is being returned to point processing ceased prior to referral of the complaint to the EEOC.(4) The right to appeal the final Army action implementing the administrative judge’s dismissal decision of the class

complaint to the Director, Office of Federal Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, PO Box 19848,Washington, DC 20036, within 30 days of receipt of the final Army action. The agent, or individual class claimant,will be encouraged to use EEOC Form 573, Notice of Appeal/Petition, if an appeal is filed. A copy of the EEOC Form573 will be attached to the final Army action.

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(5) The right to file a civil action in Federal district court.d. When the administrative judge certifies a class complaint, EEOCCR will fax a copy of the administrative judge’s

decision to the activity EEO Officer, the agency representative and DAJA–LE upon receipt.e. If the final Army action is to appeal the administrative judge’s decision to certify the class, EEOCCR will advise

the class agent and representative, in writing, of the decision not to fully implement the decision of the administrativejudge.

(1) The final Army action will be served on the class agent and representative in accordance with the service rulesset forth in paragraph 1–25. A copy of the final Army action will be furnished to the administrative judge, servicedMACOM EEO officer, agency representative, and the activity EEO officer. Certification as to the date and method bywhich service was made on complainant and representative will be included or attached to the copy of the final Armyaction provided to the administrative judge.

(2) EEOCCR will simultaneously file a notice of appeal to the EEOC OFO within 40 days of receipt of theadministrative judge’s decision.

(3) After coordination with the activity agency representative, EEOCCR will file an appeal brief citing the specificreasons for not fully implementing the decision to the EEOC OFO, within 20 days of filing the notice of appeal. Acopy of the appeal brief will be served on the class agent and representative in accordance with the service rules setforth in paragraph 1–25. Certification as to the date and method by which service was made on the class agent andrepresentative will be included or attached to the appeal brief filed with the EEO.

(4) EEOCCR will coordinate with the agency representative in the filing of a motion with the administrative judgeseeking a stay in the distribution notice to all members of the class.

f. Within 10 days of receipt of the final Army action certifying a class complaint, the EEO officer will usereasonable means, such as delivery, mailing to last known address, or distribution, to notify each class member of theexistence of the class complaint. A copy of the administrative judge’s decision and the final Army action will beprovided to each class member. Conspicuous posting of the administrative judge’s decision on bulletin boards to whichall potential class members have easy access may constitute adequate notice in some situations.

g. The notice will contain the following information:(1) The name of the agency or organizational segment, its location, and the date of acceptance of the class

complaint.(2) The definition of the class and a description of the issues accepted in the class complaint.(3) An explanation of the binding nature of the final decision or resolution of the complaint on class members.(4) The name, address and telephone number of the class representative.h. Acceptance or certification of a class complaint by the Army Director of EEO, or designee, for purposes of

administrative processing under this regulation is not an admission of class status within the meaning of Rule 23 of theFederal Rules of Civil Procedure for purposes of litigation within a U.S. District Court.

6–7. Individual complaints filed on bases and claims identical to class complaintsa. An individual complaint that is filed before or after the class complaint is filed and that comes within the

definition of the class claim will not be dismissed but will be subsumed within the class complaint.b. If a class complaint is dismissed at the certification stage, the individual complaint may still proceed, unless

another basis for dismissal of the individual complaint applies. The class members may not proceed unless they filedtimely individual complaints.

(1) The decision of the administrative judge will inform the class agent that the complaint is being filed on that dateas an individual complaint and will be processed or that the individual complaint is dismissed in accordance with 29CFR Section 1614.107(a) or, in the case of a complaint forwarded to the administrative judge during the investigativestage, that the complaint is returned and will continue from the point processing ceased by the agency.

(2) In the final Army action, EEOCCR will specify whether the individual complaint will be processed from thepoint processing ceased or is dismissed pursuant to 29 CFR Section 1614.107(a).

(3) If the final Army action dismisses a class complaint and accepts the individual complaint for processing, theEEO officer will provide the complainant with written acknowledgment of receipt of the individual complaint within 3days of receipt of the final Army action. (See paragraph 4–2.) The EEO officer will also process each individualcomplaint that was subsumed within the class complaint in accordance with policies and procedures set forth in chapter4.

c. If the class complaint proceeds to a hearing, the class representative may present the individual claim at theliability stage of the process, or it may be presented at the remedy stage by the complainant.

6–8. Developing evidencea. The administrative judge will notify the agency representative and the class agent and representative of the time

period that will be allowed both parties to prepare their cases. The period will allow at least 60 days and may beextended by the administrative judge upon the request of either party.

b. Both parties are entitled to reasonable development of the evidence on matters relevant to the claims raised in the

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complaint. Evidence may be developed through interrogatories, depositions, requests for admissions, stipulations, orrequests for the production of documents. It will be grounds for objection to producing evidence that the informationsought by either party is irrelevant, overly burdensome, repetitious, or privileged.

c. If mutual cooperation fails, either party may request the administrative judge to rule on a request to developevidence. If a party fails without good cause shown to respond fully and in a timely fashion to a request made orapproved by the administrative judge for documents, records, comparative data, statistics or affidavits, and theinformation is solely in the control of one party, such failure may, in appropriate circ*mstances, cause the administra-tive judge—

(1) To draw an adverse inference that the requested information would have reflected unfavorably on the partyrefusing to provide the requested information;

(2) To consider the matters to which the requested information pertains to be established in favor of the opposingparty;

(3) To exclude other evidence offered by the party failing to produce the requested information;(4) To recommend that a decision be entered in favor of the opposing party; or(5) To take such other actions as the administrative judge deems appropriate.d. During the period for development of evidence, the administrative judge may, at his or her discretion, direct that

an investigation of facts relevant to the complaint or any portion be conducted by an agency certified by theCommission.

e. Both parties shall furnish copies of all materials they wish to be examined, and such other material as may berequested, to the administrative judge.

6–9. Resolution of the complainta. The administrative judge will provide the class agent or representative, and the agency representative a copy of

all materials obtained concerning the complaint and provide an opportunity for the agent or attorney to discuss thesematerials with the agency representative to try to resolve the complaint.

b. Though an opportunity to settle the complaint is specifically provided at this stage, both parties may agree tosettle the complaint at any time pursuant to the notice and approval procedure contained in paragraph d below.

c. If the complaint is settled, the agency representative will prepare the terms of the settlement and have theagreement signed by the class agent, the class representative, and the activity commander, or designee, after coordina-tion with the EEO officer and the civilian personnel official. It must include any corrective action agreed upon. Thecorrective action must be consistent with the law, executive orders, collective bargaining agreements, and Federalregulations, rules, and instructions. A copy of the signed NSA will be given to the class agent and representative, ifapplicable, and the administrative judge.

d. Within 10 days of resolution, the EEO officer will notify all members of the class of the resolution by the samemeans used to notify the class of the certification of the class complaint. In addition, the EEO officer will provide acopy of the notice of resolution to the administrative judge.

e. The notice of resolution will state the relief, if any, to be granted by the Army and the name and address of theadministrative judge assigned to the case. The notice will advise the class members that within 30 days from the dateof the notice of resolution, any member of the class may petition the administrative judge to vacate the resolutionbecause it benefits only the class agent, or is otherwise not fair, adequate, and reasonable to the class as a whole.

f. The administrative judge will review the notice of resolution and consider any petitions to vacate received.(1) If the administrative judge finds that the proposed resolution is not fair, adequate, and reasonable to the class as

a whole, he or she shall issue a decision vacating the agreement and may replace the original class agent with apetitioner or some other class member who is eligible to be the class agent during further processing of the classcomplaint. The decision will inform the former class agent or the petitioner of the right to appeal the decision to theEEOC and include EEOC Form 573.

(2) If the administrative judge finds that the resolution is fair, adequate and reasonable to the class as a whole, theresolution shall bind all members of the class.

6–10. Procedures for the hearingAt the end of the period allowed to prepare the case, the administrative judge will set a date and place for a hearing.The hearing will be conducted in accordance with paragraph 4–22.

6–11. Report of administrative judge’s findings and recommendationsa. The administrative judge shall transmit to the agency a report of findings and recommendations on the complaint,

including a recommended decision, systemic relief for the class and any individual relief, where appropriate, withregard to the personnel action or matter that gave rise to the complaint.

b. If the administrative judge finds no class relief appropriate, he or she will determine if a finding of individualdiscrimination is warranted and, if so, shall recommend appropriate relief.

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c. The administrative judge shall notify the agent of the date on which the report of findings and recommendationswas forwarded to the agency.

6–12. Final Army decisiona. Within 60 days after the Army receives the administrative judge’s report of findings and recommendations, the

Army Director of EEO, or designee, must issue a written decision to accept, reject, or modify the findings andrecommendations.

b. If the Army has not issued a decision within 60 days after receiving the administrative judge’s report, theadministrative judge’s findings and recommendations will become the final Army decision.

c. If the final Army decision is to reject or modify the findings and recommendations of the administrative judge,the decision must state, in detail, the specific reasons for the Army decision.

d. The decision will be sent to the class agent and representative in accordance with the service rules set forth inparagraph 1–25. A copy of the final Army decision will be sent to the serviced MACOM EEO officer, the agencyrepresentative, and to the activity EEO officer.

e. The final decision must inform the class agent of the right to appeal to EEOC OFO, or file a civil action, and theapplicable time limits. (See paragraph 5–5.) Within 10 days after the final Army decision is transmitted to the classagent and representative, the EEO officer will notify all members of the class of the final Army decision by the samemeans used to notify the class of the existence of the class complaint. Where appropriate, the notice will includeinformation concerning the rights of class members to seek individual relief and the procedures to be followed.

f. A final Army action/decision on a class complaint shall be binding on the Army and all members of the classsubject to chapter 5 of this regulation.

g. The final Army decision will direct any remedial action authorized by law and determined to be necessary ordesirable to resolve the issue of discrimination and to promote the policy of equal employment opportunity. (Seechapter 7.) When discrimination is found, the notice of decision will—

(1) Advise the class agent and representative, if represented by an attorney, that attorney fees or costs may beawarded. Attorney fees or costs are not payable in administrative complaints filed under the ADEA or the EPA.

