1. 《华夏文摘》增刊#301, zk0208b
... 江华出来接见,历时一昼夜,江华没有出来接见,即以静坐抗议。 同一材料还记载了9月7日“金华事件”:当天,杭州化工学校赴金华串连队贴出了“六问金华地委”的大字报 ...
2. The mechanisms of individual psychology and social culture - OUCI
毛 江华, 廖 建桥, 韩 翼, 刘 文兴. 谦逊领导的影响机制和效应:一个人际关系视角 ... Accounts for success as determinants of perceived arrogance and modesty.
3. 不同胜任力水平下大学生自谦归因对他人评价的影响
摘要:从人际吸引力和胜任力评价两个维度探讨大学生自谦归因对他人评价的影响。以120名大学生为样本,采用2*2的组间情景实验设计,让被试观测情景材料中不同胜任力水平 ...
A 2 (high real competence, low real competence)*2 (high self-effacing attribution, low self-effacing attribution) experiment was designed to explore how the interaction between undergraduates' self-effacing attribution and actual competence affect others' evaluation on interpersonal attraction and perceived competence. Data from 120 undergraduate samples indicated that there were significant interaction effects between self-effacing attribution and individual's real competence on observers' perception of interpersonal attraction and competence evaluation. Specifically, when individual's real competence is high, the individual who shows high level of self-effacing attribution has higher interpersonal attraction. When individual's real competence is low, the individual who shows low level of self-effacing attribution gets higher competence evaluation.
4. Translator's Introduction | Hawai'i Scholarship Online | Oxford Academic
... 江華 Island just off the western coast of the peninsula, where they ... arrogance.” To receive the envoys and accept the pardon would be to acknowledge ...
Abstract. The introduction sets out the historical background to Chŏng Tojŏn and his writings. It situates Chŏng in the dramatic changes of East Asia durin
5. 61歲江華解放光頭大方示人被讚靚仔過劉德華近年包頭戴帽示人甚至被指戴 ...
Missing: arrogant | Show results with:arrogant
6. Wife Takes Care of Kong Wah After He Stopped Working for 5 Years
Kong Wah (江華) has been in the industry since the mid-eighties. Though the ... You are SOOO rude!! What about women who stay home and the men have to ...
Kong Wah (江華) has been in the industry since the mid-eighties. Though the ATV-turned-TVB actor does not have an expansive filmography, he was once one of TVB’s most popular and acclaimed actors, and almost every production he starred in would end up being a hit series. His last two series with TVB, The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow <九五至尊> and The Conqueror’s Story <楚漢驕雄>, added to his acclaimed resume.
7. 组织中的虚拟情绪表达研究述评与展望
Browsing away from rude emails: Effects of daily active and passive ... 毛江华, 陈熔芯. 组织中的虚拟情绪表达研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2023 ...
8. 不同胜任力水平下大学生自谦归因对他人评价的影响 - 心理发展与教育
毛江华1, 魏炜2, 廖建桥3, 景珍思3. 1. 中南财经政法大学工商管理学院, 武汉430073 ... Accounts for success as determinants of perceived arrogance and modesty.
Auld, C. J., & Case, A. J. (1997). Social exchange processes in leisure and non-leisure settings:A review and exploratory investigation. Journal of Leisure Research, 29(2), 183-200.Baumeister, R. F., & Jones, E. E. (1978). When self-presentation is constrained by the target's knowledge:Consistency and compensation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36(6), 608-618.Bond, M. H., Leung, K., & Wan, K. C. (1982). The social impact of self-effacing attributions:The Chinese case. The Journal of Social Psychology, 118(2), 157-166.Chen, Z., Takeuchi, R., & Shum, C. (2013). A social information processing perspective of coworker influence on a focal employee. Organization Science, 24(6), 1618-1639.Cheng, H., & Furnham, A. (2001). Attributional style and personality as predictors of happiness and mental health. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2(3), 307-327.Emerson, R. M. (1976). Social exchange theory. Annual Review of Sociology, 335-362.Fiske, S. T., Cuddy, A. J., & Glick, P. (2007). Universal dimensions of social cognition:warmth and competence. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11(2), 77-83.Han, K. H. (2011). The self-enhancing function of Chinese modesty:From a perspective of social script. Asian Journal of Psychology, 14(4), 258-268.Hareli, S., & Weiner, B. (2000). Accounts for success as determinants of perceived arrogance and modesty. Motivation and Emotion, 24(3), 215-236.Ho, D. Y. F., & Chiu, C.-Y. (1994). Component ideas of individualism, collectivism, and social organiza...
9. 组织中的虚拟情绪表达研究述评与展望 - 上海财经大学期刊社
毛江华, 陈熔芯. 组织中的虚拟情绪表达研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2023 ... Zhou Z E, Pindek S, Ray E J. Browsing away from rude emails: Effects of ...
10. 於10 月前往La Grande Orange Bake Shop的血拼行程(2024 已更新)
... Arrogant Butcher | BARCOA Agaveria | Tutti Santi By Nina | Steak 44 ... 江華的熱門家庭友善景點 | 鄰近關嶺的熱門家庭友善景點 | 鄰近南昌縣的熱門家庭友善 ...
於 12 月前往La Grande Orange Bake Shop的血拼行程 (2024 已更新),您在出發前該知道的所有資訊,La Grande Orange Bake Shop的營業時間、地址、照片及用戶評論