(2) State that a request for such award must be filed within 30 days after receipt of the final decision.(3) List the documents that must be sent with the request.

6–13. Appeals of class complaintsa. The agent or attorney representative in a class complaint may appeal the final Army decision to the Director,

Office of Federal Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, PO Box 19848, Washington, DC 20036—(1) To dismiss the complaint in whole under the provisions of paragraph 6–5b;(2) On the merits of the complaint;(3) On the issue of attorney’s fees and costs and corrective action;(4) On a petition by a class member to vacate an NSA; or(5) On alleged noncompliance with an NSA.b. A claimant in a class complaint may appeal the Army decision to the EEOC—(1) To dismiss a claim for individual relief.(2) On the merits of a claim for individual relief.(3) On a petition by a class member to vacate an NSA.(4) On alleged noncompliance with an NSA.c. In the case of class complaints, the Army’s final agency action/decision, which is served on an agent, petitioner or

an individual claimant, may be appealed to the EEOC OFO within 30 days of its receipt. (See paragraph 5–5b.)d. For an agency’s response to appeal, see paragraph 5–5c.

6–14. Relief for individual class membersa. When no discrimination is found, the activity shall, within 60 days of the issuance of the Army’s final decision,

issue the acknowledgement of receipt of an individual complaint and process each individual complaint that wassubsumed into the class complaint.

b. If discrimination against a class is found, there is a presumption of discrimination as to each member of the class.The Army has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that a class member is not entitled to relief.

c. If discrimination is found and a class member believes that he or she is entitled to individual relief, the classmember may file a written claim within 30 days of receipt of the final Army action/decision with the Army Director ofEEO or the Secretary of the Army. The claim must include specific details showing that the claimant is a class memberwho was affected by a discriminatory policy or practice and that this discriminatory action took place within the periodof time for which the agency found class-wide discrimination in its final decision. The agency or Commission mayorder remedial action for any policy or practice in existence within 45 days of the agent’s initial contact with thecounselor.

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d. The administrative judge shall retain jurisdiction over the complaint in order to resolve any disputed claims byclass members. The administrative judge may hold a hearing or otherwise supplement the record on a claim filed by aclass member.

e. The Army will issue a final agency decision on each claim within 90 days of filing. The final agency decisionwill be transmitted in accordance with the service rules set forth in paragraph 1–25 and will include a notice of theright to file an appeal or file a civil action in accordance with chapter 5 of this regulation. A copy of the final Armydecision will be sent to the serviced MACOM EEO officer, the agency representative, and the activity EEO officer.Certification as to the date and method by which service was made on complainant and designated representative willbe included or attached to the copy of the final Army decision provided to the administrative judge.

6–15. Corrective actiona. If discrimination is found, the Army must eliminate or change the personnel policy or practice that gave rise to

the complaint, so that the policy or practice will no longer cause such discrimination. The Army must comply with therequirements of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute in making any such change. Also, the Armymust provide individual remedial action to the class agent, including an award of attorney fees or costs, as appropriate,as provided in chapter 7.

b. If corrective action is ordered, the EEO officer will follow the procedures outlined in paragraph 5–10.

6–16. The complaint fileThe complaint file will be assembled in a suitable, heavy-duty cover or binder and will be tabbed on the right side andpunched with a standard three-hole punch on the left side. The file will be tabbed in reverse chronological order usingphased tabbing and will contain legible copies of the documents. (See paragraph 8–10.)

Chapter 7Remedial and Corrective Actions, Attorney’s Fees/Costs, and Compensatory Damages

Section IRemedial Actions after a Finding of Discrimination, Interim Relief, and Corrective Actions

7–1. Remedial actionsa. Upon a finding of discrimination or reprisal in individual cases of discrimination, a complainant is entitled to

remedial action unless the evidence of record establishes by clear and convincing evidence that the action complainedof would have occurred even absent the identified discrimination. Remedial action is to place the complainant in thesituation he or she would have been if there had been no discrimination. Relief ordered by the commission or Army ismandatory and binding. Failure to fully implement ordered relief could result in EEOC enforcement.

b. Remedial action may include—(1) Notification to all employees in the affected facility of their right to be free of unlawful discrimination or

reprisal, and assurance that the particular types of discrimination found will not recur.(2) Commitment that the Army will cease from engaging in the specific unlawful employment practice found in the

case and that corrective, curative, or preventive action will be taken, or measures adopted, to ensure that similarviolations of the law will not recur.

(3) An unconditional offer of nondiscriminatory placement in the position at issue or a substantially equivalentposition, unless clear and convincing evidence contained in the record demonstrates that nonselection would haveoccurred even absent the discrimination. (See paragraph 7–2.)

(4) Payment of back pay, computed in the same manner prescribed by 5 CFR Section 550.805, for any loss ofearnings the person may have suffered as a result of the discrimination. (The back pay liability under Title VII or theRehabilitation Act is limited to two years prior to the date the discrimination complaint was filed.)

(5) Interest on back pay, with the exception of Federal employees or applicants who prevail on employmentdiscrimination claims brought under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act or the Equal Pay Act.

(6) Cancellation of an unwarranted personnel action and restoration of the employee.(7) Elimination of any adverse materials relating to the discriminatory employment practice from agency records.(8) Full opportunity to participate in the employee benefit denied (for example, training, preferential work assign-

ments, or overtime scheduling).(9) Attorney’s fees, costs and compensatory damages, if applicable.(10) If the record contains clear and convincing evidence that, although discrimination existed at the time the

personnel action was taken, the personnel action would have been taken even absent discrimination, the Army willnevertheless eliminate any discriminatory practice and ensure that it does not recur.

c. The Army may also settle complaints and award back pay and other remedial relief, including attorney’s fees,

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costs, and compensatory damages, without a finding or admission of discrimination. The agreed upon relief cannotexceed that which could be awarded if discrimination is proven.

d. When a CPOC is acting for a serviced commander/director and an employee or applicant alleges discriminationthat involves an action taken by the CPOC, the installation or activity that requested the personnel action is responsiblefor complaint processing costs as well as the payment of any monetary remedy, including attorney’s fees, costs, andcompensatory damages, agreed to by settlement or awarded in a decision by an appropriate authority.

e. The EEO officer will monitor and ensure timely implementation of the remedies and relief ordered by the ArmyDirector of EEO or designee, administrative judge or EEOC in accordance with paragraph 5–10.

7–2. Remedial action involving an applicant for employment or nonselectiona. Upon a finding that discrimination was the basis for nonselection to the position at issue, or that discrimination

existed at the time the applicant was considered for employment, the Army shall offer the applicant the position that heor she would have occupied absent the discrimination, or if justified by the circ*mstances, a substantially equivalentposition unless clear and convincing evidence indicates that the applicant would not have been selected even absent thediscrimination.

(1) In appropriate circ*mstances, placement of the complainant may entail displacing an incumbent. If suchdisplacement occurs, the incumbent will be placed in another position without a loss of grade or pay.

(2) If no position is available for the complainant through displacement or otherwise, the agency will makecomplainant whole until placement can be accomplished.

(3) If clear and convincing evidence indicates that the applicant would not have been selected even absent thediscrimination, the Army, nevertheless, shall take all steps necessary to eliminate the discriminatory practice and ensureit does not recur.

b. Any offer of employment or placement in the position at issue in the complaint or to a substantially equivalentposition will be made to the complainant in writing. The offer will be served on the complainant and representative inaccordance with the service rules set forth in paragraph 1–25.

c. The complainant will have 15 days from receipt of the offer to accept or decline the offer. Failure to notify theArmy of his or her decision within the 15-day period will be considered a declination of the offer, unless thecomplainant can show that circ*mstances beyond his or her control prevented him or her from responding within thetime limit.

d. If the offer of employment or nondiscriminatory placement is accepted, the appointment shall be retroactive to thedate the applicant would have been hired, reassigned, or promoted.

(1) Back pay computed in the same manner prescribed by 5 CFR, Section 550.805 shall be awarded from the datethe complainant would have entered on duty until the date the complainant actually enters on duty.

(2) Interest on back pay will be included in the back pay computation in complaints in accordance with applicablecase law.

(3) The complainant shall be deemed to have performed service for the Army during this period of retroactivity forall purposes except for meeting service requirements for completion of a required probationary or trial period.

(a) If the offer of employment or placement is declined, the Army shall award a sum equal to the back pay thecomplainant would have received from the date he or she would have been appointed or selected to the date the offerwas declined. The award will be computed in the manner prescribed by 5 CFR, Section 550.805 to include interest,when applicable, and offset for wages earned. The Army shall inform the applicant, in its offer of employment, of hisor her right to this award in the event the offer is declined.

(b) The complainant may also be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees or costs and compensatory damages, ifapplicable, in accordance with paragraphs 7–6 through 7–10.

7–3. Interim reliefa. When the Army appeals the decision of an administrative judge who orders retroactive restoration in cases

involving removal, separation, or suspension continuing beyond the date of appeal, the activity will comply with thedecision to the extent of the temporary or conditional restoration of the employee to duty status in the positionspecified in the administrative judge’s decision pending outcome of the appeal. The complainant may decline theinterim relief.

(1) If EEOC OFO upholds the administrative judge’s decision on appeal, any service under the temporary orconditional restoration provision will be credited toward completion of a probationary or trial period, eligibility for awithin-grade increase, or the completion of the service requirement for career tenure.

(2) If EEOC OFO reverses the decision of the administrative judge on appeal, such service will not be creditedtoward the completion of any applicable probationary or trial period or the completion of the service requirement forcareer tenure.

b. The final Army action will advise the complainant that a grant of interim relief does not insulate him or her fromsubsequent disciplinary action or adverse action.

c. If it is determined that the complainant’s return to his or her place of employment would be unduly disruptive to

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the work environment, the final Army action will advise the complainant that he or she is not being returned to dutybut that prospective pay and benefits will be paid. The final Army action will also advise the complainant that thedetermination not to return him or her to duty is not reviewable.

d. When the final Army action is to appeal the decision of the administrative judge and the ordered remedy involvespayment of money, the final Army action will advise complainant whether the relief provided is temporary orconditional, and whether payment of any ordered amount, other than prospective pay and benefits, will be delayedpending resolution of the appeal. Failure to provide notification may result in the dismissal of the Army’s appeal by theEEOC OFO.

(1) If payment of an ordered amount is delayed pending resolution of the appeal, the complainant will be advisedthat interest will be paid from the date of the original decision to the date payment is made if the administrative judge’sdecision is upheld on appeal.

(2) The final Army action will be served on the complainant and designated representative in accordance with theservice rules set forth in paragraph 1–25. A copy of the final Army action will be furnished to the administrative judge,serviced MACOM EEO officer, agency representative, and the activity EEO officer. Certification as to the date andmethod by which service was made on complainant and designated representative will be included or attached to thenotice of appeal, including a copy of the final Army action, filed with the EEOC.

7–4. Remedial action pending reconsideration decision by EEOCa. Corrective action ordered by the EEOC OFO is mandatory and binding on the Army unless a timely request for

reconsideration has been submitted to EEOC or the EEOC reconsiders the case on its own motion. Failure toimplement ordered relief shall be subject to enforcement.

b. When the Army requests reconsideration, if the complaint involves removal, separation, or a suspension continu-ing beyond the date of the request for reconsideration, and if the Commission’s decision directed retroactive restora-tion, the activity will comply with the decision only to the extent of the temporary or conditional restoration of theemployee to duty status in the position recommended by the Commission, pending the outcome of the request forreconsideration.

(1) When the employee receives a temporary or conditional restoration, service during this period will be creditedtoward the completion of a probationary or trial period, eligibility for a within-grade increase, or completion of theservice requirement for career tenure, provided the EEOC—

(a) Upholds its decision after reconsidering the case; or(b) Refuses to reconsider the case.(2) An Army request to reconsider will notify the EEOC that the remedial action it takes is temporary or

conditional. A written notice will also be sent to the employee.c. When no request for reconsideration is filed or when a request for reconsideration is denied, the Army will

provide the relief ordered and there is no further right to delay implementation of the ordered relief. The relief will beprovided in full no later than 60 days after receipt of the final decision unless otherwise ordered in the decision.

7–5. Corrective actionsa. When there is a finding of discrimination, the commander of the activity in which the finding occurred will

determine the appropriate corrective action to prevent recurrence.b. The EEO officer will specify the nature of the corrective action taken in the compliance report to the EEOCCR

Compliance Manager.

Section IIAttorney’s Fees and Costs

7–6. Entitlement to recovery of attorney’s fees and costsa. A prevailing complainant who is represented by an attorney may be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees,

including expert witness fees. The complainant may also be entitled to recover other costs incurred in the processing ofhis or her complaint as a part of the remedial relief under this regulation unless special circ*mstances render such anaward unjust.

b. The following arguments are not sufficient to show special circ*mstances:(1) The complainant did not need an attorney;(2) The complainant’s attorney worked for a public interest organization;(3) The complainant’s attorney accepted the case pro bono;(4) The complainant’s attorney was paid from some private fee agreement;(5) The complainant was able to pay the costs of the case;(6) The Army acted in good faith;(7) The Army took prompt action in remedying the discrimination or reprisal;

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(8) The financial burden of any fee would fall on the taxpayer; and(9) The activity has limited funds.c. The Army, an administrative judge, the EEOC OFO, or a Federal court will determine the amount of reasonable

attorney’s fees and costs to be awarded. However, activities may also pay attorney’s fees and costs as part of asettlement agreement.

d. Reimbursem*nt of attorney’s fees may be made for the services performed after the complainant has notified theArmy, the administrative judge, or the EEOC OFO, that he or she is represented by an attorney. Written submissions tothe Army or copies of written submissions to the administrative judge or EEOC OFO, signed by an attorney, will bedeemed to constitute a notice of representation.

7–7. Processing claims for reasonable attorney’s fees and costsa. The complainant and the complainant’s attorney bear the burden of establishing entitlement to fees or costs.

Requests for recovery of attorney’s fees, including expert witness fees and other costs, as appropriate, should besubmitted to the agency representative within 30 days of receipt of the final Army decision and in accordance withArmy instructions implementing OFO decisions. The statement of attorney’s fees and costs must be accompanied by anaffidavit executed by the attorney of record itemizing the attorney’s charges for legal services. Absent extraordinarycirc*mstances, requests for recovery of attorney’s fees may be denied if not submitted within the 30-day period ofreceipt of the final Army decision.

b. The verified statement of fees and costs should include the following:(1) A list of services rendered itemized by date, number of hours, detailed summary of the task, rate, and attorney’s

name;(2) Documentary evidence of reasonableness of hours, such as contemporaneous time records, billing records, or a

reasonable accurate substantial reconstruction of time records;(3) Documentary evidence of reasonableness of rate, such as an affidavit stating that the requested rate is the

attorney’s normal billing rate, a detailed affidavit of another attorney in the community familiar with prevailingcommunity rates for attorneys of comparable experience and expertise, a resume, a list of cases handled, or a list ofcomparable cases where a similar rate was accepted; and

(4) Documentation of costs.c. Documentation submitted should include the following:(1) A copy of the fee agreement between the complainant and the complainant’s attorney.(2) A copy of current billing records with a key to all abbreviations.(3) Documentation of costs, such as receipts or billing statement, verifying that the costs and amounts claimed were

actually incurred in the prosecution of the complainant’s case. Examples include long distance telephone bills, expressmailing receipts, computer legal research billing statements, food and lodging receipts, airline ticket receipts.

(4) For costs for which receipts or billing statements are not normally available, an explanation of how the costswere calculated, the formula used to compute the totals claimed, and the dates incurred. Examples of these costsinclude: mileage (dates of travel, locations, distance traveled, mode of transportation, cost per mile, and formula usedto compute amount claimed) and photocopying and faxing of documents (number of documents copied or sent byfacsimile, cost per page, and formula used to compute amounts claimed).

(5) All other relevant documents.d. In final Army decisions where discrimination or reprisal has been found and recovery of attorney’s fees and costs

is awarded as part of the remedial relief, the complainant’s attorney must file a verified statement of attorney’s fees andcosts as described in paragraphs 7–7b and c with the agency representative within 30 days of receipt of the decision.

(1) The agency representative will review the request and supporting documentation and prepare a written recom-mended decision as to payment.

(2) The recommended decision should include a summary of the case; a statement of the relief granted to thecomplainant; an analysis of the number of hours, hourly rates, and costs for which payment is approved or denied; thebasis for the conclusions; and the total amount recommended for payment.

e. The activity may enter into a written settlement agreement to resolve the request of attorney fees and costs. Incases where agreement cannot be reached, the agency representative will, within 10 days of receipt of the request andsupporting documentation, forward, by overnight means, a recommended decision through the Office of The JudgeAdvocate General, Labor & Employment Law Division, ATTN: DAJA–LE, 1777 N. Kent Street, Rosslyn, VA 22209,to the Deputy for EEOCCR for decision. The following should be included with the recommended decision: theattorney’s fee request and supporting documentation and a copy of the final agency decision, decision of theadministrative judge, or EEOC decision.

f. The Army Director of EEO, or designee, will issue a written final decision, including specific reasons for theaward determination, within 60 days after receipt of the verified statement of services and attorney’s affidavit.

(1) The final Army decision will be served on the complainant and the attorney of record in accordance with theservice rules set forth in paragraph 1–25.

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(2) The final Army decision will advise the complainant of his or her right to appeal the final Army decision to theEEOC OFO, or file a civil action in an U.S. District Court. A copy of EEOC Form 573, Notice of Appeal/Petition willalso be included.

g. Attorney fees and costs paid during the administrative processing of a complaint, either by settlement or award,are paid by the activity where the discrimination or alleged discrimination occurred.

h. Any payment of attorney fees and costs will be made payable jointly to the complainant and the attorney. Theservicing Defense Finance and Accounting Service will be instructed to address the envelope containing the payment ofmonies due to the complainant’s attorney of record.

7–8. Computing compensation for attorney’s feesa. The degree of success is an important factor in calculating an award of attorney’s fees. In determining the degree

of success, the obtained relief, both monetary and equitable, should be considered in light of the complainant’s goals.Where the complainant achieved only limited success, the complainant should receive only the amount of feesreasonable in relation to the results obtained. However, a reasonable fee may not be determined by mathematicalformula based on monetary relief obtained. The determination of the degree of success should be made on a case-by-case basis.

b. Attorney’s fees will be computed by determining the number or hours reasonably expended multiplied by areasonable hourly rate, that is, the lodestar. A reasonable hourly rate is based on the prevailing market rates in therelevant community for attorneys of similar experience in similar cases.

(1) The number of hours should not include excessive, redundant, or otherwise unnecessary hours. The presence ofmultiple counsel at hearing or deposition may be considered duplicative when the additional counsel had little or noparticipation or presence or where the presence of multiple counsel served to delay or prolong the hearing ordeposition.

(2) The hours spent on unsuccessful claims should be excluded in considering the amount of a reasonable fee onlywhere the unsuccessful claims are distinct in all respects from the successful claims.

(3) Time spent on arguments and motions with no clear merit, and time spent on unnecessarily uncooperative orcontentious conduct may be deducted.

(4) A fee award may be reduced for failure to provide adequate documentation.c. Reimbursem*nt may be made only for the services and work performed by members of the Bar, law clerks,

paralegals, and law students under the supervision of a member of the Bar. This reimbursem*nt will be based on theprevailing market rates in the relevant community, but not for clerical services. Public interest attorneys and private(for-profit) attorneys, who represent certain clients at reduced rates, which reflects noneconomic goals, will also bereimbursed at the prevailing market rate.

(1) An attorney who represents himself or herself is not entitled to an award of fees. However, an attorneycomplainant who prevails may be entitled to recovery of reasonable costs.

(2) Attorney’s fees are not payable to either a non-attorney representative or a Federal employee, includingattorneys, who represents a complainant. However, the prevailing complainant may be entitled to recovery of reasona-ble costs directly incurred by the prevailing complainant.

d. Attorney’s fees and costs are recoverable for services performed during the precomplaint process when the Armytakes final action by not implementing the decision of the administrative judge that discrimination or reprisal occurredand the EEOC OFO affirms the administrative judge’s decision on appeal.

e. Attorney’s fees are recoverable for work performed during the appeal stage provided the appellant prevails.f. The agency representative will review the request and supporting documentation and make a written recom-

mended decision as to payment. The recommended decision should include a summary of the case; a statement of therelief granted to the complainant; an analysis of the number of hours, hourly rates, and costs for which payment isapproved and or denied; the basis for the conclusions, and the total amount recommended for payment.

7–9. Computing compensation for costsa. Certain costs incurred by a prevailing complainant who is not represented or represented by a nonattorney are

compensable. The complainant must prove costs and provide documentation, such as bills or receipts.b. The costs that may be awarded are those authorized by 28 USC, Section 1920 to include fees of the reporter for

all or any of the stenographic transcript necessarily obtained for use in the case; fees and disbursem*nts for printingand witnesses; and fees for exemplification and copies necessarily obtained for use in the case.

c. Witness fees will be awarded in accordance with the provisions of 28 USC, Section 1821 except that no awardwill be made for a Federal employee who is in a duty status when made available as a witness.

7–10. Settlement of attorney fee claimsa. Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraphs 7–6 through 7–9 and any limitations imposed by the responsible

MACOM, an activity commander or designee may pay attorney’s fees and costs as part of settlement of an EEOcomplaint.

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b. The agency representative is responsible for evaluation of any claim or request for attorney’s fees and costs, andfor providing legal advice to ensure that the activity does not agree to pay more than the maximum allowableattorney’s fees in any case.

c. The agency representative will negotiate the settlement on behalf of the agency and should draft the settlementagreement.

d. Settlement agreements that provide for the payment of attorney’s fees and costs must state a specific amount ofattorney’s fees and costs, and must finally resolve the issue of attorney’s fees and costs associated with the EEOcomplaint.

(1) Activities will not agree to payment of an uncertain amount of attorney fees and costs (that is, “a reasonableamount of attorney’s fees and costs”) or an amount to be determined at a later date.

(2) An activity will not pay attorney’s fees and costs that are unlawful, unreasonable or in excess of the maximumallowable. The “maximum allowable” is defined as the amount of fees the complainant would receive (assuming thecomplainant prevailed) if fees were adjudicated for service up to the date of the settlement.

(3) The amount of fees paid by settlement is negotiable. A settlement agreement may specifically waive the paymentof attorney’s fees and costs or may provide for the payment of fees in any amount up to the maximum allowable.Nothing in this paragraph will be construed as encouraging the payment of attorney’s fees and costs or encouraging thepayment of the maximum allowable in settlement of an EEO case.

e. Without prior approval of the Deputy for EEOCCR, activities may not sever the issue of attorney’s fees and costsfrom settlement of the merits of the case. The Deputy for EEOCCR will approve requests to sever only in exceptionalcirc*mstances. An activity’s request to sever must include a detailed justification.

f. The EEO complaint file must include sufficient documentation to show that the amount of fees that the activityagrees to pay does not exceed the maximum allowable. The type and amount of documentation will vary from case tocase. In the course of negotiations, agency representatives may request that the complainant’s attorney provide theinformation described in paragraphs 7–7 and 7–9.

Section IIICompensatory Damages and Mitigation of Damages

7–11. Authority to award compensatory damagesa. Where the administrative judge has found discrimination or reprisal and the complainant claimed compensatory

damages, the administrative judge will make a determination of the amount, if any, of compensatory damages to bepaid to the complainant by the Army.

b. Where the Army’s final decision has found that discrimination or reprisal occurred and the complainant claimedcompensatory damages, the complainant and his or her attorney will be advised that any claim for past or futurepecuniary losses or nonpecuniary losses must be submitted through the agency representative to the Deputy forEEOCCR within 30 days of receipt of the final Army decision. The final Army decision will further advise thecomplainant and his or her attorney that—

(1) Such damages will only be payable to the extent they were caused by the specific actions that formed the basisof the finding of unlawful discrimination or reprisal.

(2) In claiming past or future pecuniary losses, documentary evidence of these costs, including, but not limited to,copies of bills, receipts, cancelled checks, affidavits or other proof that these losses were actually incurred must besubmitted.

(3) In the case of future pecuniary losses claimed, complainant must submit objective evidence that the lossesclaimed will occur into the future, and evidence of the anticipated duration of those losses and that these projectedlosses will result from the unlawful discrimination or reprisal found in the final Army decision.

c. Activity commanders may include payment of compensatory damages, in a sum certain amount, in no faultsettlement agreements of precomplaints and formal complaints subject to the conditions set forth below:

(1) The complainant must allege a form of discrimination for which compensatory damages are recoverable.Compensatory damages are not recoverable in disparate impact cases, mixed motive cases, Equal Pay Act complaints,age discrimination cases (ADEA), or Rehabilitation Act cases in which the agency has made a good faith effort toreasonably accommodate the complainant’s disability.

(2) The complainant must allege injury for which compensatory damages are recoverable (that is, medical expenses,travel expenses, emotional pain, mental anguish, and so forth).

(3) The complainant must allege that the compensatory damages were caused by the alleged discrimination.d. Compensatory damages may be paid if supported by objective or other evidence of the damages. Specifically—(1) Past pecuniary damages may be paid if the file includes objective evidence of the out of pocket costs.(2) Future pecuniary damages may be paid if the file includes objective evidence of the future costs.(3) Nonpecuniary damages may be paid if the file includes objective or other evidence of the damages. Emerging

EEOC case law continues to define the value of injury. Payment may not exceed a reasonable value for the injury.

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e. Activities may not agree to pay an uncertain amount of compensatory damages (that is, a “reasonable amount” ofcompensatory damages.)

f. Activities may not sever or separate a compensatory damage claim from the merits of a case for the purposes ofsettlement.

g. Any settlement agreement that includes payment of compensatory damages must be in writing. (See chapter 5.)

7–12. Mitigation of damagesComplainants must be made aware that they have a legal obligation to mitigate damages. Before reducing a claim forfailure to mitigate, the agency must prove by preponderant evidence that the complainant failed to adequately mitigatehis or her damages.

Chapter 8Witnesses, Representation, Administrative Procedures, Complaint File, Automated TrackingSystem and Reports

Section IWitnesses and Representation

8–1. Disclosure of the EEO complaint fileThe EEO complaint file is a record protected from unlawful disclosure by the Privacy Act. The agency has the burdenof determining complaint documents that may be released in accordance with the Privacy Act.

a. Complainant. The complainant and representative are entitled to a copy of the complaint file to include transcriptsand exhibits entered in the record.

b. Witnesses. The Army may disclose information and documents to a witness where necessary to obtain informa-tion from the witness.

8–2. Arranging for witnessesa. Army military and civilian personnel requested as witnesses by the agency representative, the EEO officer, the

investigator, or the EEOC administrative judge will be made available unless it is administratively impracticable.(1) If an Army witness is not under local administrative control, the activity commander or the EEO officer may ask

the witness’ commander to make that person available.(2) Denials will be promptly referred to the EEO officer at the next higher-level command of the requested witness.

If the denial is not justified, the next higher-level command will direct the organization to make the witness available.b. If a witness is employed by another Federal agency or has left Federal employment, the EEO officer will contact

him or her. The EEO officer will make every reasonable effort to ensure the presence of the witness. If the witnessrefuses to appear, the EEO officer will refer the matter to the investigator or the administrative judge.

c. A Federal employee is in an official duty status when his or her presence as a witness is authorized or required bythe Army or the EEOC.

8–3. Right to representationa. A complainant or an agent in a class complaint has the right to be accompanied, represented, and advised by a

representative of his or her own choice at any stage of the complaint process, including the precomplaint counselingstage, except as provided in paragraph 8–4 below. No employee is obligated to serve as a representative. Neither EEOofficials, agency representatives, civilian personnel officials, management officials, nor active duty military memberswhose service as a representative would create the appearance of a conflict of interest may serve as a representative.

b. The complainant or the class agent will designate the representative in writing. Any change will be reported inwriting to the EEO officer, with copies to the agency representative, investigator, administrative judge, or the Deputyfor EEOCCR as appropriate.

c. The Army must be notified immediately when an attorney is retained to represent a complainant or class agent.Written submissions to the Army that are signed by the attorney are deemed to constitute notice of representation. Thisnotice is required to establish the attorney’s eligibility to claim fees and costs.

d. A witness has the right to be accompanied, represented, and advised by a personal representative of his or herown choice at any stage of the complaint process. A witness may not be represented by the SJA or agencyrepresentative, an EEO official, civilian personnel official, military member, or management official except as providedin paragraph 8–4 below.

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8–4. Disqualification of representativea. In cases where representation of a complainant or the Army would conflict with the official or collateral duties of

the representative, the representative may be disqualified.b. The representation of a complainant by a military member on active duty is an inherent official conflict.c. After consulting with the SJA or senior legal officer of the servicing legal office and after providing the

representative an opportunity to respond, the activity commander or designee may deny permission to an Armyemployee to serve as complainant’s or a witness’ representative.

(1) The denial will be made in a letter to the complainant or the witness stating, with specificity, the reason fordenial. The letter will notify the requester that an appeal of the denial may be filed with the EEO/Civil Rights Office(Deputy for Compliance and Complaints Review (EEOCCR), ATTN: SAMR–EO–CCR, 1941 Jefferson Davis High-way, Suite 109B, Arlington, VA 22202–4508 within 5 days after receipt of the denial.

(2) Complainant must provide a copy of the appeal to the activity EEO officer.(3) The Deputy for EEOCCR will decide the appeal within 7 days of receipt of the appeal.(4) There is no further right to appeal denial of representation.d. If a problem with a representative arises during the investigative stage in the complaint processing, the investiga-

tor will discuss the situation with the activity EEO officer and ask for a decision subject to the procedures cited inparagraph 8–4c.

e. The EEOC administrative judge may disqualify the complainant’s representative during the hearing process.

8–5. Representing the Army in individual complaintsa. The agency representative designated by the activity commander represents the Army in complaint proceedings.

(See paragraph 4–2c.)b. The agency representative’s role is to ensure that the Army position is based on a sound legal theory and

supported by competent evidence at the investigative, hearing, and appellate stages. Additionally, the agency represent-ative should explore settlement possibilities at all stages in the processing of the complaint.

c. The agency representative represents the best interest of the Department of Army.d. The agency representative may have technical advisers, as needed, at the hearing with the administrative judge’s


8–6. Representing the Army in class complaintsa. After consulting with the servicing EEO officer, the EEO counselor may seek legal advice from the servicing

legal office during the precomplaint stage of class discrimination complaints.b. When a class complaint is filed formally, the activity commander will appoint a labor counselor as the designated

Army representative.

Section IIAdministrative Procedures

8–7. Using official timea. Under 29 CFR Section 1614.605, complainants and representatives who are Army employees have the right to a

reasonable amount of official time, if otherwise on duty, to prepare a complaint filed under this regulation and torespond to Army and EEOC requests for information.

b. The Army is not obligated to change work schedules, incur overtime wages, or pay travel expenses in order toallow the complainant to select a specific representative or to confer with him or her.

c. When the Army, the investigator, or an EEOC administrative judge authorizes or requires the presence of arepresentative or complainant during the investigation or hearing on the complaint, the representative or complainantwill be granted official time for the duration of such meeting or hearing regardless of the tour of duty, if otherwise in apay status.

d. Employees must obtain supervisory approval in advance to use duty time to prepare a complaint.e. "Reasonable duty time" includes all time actually spent in meetings and hearings required by an Army, investigat-

ing agency, or EEOC official plus a reasonable amount of preparation time. Time is generally defined in terms of hoursrather than days, weeks, or months.

f. Disagreements as to what constitutes "reasonable duty time” are resolved by the activity commander or adesignee.

g. Time off for non-Army representatives will be determined by non-Army employers. The Army has no purview indisputes regarding reasonable time for non-Army employees.

8–8. Computation of timeWith respect to time periods specified in this regulation—

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a. The first day counted will be the day after the event from which the time period begins to run. The last day of theperiod will be included, unless it falls on a weekend or Federal holiday, in which case the period will be extended toinclude the next business day.

b. A document shall be deemed timely if it is received or postmarked before the expiration of the applicable filingperiod, or if, in the absence of a legible postmark, it is received by mail within 5 days from the expiration of theapplicable filing period.

c. Unless otherwise stated, all days are calendar days.

8–9. Travel and other costsa. For individual complaints as well as class complaints of discrimination, expenses incurred in the administrative

processing of an EEO complaint will be borne by the activity where the discrimination is alleged to have occurred.These expenses include travel and other costs of investigators, EEO counselors, and agency representatives andexpenses for the court reporter and transcripts from the investigation and hearing.

b. To be considered for funding by the activity where the alleged discrimination occurred, travel and relatedexpenses of witnesses must be required or approved by the EEOC, the investigating agency, or an authorized Armyofficial. This includes travel of witnesses who are employed at a Federal agency other than the Army. In such cases,the EEO officer will coordinate with the employing agency to initially pay the travel expenses subject to reimburse-ment by the Army. The Army is not obligated to pay travel expenses of complainant’s witnesses who are not Federalemployees.

c. Unless required by the administrative judge in the administrative process, the Army is not responsible for payingthe travel expenses of a complainant who is not an Army employee. In the judicial process, the Army is not responsiblefor any of complainant’s travel expenses. Complainants who prevail in their complaints may be reimbursed for travelexpenses as part of their costs.

d. If a complaint of discrimination is filed against a tenant organization, the tenant organization is responsible for allcosts incurred unless otherwise provided for in a host-tenant agreement. Problems that develop between host and tenantorganizations will be promptly referred for resolution to the MACOM EEO officer having jurisdiction over the activityin which the complaint arose.

e. If the complaint involves a NAF activity, the costs will be borne by the appropriated fund host activity havingcommand responsibility for the NAF activity.

Section IIIComplaint File

8–10. Assembly of the complaint filea. The EEO officer will assemble a complaint file that will include all documents pertinent to the complaint. All

documents in the complaint file will be made available to the complainant and representative. The EEO officer shallmaintain a separate “working” file containing documents that should not be included in the complaint file, such as,written communication from agency representatives concerning acceptance, dismissal, or settlement of complaints,memoranda of record obtained by the counselor, and so forth.

b. The complaint file will be assembled in a suitable heavy-duty cover. The documents will be punched with astandard three-hole punch and bound on the left side.

c. The complaint file will have a title page which contains complainant’s name and address; name of Secretary ofthe Army; DA docket number, EEOC docket number, and name, address, phone number, facsimile number andelectronic mail address of the servicing EEO activity, agency representative and serviced MACOM. (See figure 8–1.)

d. The complaint file will be organized by stages or phases of the complaint process. Stages are as follows:(1) Precomplaint.(2) Formal.(3) Investigation (contains subtab).(4) Hearing (contains subtab).(5) FAA/FAD.(6) Appeal.(7) Remand.(8) Compliance.(9) Civil Action.(10) Settlement (contains subtab).(11) Admin.e. The sections of the complaint file will be tabbed with visible tabs to correspond with the phases. Tab dividers

should be labeled with the stage only, that is “Precomplaint”, “Formal”, “Admin” and so forth, and arranged in reverse

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chronological order with the “Precomplaint” tab at the bottom building upward through the appropriate tab signifyingthe final stage of processing. The “Admin” tab will always be the top tab.

f. The file will contain legible copies of the following documents with the appropriate evidence of their receipt, asapplicable, in the order listed below:

(1) Transmittal notice to EEOCCR indicating the number of complaint files forwarded; the reason files wereforwarded, that is request for hearing or FAD, withdrawal, dismissal; a statement certifying that complaint has beenupdated in the complaints automated tracking system, and a point of contact and phone number for the action. Printoutsfrom the automated complaint tracking system are not required.

(2) Title page (See figure 8–1.)(3) The following information should be used as guidance for establishing complaint files:(a) Precomplaint tab. Precomplaint documents include all documents associated with the precomplaint stage in

reverse chronological order with the top document being the Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint ofDiscrimination. Examples of documents under the “Precomplaint” tab include but are not limited to—

1. Information Inquiry Summary.2. Aggrieved Person’s Rights and Responsibilities Notice.3. Offer to Participate in ADR.4. Agreement/Declination to Participate in ADR.5. Witness notices.6. Extension of Counseling Agreement.7. EEO Counselor’s Report.8. Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination.(b) Formal tab. Include documents generated from the time a formal complaint is filed through acceptance or

dismissal of the formal complaint in reverse chronological order. Requests for additional information and amendmentsto a formal complaint, including the acknowledgment, will be included in the “Formal” tab as they occur in thecomplaint process. Examples of documents under this tab include but are not limited to—

1. DA 2590, Formal Complaint of Discrimination.2. Acknowledgement of receipt of formal complaint.3. Request for clarification/additional information.4. Offer to participate in ADR.5. Notice of dismissal.6. Notice of acceptance or partial acceptance.7. Amendments to formal complaints.8. Acknowledgement of amendments.(c) Investigation tab. Include all documents pertaining to the investigative stage from the request for assignment of

an investigator to the notice provided to complainant and representative after receipt of the investigative file in reversechronological order. Examples of documents filed under the “Investigation” tab are—

1. Request for assignment of OCI investigator.2. Witnesses in pending investigation.3. Notices to complainant/agency representative.4. OCI request for documents.5. Transmittal of amendments to OCI.(d) Report of Investigation (ROI) and Notice of Post Investigative Option (PIO) subtab. The Report of Investigation

and Notice of Post Investigative Options will be a subtab of the “Investigation” tab and will be labeled “ROI/POI.”These documents will be tabbed separately because of the size of reports of investigation and for easier access.Examples of documents filed under this subtab include—

1. Report of Investigation.2. Supplemental investigations.3. Notice of Post Investigative Options.(e) Hearing tab. File documents pertaining to the hearing stage from complainant’s request to an administrative

judge decision in reverse chronological order. Examples of the “Hearing” tab documents include but are not limitedto—

1. Complainant’s request for hearing.2. Transmittal memorandum forwarding complaint file to EEOC.3. Acceptance of Offer of Resolution.4. Amendments forwarded to AJ.5. Discovery documents.6. Motions filed by agency/complainant.

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7. Hearing transcript. (The hearing transcript will be filed as a subtab of the “Hearing” tab. This tab will be labeled“Hearing Transcript” and will include the transcript and all associated exhibits.)

(f) Final Agency Action (FAA) or Final Agency Decision (FAD) tab. Include all documents pertaining to theissuance of a FAA after an AJ decision, or “FAD” without an AJ decision, in reverse chronological order. Examples ofdocuments under the “FAA” or “FAD” tab include but are not limited to—

1. Complainant’s request for final agency decision.2. Activity transmittal to EEOCCR requesting FAD.3. FAD on nonmixed or mixed complaint.4. FAA on AJ decision.5. FAD on compensatory damages.6. FAD on attorney fees.7. FAD on noncompliance with NSA.(g) Appeal tab. Documents related to the appeal stage will be filed in reverse chronological order and may include

but not be limited to—1. Notification from OFO/Appellant of Appeal.2. Briefs supporting or opposing appeal.3. Transmittal letters and correspondence to or from OFO.4. OFO Decision.5. Notification from OFO/complainant of RFR.6. Agency Request for Reconsideration.7. Briefs supporting/opposing RFR.8. OFO decision on reconsideration.9. Notification of appeal to MSPB.10. Appellate decision on mixed case complaints.(h) Remand tab. Documents pertaining to an OFO or EEOCCR remand of a complaint for further processing or

OFO’s decision to reverse the Army’s final decision, should be included under the “Remand” tab. Documents underthe “Remand” tab include but are not limited to—

1. The OFO order to remand the complaint or reverse the Army’s decision.2. Notification from OFO/complainant of RFR.3. Agency Request for Reconsideration.4. Briefs supporting/opposing RFR.5. OFO decision on reconsideration.6. EEOCCR letter vacating dismissal.(i) Compliance tab. Include documents pertaining to compliance with an OFO or Army order. Documents under the

“Compliance” tab include but are not limited to—1. Letter to complainant acknowledging receipt of remand order.2. Copy of posting order.3. Copies of checks.4. DFAS vouchers.5. Personnel actions (SF 50, Notification of Personnel Action/SF 52 Request for Personnel Action).6. EEOCCR implementation letter for remand/reversal/finding of discrimination.(j) Civil Action tab. Documents pertaining to the filing of a civil action should be included under the “Civil Action”

tab. Examples of documents under the “Civil Action” tab include but are not limited to—1. Civil action (actual court filing).2. Notification memorandum from litigation division.3. Notification from activity of closure of civil action.(k) Settlement tab. “Settlement” should be placed on top of the stage in the process in which settlement occurs. For

example, if settlement occurs during the investigative stage, the “Settlement” tab should be placed on top of “Inves-tigation” tab. This tab should contain the NSA and all documentation proving compliance with the terms of theagreement. Examples of documents under the “Settlement” tab include but are not limited to—

1. NSA.2. Personnel actions (SF 50–B/SF 52–B).3. DFAS vouchers.4. Copies of checks.(l) Noncompliance tab. Documents pertaining to noncompliance with an NSA will be filed in a subtab of the

“Settlement” tab labeled “Noncompliance”. Examples of documents under the “Noncompliance” tab include but are notlimited to—

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1. Agency’s response to allegations and all supporting documentation (do not include attorney work products).2. Complainant’s allegation of noncompliance.(m) Admin tab. The “Admin” tab should always remain on the top of the complaint file. This tab should be limited

to items such as—1. Designation (or change) of representative.2. Designation of agency representative.3. Change of address for complainant.4. Withdrawal of formal complaint. (If a withdrawal is included, place on the top of the “Admin” tab.)5. Other miscellaneous items that pertain to the administrative processing of the complaint.g. Complaint files should be tabbed according to the sequence of processing. For example—(1) When the EEO officer dismisses a complaint at the activity level, the appropriate tabs will be “Precomplaint”,

“Formal”, and “Admin” with appropriate documentation under each tab.(2) When a complaint has been investigated and the complainant requests a decision without a hearing, the

appropriate tabs will be “Precomplaint”, “Formal”, “Investigation”, “ROI/PIO”, “FAA”, and “Admin”.(3) When a complaint has been investigated and the complainant requests a hearing by an administrative judge, the

complaint file will be established as “Precomplaint”, “Formal”, “Investigation”, “ROI/PIO”, “Hearing”, “FAA”, and“Admin” with appropriate documents under each tab.

(4) When a complaint has been dismissed in its entirety and appealed, the appropriate tabs will be “Precomplaint”,“Formal”, “Appeal”, and “Admin”.

(5) When a complaint has been settled during the investigation, the appropriate tabs will be “Precomplaint”,“Formal”, “Investigation”, “Settlement”, and “Admin”.

(6) When a complaint has been dismissed in its entirety, appealed, and remanded for investigation, the appropriatetabs will be “Precomplaint”, “Formal”, “Appeal”, “Remand”, “Investigation”, and “Admin”.

8–11. Disposition of complaints of discriminationa. When action on a complaint of discrimination has been completed at the activity level, the complaint file will be

promptly forwarded to the EEO/Civil Rights Office (Deputy for EEOCCR), ATTN: SAMR–EO-CCR, 1941 JeffersonDavis Highway, Suite 109B, Arlington, VA 22202–4508. The transmittal letter to EEOCCR should be placed on top ofthe title page of the complaint file. When the case has been closed by the activity, instructions set forth in paragraph8–12b will be followed.

b. Forwarding of complaint files to EEOCCR will be accomplished:(1) If a formal EEO complaint is closed in its entirety at the activity level because of withdrawal or settlement, the

EEO officer will submit the original, complete complaint file to EEOCCR within 5 days after the complaint is closed.(2) If a formal complaint is closed in its entirety at the activity level because of dismissal, the EEO officer will

submit the original and one copy of the complete complaint file to EEOCCR within 5 days after the complaint isclosed.

(3) If a formal complaint is investigated and processed for issuance of a Final Army Decision/Action, proceduresoutlined in 4–20(b)(3–5) and 4–20 (c)(2) will be followed.

c. Once the complaint is closed or the complaint file is forwarded to EEOCCR for action, EEOCCR becomes theofficial custodian of the agency’s record. EEOCCR will retain complaint files for 5 years from the final action/decisionon the complaint or until all administrative or judicial appeals are exhausted, whichever is longer. A copy of the formalcomplaint case file will be retained by the EEO officer for 2 years from the date of closure at the activity level, thefinal Army decision, or until all administrative or judicial appeals are exhausted, whichever is longer. Precomplaintfiles will not be forwarded to EEOCCR but shall be maintained at the activity for 2 years after the closure of theprecomplaint.

Section IVThe Complaints Automated Tracking System and Reporting Requirements

8–12. Establishing and closing complaint recordsa . U s e o f t h e A r m y ’ s c o m p l a i n t s a u t o m a t e d t r a c k i n g s y s t e m i s m a n d a t o r y . I m m e d i a t e l y u p o n r e c e i p t o f a

precomplaint, the activity EEO officer will establish the EEO automated data systems record. The DA docket numbergenerated will be used on all documents throughout the EEO complaint process as the unique identifier of the recordsin the complaint file.

b. The EEO officer or complaints manager is responsible for ensuring that all complaints are updated in theautomated tracking system as actions occur. EEOCCR, as the proponent for the system, will be able to access currentinformation, when needed, on all Army complaints. The EEO officer will ensure the validity of information enteredinto the automated system.

c. A record will be established in the EEO automated data system for each workable contact after the interview with

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the individual. A workable contact is any contact with an EEO official or counselor by an individual whose solepurpose is to seek information on the EEO process, otherwise referred to as an Information Inquiry (see paragraph3–3). A DA Docket Number will be generated but will not be used on any correspondence unless the individual laterexpresses intent to initiate the EEO process.

d. A record will be established in the EEO automated data for each reportable contact immediately following theprecomplaint intake interview. A reportable contact is any contact with an EEO counselor (or EEO official performingthe counseling function) by an aggrieved who expresses or implies intent to initiate the discrimination complaintprocess on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, or reprisal.

(1) The DA Docket number will be placed on all documents generated thereafter to include the Notice of Right toFile a Formal Complaint of Discrimination, settlement agreement, and EEO Counselor’s Report.

(2) Prior to generating a DA Docket number for perceived conflict of interest complaints as described in paragraph1–24, a determination must be made as to the processing EEO office. The processing EEO office will docket thecomplaint.

e. An EEO official will update the EEO automated data system at all stages of the process.(1) Upon closure of a precomplaint, the automated data system will be updated to denote either issuance of the

Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination or execution of a settlement agreement.(2) If the aggrieved does not file a formal EEO complaint, an EEO official will update the EEO automated data

system with an entry closing the precomplaint record.(3) Upon closure of a complaint via the execution of a settlement agreement, an EEO official will enter the

monetary and nonmonetary terms of the agreement in the EEO automated data system.(4) An EEO official will close a formal complaint record after a notice of dismissal by the activity, the execution of

a settlement agreement, or withdrawal by the complainant. EEOCCR will close a formal complaint record afterissuance of a FAA or FAO.

8–13. Access to EEO dataData created by an EEO official in its mission to manage the EEO Complaints Processing Program is for official useonly. Release of such information will be governed by AR 25–55, The Department of the Army Freedom ofInformation Act Program, and AR 340–21, The Army Privacy Program.

8–14. EEO reporting requirementsa. The EEOC Annual Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Statistical Report of Discrimination Complaints

(EEOC Form 462) submission is submitted to the EEOC in October of each year. EEOC Form 462 can be accessed onEEOC’s Web site at “” This Web site can only be accessed by MACOM/IMAPOCs after receiving the required login permission from EEOCCR.

b. The Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No Fear Act) requiresthe posting of certain complaint data on the Army’s Web site. This data must be posted no later than 30 days after theend of each quarter.

c. To this end, each activity must ensure that complaint data is kept up to date and is accurate. To alleviate end-of-year processing time and to identify developing Army-wide trends, EEOCCR will periodically review complaint datain January, April, July, and October of each year.

d. For other EEOC and Army mandatory or ad hoc reports, requests from EEOCCR to MACOM and activity EEOoffices will be submitted in accordance with assigned suspenses.

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Figure 8–1. Sample Cover Page for Complaint File

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Appendix AReferences

Section IRequired PublicationsThis section contains no entries.

Section IIRelated PublicationsA related publication is merely a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand thispublication.

AR 600–7Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Assisted or Conducted by the Department ofthe Army

AR 600–23Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs

AR 690–12Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action

DOD 1400.25M, Subchapter 771Department of Defense Civilian Personnel Manual (Administrative Grievance System)

EEO MD–110Equal Employment Opportunity Management Directive-110

Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1614Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity

Section IIIPrescribed FormsExcept where otherwise indicated below, the following forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate’s Website (

DA Form 2590Formal Complaint of Discrimination (Prescribed in para 3–7.)

DA Form 7509Information Inquiry Summary (Prescribed in para 3–3.)

DA Form 7510Equal Employment Opportunity Counselor’s Report (Prescribed in para 3–3.)

Section IVReferenced FormsExcept where otherwise indicated below, the following forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate’s Website (

EEOC Form 462EEOC Annual Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Statistical Report of Discrimination Complaints (Available at

EEOC Form 573 REV 1– 01Notice of Appeal/Petition to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Available at

OF 283 (Rev10/94)Merit Systems Protection Appeal Form (Available at

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SF 50–BNotification of Personnel Action

SF 52–BRequest for Personnel Action

Appendix BAddresses and Area Office Territories for the Department of Defense Office of ComplaintInvestigations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and Merit Systems ProtectionBoard

B–1. Addresses and Geographic Jurisdictions of EEOC District OfficesDODOCI investigators are assigned to investigate discrimination complaints from various area offices located through-out the United States, Europe, and the Pacific. When an EEO officer must obtain the services of a DODOCIinvestigator, he or she should contact the DODOCI area office with jurisdiction over the respective activity. TheDODOCI Web site ( lists the area OCI offices. From the homepage, select CivilianPersonnel Manual (CPM) Chapter 1600 EEO Complaints.

B–2. Addresses and Geographic Jurisdictions of EEOC District OfficesEEOC administrative judges are assigned to hear discrimination complaints from various district offices locatedthroughout the United States. When a complainant requests a hearing before an EEOC administrative judge, the EEOofficer will advise the complainant in writing as to the EEOC district office with jurisdiction over the activity. TheEEOC has a Web page ( that lists the EEOC district, area, and local offices. Select “ContactEEOC/Field Offices.

B–3. Addresses and Regional and Field Office Jurisdictions for the Merit Systems Protection Board(MSPB)The MSPB processes appeals on mixed case complaints. When an EEO officer must advise a complainant regardingthese appeal rights, he or she should reference the MSPB office with jurisdiction over the respective activity. (See figsB-1, B-2, and B-3.) The MSPB Web site ( also lists addresses, telephone numbers, andappellate jurisdiction. From the MSPB home page, select “Contact Us.”

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Figure B–1. DOD OCI Regional Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions

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Figure B–1. DOD OCI Regional Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions–continued

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Figure B–1. DOD OCI Regional Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions–continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–2. EEOC District Offices and Geographic Jurisdictions-continued

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Figure B–3. Merit Systems Protection Board and Appellate Jurisdictions

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Figure B–3. Merit Systems Protection Board and Appellate Jurisdictions–continued

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Figure B–3. Merit Systems Protection Board and Appellate Jurisdictions–continued

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Section IAbbreviations

AASAAdministrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army

ADEAAge Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

ADRalternative dispute resolution

ARArmy Regulation

ARNGArmy National Guard

CFRCode of Federal Regulations

CONUScontinental United States

CPACCivilian Personnel Advisory Center

CPOCCivilian Personnel Operations Center

DADepartment of the Army

DASA–CPPDeputy, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civilian Personnel Policy)

DODDepartment of Defense

DODOCIDepartment of Defense Office of Complaint Investigations

DSNDefense Switching Network

EEOEqual employment opportunity

EEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission

EEOCCREqual Employment Opportunity Compliance and Complaints Review

EPAEqual Pay Act

FAAfinal agency action

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FADfinal agency decision

FLRAFederal Labor Relations Authority

HQDAHeadquarters, Department of the Army

IMAInstallation Management Agency

MACOMMajor Army Command

MSPBMerit Systems Protection Board

NAFnonappropriated fund

NSAnegotiated settlement agreement

OCONUSoutside continental United States

OFOOffice of Federal Operations

OGCOffice of General Counsel

OPMOffice of Personnel Management

OTJAGOffice of The Judge Advocate General

PIOpost investigative options

ROIreport of investigation

SJAstaff judge advocate

USARUnited States Army Reserve

USCUnited States Code

Section IITerms

activity commanderThe army commander who has delegated appointing authority for the civilian work force and has a civilian personnelofficial, a labor counselor, and an EEO officer available for advice.

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administrative judge (EEOC)An official assigned by the EEOC to hold hearings on formal complaints of discrimination and to otherwise processindividual and class complaints for the EEOC.

adverse impactA substantially different rate of selection in hiring, promotion, or other employment decision that works to thedisadvantage of members of a protected group.

age discriminationA claim of discrimination based on age by an individual who is at least 40 years old at the time of the allegeddiscriminatory act.

agent of the classA member of a class who files the complaint and acts for the class during the class complaint process. The agentalleges that an Army personnel practice or policy discriminates against members of the class on the basis of race, color,religion, sex, national origin, age, and/or physical or mental disability.

alternative dispute resolution (ADR)A variety of techniques and methods used to resolve disputed issues, including but not limited to: settlementnegotiations, conciliation, facilitation, mediation, factfinding, and minitrials, or any combination thereof.

arbitrationThe final resolution or decision on a grievance filed under a negotiated grievance procedure by an impartial person (anarbitrator) selected by labor and management. If allegations of discrimination are not excluded from a negotiatedgrievance procedure, they may be filed under such a procedure and eventually may be decided through arbitration.Only a union or the Army may invoke arbitration to resolve a grievance.

Army Director of Equal Employment Opportunity (Army Director of EEO)The official who is designated by the Secretary of the Army to administer the Army’s EEO program in accordancewith 29 CFR Section 1614.102.

Army representativeAn attorney designated to represent the Army.

civilian personnel officialAn individual designated by a commander to administer the civilian personnel program and serve as head of thecivilian personnel office at the commander’s activity or installation. In many cases the titles of the official and officehave been changed to Chief, CPAC. In addition, Directors of regional CPOC’s administer parts of most civilianpersonnel programs. In various places throughout this regulation the term may refer to the head of the concerned office,advisory center or operations center.

Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC)An office staffed by multiskilled generalists primarily, and certain specialists, who provide civilian personnel advisoryservices to local commanders, managers, supervisors, employees, and applicants. These centers are under the opera-tional control and direction of the installation commander.

Civilian Personnel Operations Center (CPOC)A regional center staffed by functional specialists and technicians who support centralized personnel services andprocesses for a number of geographically based sites.

classA group of Army employees, former employees, or applicants for employment, who allege they have been or are beingadversely affected by an Army personnel management policy or practice that discriminates against the group on thebasis of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or physical or mental disability.

complainantAn Army employee, a former Army employee, an applicant for Army employment, or certain contract employee whofiles a formal complaint of discrimination based on his or her race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical ormental disability, and/or reprisal.

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contingent workerAll civilian employees outside of the Army’s core workforce, such as independent contractors and other individualsworking on Army installations or projects without being on the activity’s payroll.

Department of Defense Office of Complaint Investigations (DODOCI)The Department of Defense organization that investigates and makes recommended findings on formal EEO complaintsfiled against the Army.

discriminationAny act or failure to act, impermissibly based in whole or in part on a person’s race, color, religion, sex, nationalorigin, age, physical or mental disability, and/or reprisal, that adversely affects privileges, benefits, working conditions,results in disparate treatment, or has a disparate impact on employees, former employees or applicants for employment.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)The Federal agency with overall responsibility for Federal sector EEO complaints. The EEOC issues policy andregulations on the discrimination complaint system, holds hearings and makes findings on discrimination complaintsand makes final decisions on discrimination complaints that have been appealed. It also reviews, upon request,decisions of negotiated grievances and MSPB appeals if they include issues of discrimination.

Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance and Complaints Review (EEOCCR)The Army organization responsible for managing the Army’s EEO complaints system. EEOCCR also prepares the finalArmy action/decision on the merits of EEO complaints for the approval and signature of the Director of EEO or his orher designee.

EEO counselorAn individual designated by the Army to perform EEO counselor duties, working under the direction of the EEOofficer, who makes informal inquiries and seeks resolution of precomplaints.

EEO officerThe individual designated by the activity commander to administer the activity’s EEO program. This includesmanaging and operating the complaint processing system, supervising and training EEO counselors, and advising theactivity commander on the disposition of complaints.

equitable tollingStopping or suspending certain time limitations imposed under this regulation when a complainant’s failure to act in atimely manner is caused by circ*mstances beyond his or her control.

estoppelA party is prevented by his or her own acts from claiming a right to the detriment of the other party who was entitledto rely on such conduct and has acted accordingly.

factfinding conferenceOne of several alternative means used to investigate an EEO complaint. As the Army’s preferred method, thisprocedure involves taking testimony in the presence of a court reporter, the complainant and his or her representative,and the attorney representing the Army.

Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA)The Federal agency responsible for deciding appeals of arbitration awards filed by a union or an agency regardinggrievances filed under the negotiated grievance procedure.

final Army actionThe decision by the Army Director of EEO, or designee, to either implement or appeal the decision rendered by anadministrative judge of the EEOC.

final Army decisionThe decision rendered by the Army Director of EEO, or designee, on a nonmixed complaint of discrimination where nohearing was elected by the complainant, on a mixed complaint of discrimination or addressing allegations of noncom-pliance with negotiated settlement agreements. Final Army decisions may also address compensatory damages and/orattorney fee payments.

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formal individual discrimination complaintA written complaint, preferably on a DA Form 2590 (Formal Complaint of Discrimination), filed under this regulation,alleging that a specific act or acts of discrimination or reprisal has/have taken place that is/are personal to theindividual.

investigative fileThe complaint file as provided by the DODOCI Investigator and supplemented to include the ROI and exhibits.

labor counselorAn Army attorney who works in the servicing activity’s legal office who advises the commander and his or her staff,including the EEO officer and CPO, on employment law matters.

mediationA method used to resolve complaints of discrimination wherein an acceptable, impartial and neutral third party, whohas no decisionmaking authority, intervenes to facilitate settlement of the dispute.

mediatorAn impartial and neutral third party, who has no decision making authority, trained and certified to intervene betweendisputing parties as a means to facilitate settlement of complaints of discrimination.

Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)The Federal agency responsible for deciding appealable personnel actions and mixed case appeals.

mixed case complaintAn EEO complaint filed directly with the Army involving an action appealable to MSPB which alleges that the actionwas taken because of discrimination. Actions appealable to the MSPB include, but are not limited to, removals,demotions, suspensions for more than 14 days, reductions-in-force, and furloughs for 30 days or less.

mixed case appealAn appeal filed directly with the MSPB which alleges that an adverse Army personnel action, appealable to MSPB wastaken, in whole or in part, because of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,physical or mental disability and/or reprisal.

moot(ness)A complaint is moot if there is no reasonable expectation that the alleged discriminatory violation will recur andinterim relief or events have completely and irrevocably eradicated the effects of the alleged violation.

negotiated grievance procedureA grievance procedure contained in a collective bargaining agreement negotiated between the Army and a recognizedlabor organization. An allegation of discrimination may be processed under a negotiated grievance procedure asprovided for by Title 5, USC, Section 7121(d).

negotiated settlement agreement (NSA)A written settlement agreement knowingly and voluntarily signed by the complainant or agent and the Army during theprecomplaint or formal complaint process which resolves an EEO complaint. The terms of agreement are binding onboth parties.

Office of Federal Operations (OFO)This EEOC component is responsible for the Federal EEO complaint process and handles all administrative appeals tothe EEOC on agency decisions concerning EEO complaints.

precomplaintA matter of alleged discrimination which an aggrieved person brings to the attention of an EEO official/counselorbefore a formal discrimination complaint is filed.

remedial actionMeasures taken to put the victim of prohibited discrimination where she or he would have been absent the discrimina-tion. May include, but is not limited to, retroactive appointment or promotion, back pay, attorney fees and/or costs,cancellation of an unwarranted personnel action, or expunction from the Army’s records of any adverse materialsrelating to the discriminatory employment practice.

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reportable contactA reportable contact is any contact with an EEO counselor or EEO office personnel performing counseling by anaggrieved person who alleges discrimination on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical ormental disability, and/or reprisal.

representativeA person selected and designated in writing by a complainant, the class agent, or witness. The representative mayaccompany, represent, and advise the complainant, the agent, or witness at any stage of the complaint process.

reprisalRetaliation for participation in Title VII activity or opposition to any practice made unlawful by Title VII, ADEA, EPAor Rehab Act.

serviced activityAny activity that receives EEO services from the servicing EEO officer.

servicing activityThe installation to which the activity EEO officer is assigned which administers the EEO program and provides EEOservices.

settlementA resolution arrived at during the precomplaint or formal complaint process which resolves issues raised to thesatisfaction of the complainant or agent and the Army. The terms of the resolution must be set out in a writtennegotiated settlement agreement.

waiverThe intentional or voluntary relinquishment of a known right, or such conduct as warrants an inference of therelinquishment of such right.

witnessAny individual called upon to testify or provide evidence on behalf of the agency or complainant.

workable contactA workable contact is any contact an EEO official has with an employee for the purpose of providing information onthe EEO process.

Section IIISpecial Abbreviations and Terms

class complaintA written discrimination complaint filed on behalf of a class of Army employees, former employees or applicants bythe agent of the class alleging that an Army personnel policy or practice discriminates against the class, and fulfills allof the following elements:

a. The class is so numerous that a consolidated complaint of the class is impractical;b. there are questions of fact common to the class;c. the agent’s individual claim is typical of the claims of the class; andd. the agent of the class or the representative, if represented, will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the


sexual harassmentUnwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual natureconstitute sexual harassment when:

a. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’semployment;

b. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisionsaffecting such an individual; or

c. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance orcreating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

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What is the army regulation for DA civilian personnel when it comes to EEO? ›

Commanders are also responsible for the DA Civilian Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program which provides equal opportunity in employment for all DA Civilians and prohibits discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or reprisal.

What is the Army EO regulation? ›

The Army Equal Employment Opportunity Program (EEO) is a U.S. Army mandated program designed "to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, reprisal, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, status as a parent, or other impermissible basis, and to promote ...

What is the Army Equal Opportunity Doctrine? ›

The Equal Opportunity (EO) assists commanders in promoting and sustaining a climate of equality, fair treatment, and advancement for all Soldiers and Family members regardless of race, religion, gender, color, and national origin.

What is the Army regulation for discrimination? ›

Unlawful discrimination in any form will not be condoned, practiced, or tolerated either on or off post during both duty and non-duty hours, and this encompasses working, living, and recreational environments. All individuals have the right to file MEO complaints under conditions set forth in AR 600-20,Chapter 6 .

What are the three types of complaints that may be filed under the military equal opportunity program? ›

What is the Military Equal Opportunity Process?
  • Race.
  • Color.
  • Religion.
  • National origin.
  • Gender (note that some direct combat positions have historically been off-limits to women, but these policies may be changing).

What is the difference between EEO and EO? ›

It is important to understand that Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Equal Opportunity (EO) are separate programs that deal with harassment and unlawful discrimination, and they function independently of each other. The EEO program is for civilians, and the EO program is for soldiers and their family members.

What is the Army Regulation 690 700? ›

Formal disciplinary actions are taken by the EMPLOYER in accordance with Army Regulation 690- 700 in situations involving unacceptable behavior and/or performance, such as written reprimands, suspensions, reductions in pay or grade, and/or removals.

What are the 6 categories of EO? ›

It is DoD and DON policy to prohibit harassment and prohibited discrimination against persons or groups based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender identity, national origin, or sexual orientation.

What are the 5 protected categories of EO? ›

Applicants, employees and former employees are protected from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, age (40 or older), disability and genetic information (including family medical history).

What is AR 690 12? ›

What is it? Army Regulation 690-12, Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity, provides policy, guidance and implementation instructions for the Department of the Army's Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Programs.

What are EO violations? ›

As such, no employee will be denied equal employment opportunity, subjected to harassment, retaliated against for engaging in protected EEO activity, or denied equal pay or compensation because of race (including race-related characteristics, which may include an individual's grooming and hair), color, ancestry ( ...

What is an EO violation Army? ›

Leaders and commanders will ensure all types of unlawful discrimination or harassment are stopped, and behavior corrected as soon as possible once they are made aware.” Unlawful discrimination against military members is any unlawful action that denies equal opportunity to persons or groups based on their race, color, ...

What is an Article 92 violation army? ›

Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation is a violation Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The U.S. military considers it a dereliction of duty when soldiers are unable or unwilling to perform the job assigned to military personnel.

What is the Army Regulation 600 5? ›

This regulation prescribes procedures for selecting, assigning, using, managing, and admin- istering Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS) personnel serving on Full Time National Guard Duty (FTNGD) in an Active Guard Reserve (AGR) status under the provisions of Title 32, United States Code (USC), Section ...

What is the Army Regulation 600 40? ›

Army Regulations 600-40 was a handy pamphlet used to describe how the different types of Army uniforms were to be properly worn. It was divided into several sections using different criteria to help bring clarity to the topic.

Are DoD civilians considered military personnel? ›

A DOD civilian does not serve in the military but is instead appointed to the federal civil service. DOD civilians work for the military departments (i.e., Army, Navy, and Air Force) as well as other defense agencies and field activities (e.g., Defense Health Agency).

What is the Military Personnel and civilian employees Claims Act? ›

Under the MPCE Act, the Secretary may approve claims made against the Government by a federal government employee for damage to or loss of personal property that is incident to employment when the loss or damage is not due to any negligence on the part of employee.

What is the Army regulation on personnel accountability? ›

Army Regulation 600-8-6 (Personnel Accounting and Strength Reporting) prescribes policies for personnel accounting and strength reporting; institutes internal controls for strength reports, the Personnel Register, and the Personnel Asset Inventory; and prescribes the use of the following: DA Form 647 (Personnel ...

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.